Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Do As I Say And Not As I Do!

Hello blog lovers.

It's been a while since my last blog! I'm sure this is the longest I've had between runs for a very long time! Do you remember a while back, me saying that runners are a weird breed! We think we are invincible, we think we can run most things off, but actually, we are just humans like the rest of the mortals on this planet.  If we fall, we hurt, etc etc.  And if we get a really bad cold that affects the chest, then there is no way we should try and 'get out and run it off' or even try and get out too soon either!

Although I am feeling tons better than I did last week, last week I couldn't even talk! I realised I wasn't quite ready to be running out at all.  But I thought, I would just do Group Zero to Hero today, you know, just get out there and do it! Stop being such a woose!

So I asked for a faster runner volunteer, and with SingstarJo I will be able to just plod along!  Mr. S volunteered to be the fast pace runner today, but with only two members of Group 0 today, I felt that maybe Mr.S might feel as if he has been called in on false pretences! We got them all warmed up, ready to run the route at their most comfortable pace.  We all set of together, all 5 of us!  It was going to be a nice run around the most undulating of the two 'winter' group 0 routes. 

Mr.S is such a delight to have along, with his constant chatter, mind you SingstarJo was doing some chatting as well.  It seems that I would be the one to be struggling to catch my breath today.  As I was running along, although I felt great in myself to be out and about, after being, it seems, housebound for days and days, my lungs felt like they were crying out to 'stop'  My cough was really annoying me, and I felt it would be rather annoying to the others as well.  I was thinking that maybe I should have handed the reigns of leadership over to Jo again this week.  But I kept going, like us runners do.

I had a stopping break at the corner by the memorial hall, probably more for my benefit than the two members of group 0, and then we continued to right to cross over the walking bridge.  While we were crossing this, Mr.S suddenly hurried across the bridge, saying, 'Train coming! and he ran across the bridge before the train got to the bridge and waited till we reached him.  "It's a childhood thing" he said, and we all nodded, probably remembering our own childhood idiosyncrasies.  One of mine was holding your collar if a hearse went by, and you could only let go when.....hmmm....do you know I have forgotten the end bit!

We were all still together at this point but then Jo (yes, we have another Jo in our midst) seemed to have got into the zone, and started to pull away from us, at least Mr.S wont feel as if he is surplus to requirement today,  as I asked him to run along with her at her pace.  SingstarJo and I was running along with Michelle. 

When we got to the other side of the bridge however, I said to S.J. to carry on with the run, past the pub, and then down Great Thrift etc, but I was going to go back the short way (the leader taking a short cut!) But I was feeling my chest was going to give out on me, and my throat was becoming sore again with the coughing!  To keep warm I would just walk along and meet them on Hazelmere Road.

So, not a very successful run for me, but the two members of Group Zero 2 Hero did really well.  I met up with them along the road and we all jogged back together (Mr. S and Jo had already done a loop back to join SingstarJo and Michelle).

A warm down stretching routing to finish off the run. 

I had decided before I left my house that I wouldn't be joining in group 1 run today, and after this I believe it was a very wise decision.

I did set my garmin, but being as I am not quite ready to be out properly, I had forgotten to stop the watch until I got in!  But as my run was slightly shorter than the Group 0's today, I won't put it up.

But I have added the picture at the top of the blog, I saw it on a facebook page, and I felt it sums up Group 0's spirit, and we may adopt that as out motto! Mind you as for me running today, I should really listen to what I tell others, 'If you're unwell, make sure you are completely recovered before going out for a run'  Especially when its a cold, it's ok if the cold is 'above the neck' but if its 'below the neck' then really, wait until a full recovery is achieved! Ok, Old Girl, you got that?

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