Monday, 6 January 2014

And So We Begin Again!

Hello blog lovers.

Hands up, who has over indulged, or have I already asked that?! Phew!  Still feeling heavy, but a bit more emptier than I have done!  Just after one day of eating healthier, less tea, fresh fruit smoothie and less sugar in todays meals, has made a difference....or it could be that I am thinking positive about my attempt to get back to post Marathon fitness! (by the way, did I tell you I ran last years London Marathon)

(Wow, it's true, it is so easy to tell who has ran a marathon, because us marathoners bring it up whenever the opportunity to arises)

The Old Boy has been feeling a bit under the weather as well this past week or so and decided that he would 'tag' along with me, although I know that it will be me chasing after him!  I was going running as 'Inspector Gadget' with my new IPod Shuffle and of course my Garmin, but for some reason my Garmin has ran out of battery again! Can't figure it out!  So it's just me and my IPod and of course the old man.

The pace is all down to me, and when the O.B. gets into his zone, then I shall try and keep up with him too.  Having no Garmin to check out, I was feeling naked!  But of course all your out there reading this, always tell me that it's good to just get out and run, and I even tell myself that too, but today I really wanted my geeky stats! And felt a bit sulky as we started our run.

The evening was .... well it was quite pleasant!  Even though I was wrapped up like an onion again! With long sleeve warm top, hat, jog pants (new ones for Christmas!) and also a windproof jacket and some gloves!  The rain had stopped, it was a perfect time to get out and run/jog! We started running at together along the road, I chosen one of my old 3 miler route, to Turpington, Greenway and then back home again, nothing to strenuous for the Old Boy! And also, nothing to strenuous for me either!

We kept together for at least half the way round, but then he started to pull away from me as his mojo started to show it's self, mine was still hiding under the last slice of cheesecake, drowning in the last weekly pint of lager! (until the totally dry month of February!) I was feeling like I wasn't actually breaking any records with this route, my back was aching slightly, a sure sign that am heading my way back up those numbers on the scales!

I have, actually weighed myself again this January, and did the usual MOT checks with the tape! and I have also put on, over all, at least 3 inches, and I measure everything! Arms, vitals, thighs, knees and calf's! Ok some might only be a half inch difference, but I still don't like it!

But I am pleased with my first, proper, day of healthy eating and back on track with my training, what I'm training for I don't know, but I shall work on that!

No geeky stats, but hopefully, I shall get my watch sorted and it will have its rightful place back on my wrist!

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