Monday, 7 April 2014

Thank Goodness For Neighbours!

Hello blog lovers.

Today I really wasn't 'feeling' it.  The lack of running for this past week, due to hospital visits and ambulances, have taken its toll on my mojo again.  I feel pleased that I at least managed to get out for a bike ride on Saturday at least. 

So you can imagine how my 'mojo' felt when I stopped to chat to Naggy Neighbour Karin, on the way back from dropping my grandson off to his mothers.  I mentioned to her that I should have been thinking of doing a long run today, but had talked myself out of it, and so maybe I was just going to trot around a 3 mile route.  She too was 'not feeling' it today as well. and was all in a mind set to get home, pj's on and snuggle up next to the dog for the evening!

So it was just perfect that we bumped into each other, we both encouraged each other to get on our running gear and go running together.  She had to take her dog out for a walk first, so I had a half hour wait.  That was almost too much for my poor mojo.  It was already looking forward to snuggling under the snuggle blanket and chatting to folk on facebook!  I had a 'false alarm' knock at the door as the wind blew the letter box opened!  That just goes to show how much I was not in the mood for running today. 

But soon enough NaggyNeighbourKarin was at the door, we both stood outside with our hands up to the sky, as we tried to capture the satellite signal with our Garmins.  Hers was the first to download, and so we just went with that, I just pushed the start button on mine and hoped that the satellites will find me on route. 

She started out at what seemed like break neck speed!  I was puffing and panting and looking at her back and her ponytail swishing as she ran along, and we were still just on our road!  The route we were taking is one of her shorter routes, about 3.2 miles I believe, and it's one that I have done before, but I can't remember the psychological stopping points!  It's going to feel like a new route. 

We were going on the path that would take us to 'turnaround lamppost' but instead of going to the end we were going to take the left hand turn and go through the park and then right to head up to the bus garage.  I think I had a quick walking stop there, just to catch my breath.  It really did seem as if we were going at break neck speed, so when she told me that we were only do 12 mi/ml I was quite surprised.  My energy levels must still be at home, snuggled under my snuggle blanket! 

But then Naggy Neighbour showed her true colours! "Come on, no stopping, we're not even a mile yet" Oh yes, Naggy Neighbour is back! And she hasn't lost the technique to conjure up thoughts in me of "How the bloomin eck did I get here, chasing after her! I should be sat at home" and "Well, she is 10 years younger, or more, than me, what does she expect"  I would expect her to start feeling my thoughts aiming for her, like little darts, as I stared at her back. 

We ran towards the A21, my favourite road! Not! and then we turned right to head towards Crown lane.  We were going to the roundabout and the turn right to head on home. And then came the clincher, the thing that kept me going, "If you stop any more then I shall add on a road a time!" Said NNK! No!!  I really only want to do 3 miles tops!  You know sometimes when your body and your mind at working against what you want to achieve.  I need to put some miles in for our half marathon, NNK is also doing the same half marathon, so I really had to kick my arse out of the door this evening, and then have NNK to help keep me going was brilliant.  But at that particular time, I was thinking, "I should have gone by myself, I would have a walking break by now" and "I would so be going much slower if I was by myself"  In fact NNK told me we were going about 12 mi/ml for the first mile.  The satellites still had not found me, and I was running 'blind'.  Probably just as well, if I knew how far or fast we were going then I would have done something about it, like slow down!

Running down the A21 and I was really wanting to have a walk, but NNK kept looking behind her.  She offered me her drink, I thought that maybe I could use the moment to slow to a walking pace to take it, but I kept on running!  I nearly drowned myself doing it! As the drink went down my chin and up my nose!  I have never been good at the whole drinking on the go!

I was really pleased that we started running down Crown Lane, this means that we are moving closer to home now!  So far only, I think, 2 little walking stops!  I was quite pleased with myself.  I am not sure what kept me running today, maybe it was because I really wasn't feeling it, and that I just wanted to get home and get it finished, or maybe it was because NNK was with me today, we haven't ran together for ages!  And maybe I was just trying to not let her down, show off, or just keep up with her!  But the think is that I kept up with the running.

I had another little walk down Southborough, before we turned right to go through our local park. I think I have done enough running so as not to make NNK think about adding another road, well not tonight at least! It was while we were running along Parkfield that the satellites finally found me I think!  Or at least that was when I noticed that I was running at 54 min mileing!! As if, I don't think I have ever been than slow.....have I?

Just the last little bit to go and I was feeling tired but very pleased with myself.  I didn't want to get to complacent as I still had Whitebeam to run and then to run down our road.  I kept up as good a pace as I could manage.  We finished our run and I switched off my Garmin.  Then NNK told me the splits, 12:21 for first mile, 11:21 second and 12:06 for the last mile!  Not bad for a couple of runners who 'were not feeling it' today!  I am sure I held NNK back a bit, but I think she was pleased that she went out for a run today!  I know I am very pleased that she came running!  Looking forward to the next run!  Thanks Karin!

Here is my geeky stats, and I shall try and get NNK geeky stats from her later!

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