Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Club Night - It's Getting Lighter!

Hello blog lovers

I am getting better for begin on time at club nights.  The new system has evolved a bit more.  It's more like the old days but with added organisation!  Which means we seemed to be back in the huddle, where the leaders step forwards to talk about their route, time and distance but we seem to be all waiting there to listen to everyone before rushing off!  It feels a lot more supportive.  I know group 11 or at least group 10 (they had joined forces because of the marathons) went out straight away, as always.  As soon as I had said my bit they all the runners went to the numbered poles that they would be running in!  That's the organised bit!

I wasn't quite sure who I was going to be having in my group today.  Jenny has deffo well and truly settled into group 2, she told me that she will be needing help! "Ok, so why?" I said  And then she told me, her hubby had entered her into the Brighton Marathon 2017!!  I feel so proud!  But there were 8 in our group today, including a returnee.  A nice sized group!  I had a route planned, one of the usual routes, but I am open to suggestions for other routes too, as we did on this evenings run.

Seven of us left the rec and turned right that's when Jo came down Wood Ride.  She was just a little late and joined in with us.   We then ran along and turned right again to run up Kings Way.  Get the hill out of the way first.  After that the route is fairly level, with maybe just a couple of slight undulations!  Our group was running nice and tight, not much gap between the front and the back.  Perfect.  I know Jo could run faster, but she was enjoying the chat with the rest of us!

When we got to the top of Shepperton by Crofton Road, Auriol suggested that we take a different route back to the rec.  Turn right here and run up to the Off license and then over the bridge!  As I said before, I am all for chopping and changing things on route, it's what I do on a Thursday Morning run. I like this way too.  It's great for the psyche, doing the same routes you get to know little mile stones.  Shake things up a bit and it adds a bit of sparkle!

Although Auriol suggested going down Beaumont Road, when she said that I envisaged St Johns Road, and I thought that would just about get us to 3 miles for todays run, perfect for group 1.  Plus there was a cheeky little slight, little incline as we turned the corner to run up St. Johns Road, just a little one.

After that we ran down Tudor Way, and then we were going to cross over to run along Crossways.  at what ever pace we felt like.  Some of us stuck to the same pace, while some of us sprinted to the rec!  Guess which one I did!  Of course I sprinted!  And so did at least 4 of the others!  A great run.  I don love running with my running buddies!

Geeky stats

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