Sunday, 1 December 2013

Santa Dash! - Hairy Weekend part 2

Me and Nanny
Hello blog lovers.

I know usually when there is the event of the year, no-body in their right mind would have run the park run yesterday, but that did have an important message to get across.  But this event can only top off all other events that I have done.  Firstly, its the spirit of the event, secondly, its a family event, thirdly, there was a free uniform and most importantly of all, it's my grandsons first ever race! So, I am going to write this as if my grandson was sitting with me and I was writing down as he spoke it!

Nan had told me about Santa dash, and I said "Yes nan, I want to do that and I'm going to win!" She mentioned some about there was going to be quite a few other Santa's there that could be a lot faster than me but I knew I could beat them!

Mummy and me picked nanny up, she was waiting just outside her home already in her Santa suit, I think she was probably feeling a bit weird in her Santa suit, but I was loving mine!  We drove to Bromley not knowing quite where it was and nanny was being seeing by waving to everybody that we passed by.

We soon found out where we had to meet, I think millions of Santa's that were on the big green gave us a clue.  Nanny and me got out of the car and joined in the throng of Santa's!  She kept me quite close to her saying that she didn't want to end up with the wrong Santa running up to the finish line, we did all look the same from behind!
Millions of Santa's

The lady started to do the warm up, nanny was joining in but I thought it all looked a bit silly and didn't do it. but then nanny told me that there was a big hill to go up and that if I had cold muscles I wouldn't be able to run up the hill, after that I joined in, it was great fun!  We did some 'Ho ho ho's' and hanging up decorations, and turkey and stuffing the turkey! It was all great fun, and I was quite warmed up by the time the start of the run.

The man on the mic said that all the joggers were going to the front with the walkers and the buggies to follow behind.  I couldn't quite understand why nanny didn't go to the front because I did tell her that I was going to run really fast all the way round! 

We heard the man count down and we started to run.  I held nanny's hand but she wasn't running very fast and I let go, and then I could run fast.  Nanny kept calling me back saying that I would get too tired if I ran off to fast, I think it may be nanny that gets to tired!  There were so many Santa's in front of me, I am not going to win!  But then nanny told me to look behind me, there were still so many Santa's behind as well! I stopped running so fast, I was a bit warm.  Mummy had made sure I was well wrapped up, with my thermals, tee shirt, jumper and jacket under my Santa suit! 

My hat came off after the first lap around the park, and I decided that I wanted to go home! I seemed to be running far and fast but still in the same place and I had fallen over!  Nanny says that all runners have to have at least one fall to be proper runners. We went through the park on the second lap and then over to road.  Somebody had stopped all of the traffic so we could cross without stopping.
Hats off, its way to warm!

Then we were in another park, there were some cadets with big blue hands pointing the way to go.  I 'high fived' al of them I think.  We went through the play park, it looked fun, and you can't go through a play park without having a go on something!
It would be rude not
to have a go!
High five!

Then it was all up hill, I was tired and wanted nanny to carry me but she said she couldn't. I was thirsty too, nanny said there was a nice drink at the top.  The hill was quite a long one, and nanny said my face was looking very pink and warm.  We zig zagged our way to the top and I was really tired and fed up by now, but then the cadet said that we were at the top and there was no more hill to do! 

I just walked along feeling very tired, nanny was still smiling and I could hear some people saying "ahh look, he looks really fed up"  And I was!  I found a flag on the floor and picked it up and waved it but even that didn't bring a smile to my face. But then I could see the barriers with the people on the other side waving and  cheering, I smiled and started to run and the people began cheering even more.  So I started to run even fast, trying to catch up to the other Santa's that was in front of me.  Nanny was having to run really really fast. Just ahead was the end! Me and Nanny got a very nice medal and mummy, Jay and the boys were there watching and cheering us on as well as Auntie Dawn and Danny!  And I got a nice orange drink, I really needed it as I was very hot!  It was a lovely sunny 1st of December!  And my first run!
So happy that I ran the whole way
as I told mummy, but you
can see that I am hot!

Well, that is how I think my grandson would have retold the story, it really was a great fun run.  I saw The Jogging Hippo with his family and they seemed to be having the same trouble as I did in keeping up with their young lad!

A very well organised race, and the medal is particularly cute with Santa running ins his vest and shorts, not only that but a couple of the reindeer came to watch as well, they may be a bit confused over all the Santa crossing the line, but the kids loved getting up close and personal to them.  Oh and by the way, we did the run in about 25 minutes.
The great medal!

Just a couple more pics

Before the run

Look, I found a bell!

oh and just to show the elevation here is the geeky stats, I forgot to switch of the Garmin, but the course ended on the high street, we finished about 25 mins after we started. Santa Dash 2013 by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details

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