Thursday, 9 April 2015

PMSL - Track Session!

Hello Blog lovers!

These last two weeks have take a toll on my running!  Not only that but I have been ravenous!  Just wanting to eat everything I see!  It's not as if I have got the miles in my legs like some of my other marathon running buddies!  They are all tapering down now!  But I know this time round I am mentally prepared more, I know what to expect and I know what to do, and more importantly I know what NOT to do!

So, as I said, after a very lazy (for a marathon training runner like me) two weeks, kids school holidays are finally coming to an end!  I turned up for track session ready to work real hard!  Penance for being lazy!  But of course, always keeping it fun and enjoyable and making sure I don't pull or over stretch any muscles!

Hels was on duty today, PhysioMike had his running shoes on!  He was going to joining in todays session after doing the Kent County XC just a little earlier on!  In fact there was another chap here as well who had also raced!  Crazy! Or just hardcore PWR's  Todays session was 6 to 10  800m laps with 90 secs rest between each 800 lap!  Running slightly faster than our park run pace!  

Well let me tell you, I did!  I am still feeling tired come evening time, this 'old lady syndrome' as big son calls it, is getting me down!  I am not liking it one bit!  The oil of evening primrose has no effect so far, vitamin B6 is next thing to try! 

Anyway, track was good today, we followed Hels and PhysiMike in the warm drills and then the session started.  There were quite a few people here this evening, quite a few in the first group, the speedies, and then there was the second group, about 6 or 7 in that one, and then there was another group, with just a couple in there, and then there was me and another young lady, and I am sure I knew her name but it has escaped me.  I heard PhysioMike say that she should aim for about 5:30 mins for each lap, so that is what I shall aim for.

The first lap of course we all start together, and of course I run out with the big boys, watching as they stretch out in front of me.  It's quite difficult trying to judge how fast you are supposed to run to keep on the target pace, when you are watching everyone run ahead of you! It's a good job I have my Garmin, as I noticed I was running way to fast, under 10 min mileing!

I was determined to finish my 6 laps, I knew I wouldn't be doing the 10 laps, that is deffo for the speedies, but these 6 laps, they are mine! I will do it, and I will do it in style!  I need to just push that little bit harder.  I know that we take the 90 seconds or so between each lap, but I make sure that I pause my Garmin and then start it!  I want to know what my moving time will be.

My fastest ever Parkrun is 33:53 mins, It has been such a long time since I did that!  I still find it amazing that I could have ever run that fast, but I must have done!  And I know on when I run the Parkrun then I don't actually have that stop to catch my breath either.  But just look at the stats now!  I was totally amazed by the time!  I was totally amazed by the speed I finished that last 50ms too!

Now, all I have to do is to try and emulate that (without the stops) to a Bromley ParkRun and I shall have a shiny new PB!  You never know!  Anyway, this session was brilliant!  I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I seemed to have 'ran off' that tired feeling!

Oh and todays Title......., all I can say is I've kept it secret!

Here's my geeky stats

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