Friday, 26 July 2013

Friday Fry Day!

Hello blog lovers.

I don't normally go out running on a Friday, but I feel I have been lacking in my running lately.  It's the hot weather, the kids, the things that need doing, the kick up the backside that's been missing, you know the general stuff.  So I thought to myself yesterday that I won't have a rest day today, I shall go out and do a nice short solo run, earphones in, and just have a nice time. Mind you, its blooming warm out, and I really will be frying!

So that is what I did, after giving back grandson to his mummy, and sorting out my computer which had some sort of ad issue, that only I could see! (see what I mean about stuf getting in the way) And no, I am not going mad, honest, I even sent Mr. S and his new coach Maisie, a what did he call it, a screen, screen no, that wasn't it, oh yes, the screen dump to him, and he could try and see what the problem was.

Of course this morning, I was in panic mode thinking my laptop has become infected with something so I called my Internet provider and let them 'take over' my lap top and sort it out.  Which they did, thank you very much Mr. Shankiri (I think that is how his name was spelt).

Waffle, waffle waffle. Anyway, I changed clothes, Garmin on, hat on (it looks like its going to be a warm run) and then outside to catch the satellites.  I wasn't quite sure which way I was going to go, but decided I needed a hill, so I decided to go up Hollingworth,  (It's the shortest and nearest hill that I know) but it is a least a hill. I was thinking on my feet, about the route to take, and I thought I may as well go through Pettswood and maybe even get to run along with The Running Man, you never know.  He runs any time of the day, every day, so I may see him. 

After that I will head on through the high street and then down Southborough Lane to the park and then home.  That should be about 3 miles.  A nice distance for a solo run in the warmth of the morning.  I was sweating!  But on my run today I saw quite a few people, and I think (I hope) I was running each time! Which was good, because I did take a few walking breaks!.  Now who did I see?...

(Think rap as you read this next bit)

There was Ed, and Osc, then Emma in her car,
Who was next, that I saw in a car,
Was that Adele, smiling, waving at me,
Boy was I glad I was running happily.

Through the high street coming around the corner,
Its Karen, running, and getting more toner,
Just like me, she's smiling and enjoying
running in the heat, and enjoying the morning.

Carry on running I pass the bus stop
Ear phones in and iPhone's playing rock
Then some feet came pounding along the street
I saw Smarty Pants with her kids looking neat!

So can I say I was running solo
When I saw all this people, which kept me from feeling low
Smiling, waving and chatting to me?
Running is good, and lots of fun and best of......its free!

Wow, where did that come from!  Sorry, I just been listening to a bit of rap (which really isn't my thing) but it inspired the above ditty! 

It was a great run though, I enjoyed it immensely, (the running that is, not the rapping, my rapping that is) And I am looking forward to my race that I have signed up for on the 11th of August! Can't wait, bring it on!

Geeky stats for you.

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