Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Club Run - Sweeper Duty

Hello blog lovers.

I still have this awful coughing and mucus and whatnot with me, I'm sure you don't want any more info than that. But I wanted to still go out running with my club. We only ever do 3 and half miles on average, with a couple of stops thrown in, so I don't have to feel guilty about stopping!

I offered my services as sweeper, I knew I wasn't going to be in the front runners today, and I felt I could be more useful to make sure no-one gets left behind! Our Illustrious Leader, was leading the way, but also was concerned about me "If you feel we are getting too far ahead the don't be shy, let  me know" I guess then she can organise a sweeper for the sweeper!, but I felt sure that I would be able to keep together with the rest of the group.

We had some of the beginners with us again this week, I am so glad that we didn't scare them off last week with the mention of Cardiac Hill, all though IL did mention that we will be doing half of ....that hill.... in this evenings run.  The weather was a bit chilly, I had noticed that some of the faster runners had gloves on. Hitchy, who drove to the rec this evening, had her gloves on. But after yesterdays run, I felt that it was still early for the full winter kit. I was wearing two long sleeve tops though. I am a woose when it comes to the cold.

So our route today had a few little humps and bumps in it. I was, as I have said, in sweeper role and keeping one the the Saturday beginners company as we approached the first of the hills. "oh gawd" she said as she caught sight of it.
"ah that's nothing" I said, "its an upside down hill, just look at each lamppost, then the tree, then the lamppost and just run to those, you will soon be on the other side" I said. She smiled at that, and she looked at the lamppost, she passed it, then she looked for the tree and she passed it. All the way to the top of the hill. I think she was pleased with herself for getting up there.

I felt good going at the pace our newbie was going. I wasn't over exerting myself, I wasn't coughing and splutter, but I was doing something, I was out there running along. I head some of the other group 1'ers saying that somebody didn't come because they were unwell. I'm not saying that I am gloating because I am out here, with the man flu, doing it, because between last Thursday and Sunday I was laid up feeling sorry for myself. I was just feeling good that I finally had enough energy to be able to get out here and do these three miles.

There were some more hills and bumps and lumps to negotiate, but I stayed by our newbies side each step of the way, encouraging up each hill, pointing out the lamppost as we passed it. She seemed pleased with each lamppost we got to and passed. We had about three official stops in this evenings run, and we only stopped for a couple of minutes each time, enough time for our IL to talk us through the next section, and maybe alter the route slightly according to the abilities of all our runners, in order to keep us all together, and then we were off again. Our newbie kept running between each stop, there was no walking.

I recalled that when I first became a member I was doing unofficial walking, so she was doing brilliantly! She also, I'm sure,  told me that she had done park run and had ran the whole way! Something which I have yet to achieve!!

So today's blog is dedicated to our newbies who have joined us in our club. Keeping us all running and growing in numbers to become a brilliant running club for all abilities! I really enjoyed this run, I really enjoyed encouring the newbies! I really love running!

Geeky stats for you.

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