Hello blog lovers.
Yesterday I went for a very gentle easy jog around. I was planning on doing at least 5 miles, but it didn't happen like that. I started off, it was a greyish morning, and I really thought it was going to rain. I set my Garmin and ran. I was planning on going up the dreaded A21 and the along to Locksbottom and then down to Crofton before coming home.
I was still feeling pretty tight from Thursday track session, which is why I just wanted to do a nice gentle jog but still put in some extra miles. I was also a little tired but I knew that once I was underway that would soon shake off.
As I was running along Southborough lane, and I started to think that maybe I should have just take a mile or so off as I really was still achy. Maybe I should have taken the day off as a rest day and left it until the Saturday to do a run, but of course, I had the day free and I just have to do it, I had to run!
I just got to Turpington to lane, and was looking at it thinking "Maybe just run down there to the A21, instead of from the top here" I almost talked myself out of doing what I set out to do and then I had a phone call. It was my mother in law, she needed me to do something for her, it seems that I probably wasn't destined on Friday to do much more than a gentle 3 mile jog after all!
I turned down Turp and then Greenway, my old 'usual' 5k route. As I was cutting short my run I tried to do my best to do some quality running, but still not beat myself up if I don't, I shall leave that for the track!
It was a good run, I was pleased that i went out for a jog but I was equally pleased that I didn't do more that the 5k, it just wasn't meant to be. Rest days are just as good as run days. I think I will try and do something else on my rest days though, get back on my bike! Do some nice rides around before school pick up time!
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