Hello blog lovers.
It's the new regime for Tanya. I 'whatsapped' her a day or so ago to see if she was ready to 'bring it on' and get fitter and faster and join PWR group 0! Guess what she was up for it, raring to go! So we arranged to meet at 12:30 at Normans Park.
So after school run, bike ride, shopping I drove down to Normans Park. Sorry, I had a busy morning, and I am actually impressed with myself that I was organised to get it all done before our arranged time! I was just about 7 minutes late, but Tanya was there, with a smile on her face.......and baring gifts! Some thank you pressies for Hels, ZippySherry and me for helping her with running! I think she should buy herself a pressie too, for keeping at it, because really, the hardest part of getting out for a run.......is getting out for a run! The longing to go out for a run can last and last, or as in 99% of all runners it can wane! And that's where the hard bit is, getting out there doing it, when you don't feel like. And to be truthful, who really wants to go out in the cold damp air to run? Just a few crazy people right!
But once you're there the smile takes over, all the procrastinating has been done, and you're doing it. We only did 1 loop of the park, 5 mins walk, 1 min run and then a brisk walk around for the net lap. Next week we will do the same walk/run times but we will do two laps of the park, and then there after increase the run times. I am doing it this way with her because she has done the beginners course, I know she can do it, it's just a little reprieve as we are getting over the Great Christmas Binge! Chocolate cake and butternut squash......with cream! But we shall do it, we are both determined!
Geeky stats.
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