Lets Find The Runner Within
I am still helping/mentoring the Septembers Graduates. So today, to get them to push them selves a little harder to get them club ready, fully fit and ready for which ever group they will be comfortable running with.
Peter and I met the graduates at the rec, there was Nagging Sister and her two attachments, JLo and Ashleigh, then there was Tracy and her partner Ade. Ade used to come along before, he was a PWR for a while, but the life stopped him from running and so he has started again.
I wanted to give them a bit of a challenge, but going through the woods now and even through the park is not possible now. It's just getting to dark and the rain will have made the woods a bit slippy. So I decided to take them up Birchwood along to the round about, and then down to Pettswood, the memorial hall, and then up again to Great Thrift, Hazelmere, and if need be then I would put some twiddly bits in to get at least 2 and half miles for them.
But also I think Tracy has more to give than she thinks she has, so I thought a bit of 'lamppost training' is in order. After warming up for a while, and of course after getting to the flat bit of the hill, then we are going to push a little harder between the lampposts. Just running a little faster than what she had done so far.
There was only me and Nagging Sister and Tracy, the rest of the group had gone with Peter, so all my attention could be focused on her, to help her get from one lamppost to the other. So from the top of the hill we started the hard work. "Come on Tracy, you can do it, just ran faster to the next lamppost, then we can jog it out again"
From there all the way down, through to Pettswood high street, she kept up. Sometimes she ran faster some times she ran just slightly fast. But she kept it up. Occasionally I felt her eyes staring at me, burning into the back of my head! But she didn't stop running, not until we had ran for 20 mins! A fantastic effort. She didn't give up, she kept up with the jogging, she tried as hard as she could with the faster bits, all the while with Nagging Sister and me encouraging her on her way.
I was very impressed that she kept it going. even when I changed the route slightly to add another tiny little slope, and then we entered the park from the other entrance. We could see the rest of the group already gathered, as we got up to them she said "That was good!" Now that was music to my ears!! The fact that she enjoyed that, all the hard work that we did together, is just heart warming. There is definitely another runner emerging from the couch potato patch!
And something the Mr.S. said to me this evening, with I am now going to share here, "If her heart rate is up and her feet are moving, then she is running"
So "We are all runners, just some run faster than others." Bart Yasso
Here is the geeky stats.
Group 1 Run
Illustrious leader was our leader again today. And of course I volunteered to be sweeper, along with SingstarJo and another young lady, whose name escapes me! The rain had started back at us, just a gentle drizzle, but it was there. DiscoRich was giving the announcements and also getting more organised with the 'group gathering' process, which seemed to go really well!Our route is a nice flat route, all the way down to I.L. favourite place of the off License (we still haven't the heart to tell her it is now a min supermarket), this will be our first stop. Then after this it is on to Addiscome road, twiddly bits, as I.L. loves to call it, with also the 'Square' to run around for those who are feeling particularly energetic, a little sprint to get the heart rate going. I chose to 'encourage' the others who just wanted to plod along to the next stopping position. (I wouldn't have had the energy really).
But from here, I managed to keep on running, more or less, to the 'off license' again, but then I took a walking break, to get over the little bridge. I carried on a little further to where the rest of group has stopped to explain the next bit of the route. "No changing the route, just follow the road, then turn left and then right to go straight up to Crossways" said I.L. "Old Girl, do you want to take the lead, while I sweep?" she said to me! Wow, where did that idea come from? But encouraged by the other ladies, I jumped into the lead position as if I was meant to be there!! I started chuckling to myself as I was running along with two of the ladies next to me. They both seemed taller to me, and I started to recall a film of a rather short police officer running along with rather tall police officers, blowing his whistle! And he was smiling and loving it, just as I was at the precise moment! Do you know the film that I am talking about? Well here is a picture from it.
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Sir Norman Wisdom, in On The Beat! |
A great run, and I did enjoy being in the front for a while, I didn't quite manage to stay the 'leader' for too long, not with all those long legs gaining on me! (another excuse for the Mighty Moosh Book of Excuses)
Here is the geeky stats
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