Hello blog lovers.
My title of my blog does not seem PWR friendly, but let me explain. It's the first Tuesday of the month which means it's move up Tuesday. It's a chance for any of our runners to go and try the next group, to see how it feels. But as we are the very beginning of the groups, group 0, I thought it may be a good opportunity to just do a slightly longer route, with some undulations as an added challenge.
We also have got some new group leaders, with their shiny new LiRF cards, who will be making their debut run leaders today, as well as another new group in the mix, group 1.5! It's all going on! At the briefing of routes we each give out a brief description of our route. I still need practice as I forgot to say something, what was it I forgot? The info that is needed is pace, how far, where to meet and quick description of where. I think I need to talk louder as when I mentioned how far all of group 0 heard 2.5 miles but I felt sure I said up to 3.5 miles! You can imagine the shocked faces when we were all together and I gave a little more information and told them it was going to be over 3 miles!
It's challenge week, I am sure we can rise to the challenge and laugh in the face of doubt! There was about 10 in our group today, J.J. Janet were my very lovely sweepers and the very lovely Auriol was also running in group 0 today, she said she wanted a nice easy run. Hmmm, Did I mention it's Move Up Week? All those in group 0 just take up the challenge, all those in group 1 and above choose to take up the challenge! I know my group 0 can do it! I feel sure that once they have done this route then they may start to think about going to the next group, or even trying Move Up Week next month!
Enough waffling, and trying to justify my 'task mistress route' (begone guilt!) Lets talk about running. We set off down Crossways and crossed over to Tudor way. I was heading for St. Johns road and the turning right into Beaumont Road. I tried to keep it all nice and jovial, never once did I mention Cardiac Hill, well not while we were running along Beaumont anyway. We turned left and started to run towards the little roundabout, a couple of the girls knew this road, and then knew the...um.....undulation heading to the 'top' "oh it's coming" I could hear her saying to her friend. "What's coming" her friend said "Undulations" I quickly suggested!
We were all keeping pretty well together as a group, the little walking bits that we do and the short stops, if they are needed, is working well. The one thing that is the same, and I am sure it is the same throughout all the other groups, is the fact that first mile always so tough! Breathing is all over the place, your legs just don't want to move and then start complain with aches and pains all over the place, and your head is saying 'What on earth are you doing? Get back home and fill your face chocolate and sit in front of the tv where it is nice and warm'.......or is that just me?
But once we got to the top, where the little round about is, yet it was up, and yes, we still got a bit more to do. I just took a little break there to introduce the group to 'Cardiac Hill'! dun dun duuuun! We had come onto it half way up, which the group was totally pleased about, but of course we did have to climb the last bit. From there we crossed over to run along Grosvner Road which joins Chislehurst road. Up until then some of the group wasn't quite sure of where they were. That's always a good thing, then there and no little mental notes of how far you have run or how far there is to go! The big roundabout at the top of this road and most of the group knew where they was. I was taking them along to Birchwood.
So it's not far to go now, but I still was being a bit horrid with the route, not only was there there undulations, and the introduction of Cardiac Hill, but after running down Birchwood (which by the way is a very good point on our run) now I was making them run pass Crossways, and the rec where we should be ending our run and running along to Manor Way. I needed to just add a little bit more to get the distance for a nice challenging group 0 run. With just a couple of more little roads, Towncourt and then Kingsway, we had finished our run, well with the hour.
I think everyone had a good run, next week we shall go back to building up speed and stamina again! On our running today we had bumped into the new group 1.5 twice! And also we ran a group 1 distance! There are deffo some potential group 1 runners here today!
Geeky stats, and it took a while for the Satellites to find me, so at least a quarter of a mile is missing!
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