Wednesday, 28 November 2012

To Run Or Not To Run, That Is The Question.

Hello blog lovers.

Well, when I first started to blog my way through to fitness, back in the heavier days, way back in those couch potato days, I decided that I would only blog when I actually had something to blog about!

But I feel I need to just do this tiny little blog, just to remind myself of how things are, and what I had decided to do, etc.

Well, this cold virus thingy, it really is getting the better of me. Ok, I went out jogging on Monday, took it nice and easy, and I went out yesterday, again, I took it nice and easy. But I thinking, "Am I actually doing myself any good at all?"

So I scoured the 'tinterweb' and asked the question "Shoul I run with a cold" and this is what I came up with, the first page I looked at, and I had decided, (and have found this to be more useful) to stick with this piece of information.

The info said, and I quote (from a web page could wellsphere web page), So I guess a few days off is not going to kill me.

Sometimes life doesn't seem fair. What other explanation is there for why you, the runner, have a stuffed up nose and sore throat while your office mate-whose idea of daily exercise is to walk to the candy machine and back-sits across from you yapping away on the phone in perfect health?
There's no point in being bitter. Just get better. When faced with cold-like symptoms, runners typically have one of two reactions. The first is to go fetal, curling up in bed with a throat lozenge and a good book, waiting for the misery to pass. (For the record, this is my reaction of choice.) The second reaction comes from runners who insist the only way to defeat a cold is to lace up your shoes, hit the road, and "sweat it out."

Which option is best? Let's find out.

Neck Check

If you're unsure if you're healthy enough for a run, engage in the neck check. If your symptoms are all above the neck-sniffling, sneezing, stuffy nose-you're probably okay to run. If symptoms run the other way-chest pains, aches, chills, diarrhea, vomiting-it's best to stay indoors and take it easy. And it's never a good idea to run with a fever.

Don't Be A Superhero

Take a look back at your schedule and see if perhaps you got sick due to a bump-up in training intensity.
If you do chose to go running, take it easy. You don't want to push a minor respiratory infection into something more serious. Adrenaline is a natural decongestant. Your stuffed nasal passages may actually open while running, making you feel healthier than you really are. But a cold indicates your immune system is already weakened. Take a look back at your schedule and see if perhaps you got sick due to a bump-up in training intensity or mileage. An increase in training volume often means a more vulnerable immune system-so you might catch colds more often the typical couch potato. (Again, with the unfairness)

Down Time

Runners have a flair for the dramatic. Why else would we run 26.2? But that same drive often translates into fretting about losing conditioning while in bed. Be reasonable. Three days inside is not going to derail three months worth of training. The human body is quick to bounce back to pre-cold condition. Ease back into your training with a few easy runs and you’ll soon be right back where you left off.

Tips for a Speedy Recovery

  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Gargle with warm water
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Take zinc lozenges at the first sign of sickness
  • Make sure you're taking a multi-vitamin
  • Sleep with a humidifier in your bedroom at night
  • Some runners swear by Echinacea (but there's no solid proof it boosts the immune system)
  • Pay attention to your body. It will tell you when it needs rest.
  • Stay positive. A healthy attitude is right up there with Mom's chicken soup for common sense cures for the common cold.


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Club Run - Sweeper Duty

Hello blog lovers.

I still have this awful coughing and mucus and whatnot with me, I'm sure you don't want any more info than that. But I wanted to still go out running with my club. We only ever do 3 and half miles on average, with a couple of stops thrown in, so I don't have to feel guilty about stopping!

I offered my services as sweeper, I knew I wasn't going to be in the front runners today, and I felt I could be more useful to make sure no-one gets left behind! Our Illustrious Leader, was leading the way, but also was concerned about me "If you feel we are getting too far ahead the don't be shy, let  me know" I guess then she can organise a sweeper for the sweeper!, but I felt sure that I would be able to keep together with the rest of the group.

We had some of the beginners with us again this week, I am so glad that we didn't scare them off last week with the mention of Cardiac Hill, all though IL did mention that we will be doing half of ....that hill.... in this evenings run.  The weather was a bit chilly, I had noticed that some of the faster runners had gloves on. Hitchy, who drove to the rec this evening, had her gloves on. But after yesterdays run, I felt that it was still early for the full winter kit. I was wearing two long sleeve tops though. I am a woose when it comes to the cold.

So our route today had a few little humps and bumps in it. I was, as I have said, in sweeper role and keeping one the the Saturday beginners company as we approached the first of the hills. "oh gawd" she said as she caught sight of it.
"ah that's nothing" I said, "its an upside down hill, just look at each lamppost, then the tree, then the lamppost and just run to those, you will soon be on the other side" I said. She smiled at that, and she looked at the lamppost, she passed it, then she looked for the tree and she passed it. All the way to the top of the hill. I think she was pleased with herself for getting up there.

I felt good going at the pace our newbie was going. I wasn't over exerting myself, I wasn't coughing and splutter, but I was doing something, I was out there running along. I head some of the other group 1'ers saying that somebody didn't come because they were unwell. I'm not saying that I am gloating because I am out here, with the man flu, doing it, because between last Thursday and Sunday I was laid up feeling sorry for myself. I was just feeling good that I finally had enough energy to be able to get out here and do these three miles.

There were some more hills and bumps and lumps to negotiate, but I stayed by our newbies side each step of the way, encouraging up each hill, pointing out the lamppost as we passed it. She seemed pleased with each lamppost we got to and passed. We had about three official stops in this evenings run, and we only stopped for a couple of minutes each time, enough time for our IL to talk us through the next section, and maybe alter the route slightly according to the abilities of all our runners, in order to keep us all together, and then we were off again. Our newbie kept running between each stop, there was no walking.

I recalled that when I first became a member I was doing unofficial walking, so she was doing brilliantly! She also, I'm sure,  told me that she had done park run and had ran the whole way! Something which I have yet to achieve!!

So today's blog is dedicated to our newbies who have joined us in our club. Keeping us all running and growing in numbers to become a brilliant running club for all abilities! I really enjoyed this run, I really enjoyed encouring the newbies! I really love running!

Geeky stats for you.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Half A Century And Running!

Hello blog lovers.

Today This Old Girl Starts the next half century of living. So what do I do, while I am dealing with the baby germs, coughing, spluttering and sniffing like its going out of fashion? I go jogging of course.

I used caution and put out a plea via twitter about whether in fact it's a good idea to run while one is suffering cough and cold symptoms, but by the time when I was all dressed up and ready to go nothing came back to me.  I did see that some one had said it was ok to run with a head cold.

My philosophy goes similar to the Old Boys, we have to work when we don't feel too good, so why not do stuff that you like to do when you don't feel good? I suppose when the thing you like to do is knitting, or reading, then really that's not a problem, it's just sitting down, unless you do extreme knitting jumping out of aeroplanes!, but when you just need to go out running, well that's a different animal!

I thought I would just do as much as I could of my 3 mile route. If at any point I felt really unwell, I mean like ready to pass out type of unwell, then I can cut it short at any number of places, and the Old Boy wont pass out carrying me home!

The weather was quite mild considering what we have been having. but I still wrapped myself up nice and warm, two long sleeved layers! I realised that I probably didn't need two long sleeved tops on after all. And if its the same tomorrow night then I will make sure I a short sleeved top and a long sleeved over that.

The run itself wasn't very inspirational, or even exciting or demanding, apart from the fact that when I stepped out side my door to start, I really, really wanted to go back in side, and curl up with me book, and just read about running! But, I thought about a recent video I saw via someones post on facebook, about some chap who was told he could never walk again unaided or without his braces, 15 months later the video showed him sprinting! Patience. Pratice. Perseverance!

I stopped about three times I think, coughing and spluttering but I kept jogging on the whole of the route, and no short detours, well, I am out, might as well,.....and besides, it's what us women to, right girls?!

Mind you,  when I got back from my run I did get a little tweet about if you have a cough then its best not to run!!

Geeky stats for you

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Long Slow, Slow Run!

Hello blog lovers.

I remember when I wrote my first ever blog, and I said something along the lines of, taking up jogging at my age, is probably not the most sensible things to do and is probably even dangerous thing to do! Well I stand corrected! Deciding to run a marathon at the age of 50, is probably the most daftest things, to date, that I have decided to do!

Today my schedule said that I should be doing interval running for 85 mins, which in my world, reads jogging and thinking about running for fast periods, for 85 mins. I can only do that running bit at the end of my nice little 3 and half milers!

I have decided to extend my distance however, you will all be pleased to hear! I do need to test this old body of mine, see how it feels after 7 miles. Next week, add a little bit more, etc, you get the idea! I just hope my body will grasp on to the idea, and pretty quick!

My route this evening would be the 6 miler route, through the posh houses, but I will be doing it in reverse! Sometimes its good to change this a bit, and I will be doing a bit extra to increase the mileage!  Of course going this way around the hills are in the beginning of the run, longer slower climbs up through Pettswood. The Old Boy was trying to explain how sometimes doing things in reverse is harder because of the hills.  I must be having a 'Blonde' moment because I just presumed hills are hills, I have to run up and I have to run down, same thing if I run down then I have to run up! Surely?

I was really struggling to jog today, I even stopped and had some walking way before the 30 minutes I did on Monday, it was about 17 or 18 minutes into the run! I put it down to the fact that I wasn't feeling too good today. I woke up with a bit of a cough. Baby germs had got to me again! An occupational hazard that I have to deal with! I suppose I could greet all the children coming in to my home wearing a surgical mask and rubber gloves! Yes, I could say that for the next few months we are going to be looking at all things doctors and nurses! I could get away with it, I'm sure!

That is how todays run went today. It was a jog some, walk some day! But my thoughts going through my head were "You could so easily have stayed in Old Girl, but look at you, you're out here just doing it" So I didn't beat myself up about todays jog along. After all I am planning on putting in an extra mile. At least the distance will be there. I will start to teach my body about distance!

The Old Boy was jogging along with me, not really understanding why I keep stopping! But I just smile at him, tell him I am tired, tell him that I am starting a cold, in fact all the excuses in my book, just so that he don't ask me again! I know todays run is going to be slow and there will be plenty of walking bits.

We eventually were running down the A21 towards Bromley. Not too far from the round about I just really, and I mean really need to go for a 'wee wee'. I was thinking at that precises moment, 'Why didn't anyone buy me tena ladies as a little giggle joke birthday pressie" I could so have needed them right then.  Mental note to self, Check out how many 'natural stopping' places there on on the VLM route, because at this rate I will need one every 5 miles or so!

Fortunately, going this way round the restaruant/pub is just a few yards up ahead! I managed to get there, without embarrassment, and used their facilities. I was just hoping the sight of me wasn't going to put people of their huge dinners! A big orange and black sweaty pink person, walking past the joints of meat they were all busy drooling over!

As we had crossed over the road the OB said "Lets go through Whitehall rec and break up the long road a bit" I felt this was a good idea. It's always good to change things around. So that's what we did. We popped out of the ally way opposite Turpington lane. Now I could have gone down there, and through our park which would be a tad shorter than jogging up to to Oxhawth. But again, my attitude was, well, I'm out, I said I was going to do extra mile so hey ho, go for it.

Jogged/walked all the way to top Oxhawth, "Now, jog all the way home, no more stopping for tea and cakes" the OB said. Well, I was planning on that anyway, because this is my bit of road that I never walk on! But I just didn't have the energy to tell him that! I just wanted to concentrate on each lamppost as we passed under it. Not even counting the lampposts, just, "There's another one gone, look for the next"

We got to our house, I stopped the Garmin and was very, very surprised that actually we had covered 7.77 miles! Yeah, go Old Girl, now that is what I am talking about!

I walked around the green for a bit, mumbling something at the OB, because he has said something about at that pace its going to take at least 7 hours to complete the marathon! I just mumbled away saying things like Rome wasn't built in a day! But I think he was secretly pleased with our run today!

Geeky stats, complete with loo stop, but I did stop it as soon as I ....was on the job.... so to speak!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Club Run - Cardiac Hill!

Hello blog lovers.

It was a wet evening! The Old Boy was contemplating going out on his bike, but he decided against it! I said "Why don't you go for a run instead" The next minute he had changed out of his cycling gear and back into his jeans! Ready to settle in front of the t.v.!

Oh well, he obviously isn't as dedicated as me! Mind you I was in two minds about it. But hey, water is not going to melt me. It will, however, turn me into a drowned rat lookie likie! But a bit of bathing, pampering and brushing afterwards can almost sort that out.

I have started to read a book that was given to me for my birthday. Quite an amusing book, I feel sure this will be a good read for me, because so far I can identify with the author, totally. Even down to the fact that arguing with yourself becomes second nature, so I am not alone in that matter. and this is a natural thing that happens to runners!

But the author does make me think about why I wanted to train for a marathon in the first place, she herself has the exact same reasons as I have, but I do have one extra reason as well. The fact that one of our group 1 runners last year had been entered for the VLM last year, by her daughter! But she had in fact never ever ran a race before! She didn't shy away from it. She took it with both hands, or should I say feet and trained for it. I watched her on the telly (I know, I was being lazy even at that time, I should have been down there cheering her on and our other PWR's) and she completed it in 5 hours and 20 minutes, I think it was!

So as soon as the registration was opened, which I just happened to see via our club's facebook page that it was, I found myself entering all my details, and pushing the submit button, and paying the cash to enter the race! I didn't tell a soul what I had done. I kept it too myself for those few months until the time when everyone was either putting smileys next to pictures of their acceptance magazines or talking of Elvis Presley! Even then just for a few days more, I kept it to myself, only telling the Old Boy!

Yep, runners are weird sort of people! Have to be, who else would go out in the cold, the rain, the snow, the dark, get up early, go out late, run for miles and miles, hurt and then come back and say "Well that was good!"

Todays club run was nice a sedate run, sort of! We had some newbies with us, they had been attending one of the beginners groups and this was their first time joining in with the group runs. Our leader today was SingStar Jo, I was secretly glad of that, well when I first heard it was her leading. Singstar Jo had her birthday weekend the same time as me. I know she had a good a time as I did at my party! So I was presuming that she would be going a nice gentle, easy, slowish flat route and pace.

She stepped up to talk us through the route, mentioned the nice down hill to the off license and then...up to Orpington, over some cheeky little humps and bumps to.....Cardiac Hill! dun dun daaaaa! (you have to sing that bit in scary mode!) Maybe she still has alcohol inside her, and she doesn't realise what she is saying. I looked over to our Illustrious Leader, I was hoping that she might jump in and have a gentle word with her about the dangers of running after a very nice weekend celebrating, but she didn't!

I just had to take it on the chin. Then I began to remember! "What are you talking about woman! You ran yesterday for 30 minutes non stop!" I did run yesterday! I managed that ok! It's going to be just fine!  And it was!

The first mile had split us into two groups, the newbies were a tad behind with our Illustrious Leader's husband Richard, it is he who takes one of beginners group.  So we decided to split the group into two, Illustrious leader would wait for the newbies and the rest of us would carry on at the pace we were going. I did volunteer to stay with I.L. but apparently hanging outside off licenses is not new to her!

Singstar Jo kept us going at the same pace, over the railway bridge, and then the cheeky little bumps. I didn't want to stop on these bumps, and I forced myself over them. I think I must have stopped running as I heard a "Come on Old Girl, keep going"

We kept on jogging until we reached the road fondly known as 'Cardiac Hill' I looked up at it, pleased that it was dark! Hills are just not as scary or 'hilly' in the night time! We had another quick breather here, for every one to catch up, the beginners were with I.L. and Richard,( now going to be known as Dancing Dad! Oh yes, that's his new name from now on! Well, unless he really doesn't like it, sends me a new marathon training plan that has me running up cudham north lane as a warm up, in which case I will change it back.) They would be running at a slightly slower pace, and maybe even change the route slightly.

Now for the hill. I had set a precedence the last time we were on this hill, and it was Singstar Jo that had me running up this hill for the first time, all the way, non stop! I can't be stopping on here again now. Alcoholic weekend or not, I had to do this hill!

Well, I did it! I was pleased I did it. My legs were not liking me one bit however, but who cares, Marathon brain is in control at the moment, and I did it. I did walk a little along the flat afterwards though, prompting another "Come on Old Girl, keep going"

We stayed together until Birchwood Road, and then from there, it was as fast or as slow as you like. I was at the back with the sweeper, who just as we turned the corner had an encounter with a beer can, it locked down on her foot, and I heard her 'clanking' along behind me! Somehow she had landed perfectly in the middle of the beer can and it 'embraced her foot, and became like a huge hob nail on her trainer!

Half way down this road is when I started to pick up the pace up, I started to pass some of the group as we headed towards our start point! I started running, it was easy, it was down hill! I passed some more of our group 1. I had the front runners in my sights. I decided to pretend I was in a race! I was going to catch them up if not pass them before they get to the sign post. I ran as hard as I could. Faster and faster! They were were getting close, I can hear their trainers hitting the wet pavements, I can hear their breathing as they all concentrated on getting to the sign post. I managed to just catch up to one of the back runners as we got to the sign post!

I took a deep breath, bent over to rest, or whatever that does to runners, you always see them bending over like that, I have no idea why, apart from the fact it feels bloody good! And then we walked inside the gate to start our warm down stretches! "Why do I do that, that kills me" I said to another group 1 runner walking beside me "Because you love it" she said to me!

Because I love it! Yup, that is how this hate/love relationship with running has developed over the past 4 years, I do it because I love it!

Geeky stats for you

Monday, 19 November 2012

Now The Party's Over! - Or Is It?

Hello blog lovers,

I was back to my training again today. I am still sort of floating around the week 6 and 7 or my training plan, which means very soon, I will have to progress to week 8 very soon. My training kind of started 4 weeks ago now, so really I should pull me finger out and get going!.

So after a fantastic birthday celebration weekend I found the energy, (just) to go for a 40 min jog. The Old Boy was still feeling a little delicate as well, but he found the energy to go out on what felt a rather chilly evening, but actually wasn't that bad.

For the 40 min jog, and I knew I wasn't going to be doing anything ore that this, I said to the OB that we will do the usual route of Turpington lane and back. 
"As long as there is no stopping for tea and cakes" he said, but I reckon he would have been pleased if i did! It really was a good party!

We started of quite gentle, as always, in fact, as I was jogging along the Old Boy was walking! Which I thought was a bit naughty! "Come on, get going, get that heart rate up" I said to him.  He eventually got into the rhythm and jogged along beside me.

My ankles again feel really tight. What is that all about? Is that what the Achilles heel do, just hurt if you exercise too much? But after a while it all loosened up again, but both of them now do feel as if I have bruises on the backs of my heels.  I kept jogging way beyond all the places that I usually stop. I was feeling pretty good considering that I had such a brilliant weekend! By the time I got up to Greenway I was still feeling pretty good.

"Keep going Old Girl" I said to myself in my head! "Keep going, no need to slow down the pace" I really wanted to go further that I had for a long time, today. Push myself to do just a few extra metres. I had managed to run all of Greenway, then turned the corner. I came face t fact with Magpiehall lane. It's really strange, but when i first started running, and I got to this part of the route, this road seemed to have a huge hill. I thought I would never be able to run all the way. And up till a few months ago, I still used to stop on this road, with the slight incline!  But today I carried on running up it.

We turned right into Holbrook, left into Parkfield, I am still running! I was feeling ok, keeping the breathing under control. If I felt as if I was running out of breath the I just slowed up the pace a bit.  Back past the Harvesters now! Still running! Yup, I may have this one cracked!  I was looking towards the school now, thinking about the slight incline that I will need to run up to get to Faringdon,
"Straight over the road to top Oxhawth" the Old Boy said. I just carried on. But as we got to the other side of the road, and just a little further, I had a walking break, (tea and cake to the Old Bo!) "Well done, good going" he said! "Now, lets get going again" even before I could utter anything!

I did take the whole minute thought before we started running again. But that was the first and only run, 29:35 minutes into the run! Yep, I was very pleased with that, I have finally met with my clubs criteria or being able to run for a least 30 minutes to be able to join!

To get the whole of the 40 min jog session we had to do a little twiddle on the usual route and add a little bit of an extra road or two before we arrived home!

So, would you like to see the geeky stats, well here they are.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Last one Before PARRRRTYYYYY!

Hello blog lovers.

That's right! After a lazy weekend I am going to have another lazy few days. That's what happens when you get close to one of those big '0' birthdays! The preparation begins tomorrow, and I don't mean preparation for training or running, I mean for my party! So no time for running! But I promise training will begin again in earnest after these next few weekends.

As I had done virtually 6 miles yesterday, albeit with a 15 min gap after 2.71 miles, I was thinking that I would only run for about 3 miles today, I know that is not what my training plan says, but this month was always going to be difficult training with my birthday coming up! But somehow the Old Boy had me agreeing to a 6 miler!
"We can always cut if short, if we go up Magpiehall lane, and you really don't fancy it" he said as his very persuasive argument.
"Ok" I said, And I really thought that I would be cutting it short! My legs were very tired.

We started the run, I was really slow! My ankles were feeling very tight! It will take at least a mile gentle jogging before they will loosen up. I felt like an old lady as I tried to jog along up Faringdon! But loosened up they did. I went past the first mile, the pub/restaurant on the corner. Then me and the Old Boy kept on running until the next left turn!

I was doing quite well, the heels had loosened up nicely and I was feeling ok, if maybe just a little tired. Maybe I will cut it short and turn down by the church to go home. I carried running, still haven't stop, and I could see the new school gates! I am quite happy with this, I was wondering how far I could go, being as that I have quite tired legs at that precise time I was doing ok! I kept going, up to the A21. Then turned the corner, and I kept going. I kept going until just before the bus garage! The Old Boy urged me on again. I started running after only a few seconds walking.

I could see the hill approaching, I was wondering if maybe I should have cut short and gone down past the church, to dear old Turn around Lamppost and home.  I took another short walk, a deep lung full of air, and I attacked the hill. I really wanted to run the whole way, or at least from the moment I started running, I didn't want to stop until I reached the posh houses!

Do you know what? I did it! I ran the hill! I got all the way into the posh house, and I even ran half way up the first straight.......and then I took a walking stop! From here on though my legs we really complaining,  I just slowed my pace down, which the Old Boy kept telling me to do anyway, just to get my breathing in control again. I though I was doing pretty well actually, but then he can hear how much I am puffing away!

I knew when we popped out of the new houses it wasn't that much further to go. I had decided then to do my sort of interval running. which would start as soon as I got on to Crofton Lane. I would jog one lamppost then speed up a bit to the next, then jog to the next one and speed up to the next. The Old Boy was a bit in front of me when I started doing that, but when I did I soon caught up with him. I didn't tell him what I was doing. Maybe he thought he was going a tad slower!

I tried to keep it up as best as I could. I walked a few more sections before I got home. Well, it wouldn't be me if I didn't. I know one day, I will be running 6 miles non stop! Just not today.

So here is my geeky stats, I shall rest up my Garmin now, hopefully Sunday will be the next run, lets just see how I feel after this weekend!

Such A Good Weekend!

Hello blog lovers,

I did have such a very good the weekend just gone, I didn't train at all! I know! But it doesn't mean that I am going to fail, bail out, quit or anything like that, it just means that I had a good weekend! Simples!

I helped out at our beginners group again yesterday (Tuesday), not only does it give me a sense of giving back, and to encourage all the next group of runners to come and join our running club, but it also helps me out immensely!

Having not run since last Thursday then and extra 2 or 3 miles is just what was needed! Kit man Mike asked me to do the warm up lap with beginners! I just did exactly what Mike did with them last week, a bit of jogging, side crabby thingys and some flailing our arms in a windmill like fashion soon got us all warmed up.

But the time I did the little warm up lap the other two ladies were there and ready and willing to take the beginners through to the 10 min jog, 1 min walk x3.

It was a good workout, and they all did so well. Here is the geeky stats for their route, there was a bit of a hill, which would have killed me a few years ago, but these guys and girls were doing really well!

When we got back Kitman Mike said that it was nearly time for our group runs, so it was straight in the car to get to the rec on time.

I saw Hitchy there and she was talking to a new member that has just joined. The new member is going to be doing the VLM as well next year, and decided that she needs the support of a club to help get her marathon fit! I am sure, once she has settled in she will think, "Why didn't I do thi ages ago?"

My legs were a bit tired after running up the hills today, but as we were going to be having a club draw to see who will get the 3 allocated club places for the VLM I though that we would be doing one of the shorter routes, "Staying local" as our illustrious Leader says.

And there were the words I needed to hear "We are staying local,......" her words kind of trailed of for me then, I was just pleased that we were not straying to far. I offered my services to be sweeper again, as I knew I would be in the back anyway, and then were were off.

I was chatting along with Paul, he has been away from running for a few months, but, I'm not sure what it is, the call of the running shoes pounding the pavements does bring us all back to it as some point. Ok, it took me a whole year after I stopped running, but I found my mojo again, and hasn't really left me. I know that some peoples mojo has to be looked for. Nagging sister found hers doing park runs, Even now, after hurting her foot, the call to work hard at getting fit is strong with her,  she is missing her running! She has signed up for a month at a gym just so that she can participate in some form of exercise while her ankle recovers from the recent fall! Paul has come back to the club! Running. once its in there, it stays there!  This is why we run!

Anyway, I have so digressed! The route we took was all a bit twisty turny, I hadn't a clue where we were! I was just hoping that I would stay up with them! I was quite pleased that Paul was there, he was running along at my pace, 4 months out will do that. but we wasn't stretched out, we were all quite evenly paced. The new runner admitted later that she was glad that she chose group 1 as this was her pace. She was thinking of going along with group 2 as they do a slightly longer route and slighter faster as well!

I had told her that group 1 was my pace. I am not going to be going any faster any time soon! That is obvious they way I plod along, and so there for I don't feel the need to 'move up' to the next group.  My longer runs will be done at weekends and during the other days of the week with the Old Boy. The endurance I have to work on, my pace will stay the same I am sure.

We eventually came across the new railway bridge. It was only then that I realised where I was! So if I did get left behind, lost, then at least I knew how to get back to the rec. But we were all still virtually together. We had another quick little break here for our Illustrious Leader to tell us that we can now go as fast (or as slow) as we wanted, all the way back to the rec, and the she will take over as sweeper.

I like the down hill of Birchwood, as Hitchy said, you can shake out your shoulders, relax your arms, smile! and generally have a good time heading down. As I was no longer needed for sweeper duties, about 3 quarters of the way down I started to put a bit of a faster pace on, getting ready for the sprint on Crossways. I just picked it up a little, eased into the fast run, tried to stay focused. I was hoping I didn't start to early, coming from the other end of Crossways, I didn't want to burn out before I got to the gate!

I turned the corner, checked for the traffic and then started to sprint even faster, keeping my eyes on the sign to the rec! I did it. I didn't start to early, even though I didn't see my sprint road, I managed to keep up a steady faster pace.  I must try pushing it a little harder now I think, start my faster running a little bit earlier, and then sprint only on Crossways!

So my geeky stats for group 1 run. And it turned out it was one of our longer runs! 3.89 miles!! So much for me thinking I was going to have it easy! After this some of us went to the wine bar to watch the draw, and to watch our club secretary hand over 'the Big Cheque' of £3,000 to Harris Hospice, the money raised from our Pettswood Runners 10k run held last month.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Almost To Plan!

Hello blog lovers.

Another 'challage day' and I think I did pretty well! Todays challenge was to jog for 35 minutes. I can do that! I am sure I can do that! Or at least have a darn good try at it!  The Old Boy was coming along with me, I think secretly he is quite pleased that its only a 35 jog along!

Now a 35 minute run for me now day is about a 3 mile route. So it's up to Turpington lane, do the loop and then back again. Simples. I know I can do this route in about 37 minutes so whats an extra couple of minutes on the schedule.

I had it in mind to do really really well. I always do have good intentions when I set out. And going over the same route, when I am in the right frame of mind, is very good! Because I know all the places that I used to stop, well walk from. The Old Boy calls them stops, in fact he calls them stopping for tea and cakes! But I am walking really, obviously, there are no tea shops on this route! But this evening, I did jog along, to most of it. Only two walking sections! Two! The Old Boy calls them silly stops 'Why are you stopping, there is no need to stop" he said. But I knew I needed it. I only walked for 20 or thirty seconds each time.

From the second walking stop I really thought I would be having another one before I got back home. But I didn't stop again until I was at the lamppost outside my home! Very pleased with that. It wasn't the fast jog of all, but the pace was fairly consistent the OB said. Now lets see what the geeky stats say.

Geeky stats.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Slow Interval Running!

Hello Blog lovers.

Still n track with my training, only, its my way of training. I have been following the training guide that I was sent, and today's training wanted me jogging for 5 minutes, running for 15, jogging for 20, run for 10, jog for 10, run for 5, jog for 20 minutes. Well, I think I did the first five minutes just right, the next section, the whole running for 15, well, put it this way, I have decided, I am not a runner, well, not yet! I have never really tried the whole running thing. I have tried on several occasions, and I just fade. I do my run faster when I do my sprints, but that's when I am in easy reach of my destinations. Running is something that is done at the very end of a run! Well that is how I percieve the whole running thing, as apposed to the jogging thing.

Trying to do interval running is very disciplined, something I don't like! I dig my heels in and stand and sulk, and get all stroppy where discipline is concerned. A challenge, I can do. So I am going to have to change my attitude. Think of everything as a challenge. A training plan? No, its a challenge plan! I shall tick off each challenge that I have accomplished! That's what I need to get into my head.

I didn't managed to stick to the plan today, I was even getting stroppy about going out in the first place. I was trying to persuade the Old Boy to go for BBQ spare ribs instead! But he has decided that his 'body is a temple', no more crap to be shoved in side, except on Friday, (I hope, I do like my Friday nights out) and so I had no choice really, but to get my backside into gear and get out jogging.

The weather wasn't too bad, and I thought I would trust my instincts and just run in my winter top, leaving the jacket at home. I was right! I soon warmed up, as I jogged the first 5 minutes, a nice leisurely pace, my pace, a pace that I could happily jog along for a whole 26.2 miles (well that's what it feels like when I am just starting out), its just those running moments that take it out of me. (and jogging for any longer than a mile!)

I know I have to get used to the hard training plans, the running, and it will help to build up the endurance, but I am not liking it! Still, I am sure the fitter I get the more I will be able to do. And hopefully I will be losing weight as well! Fingers crossed!

My geeky stats, and as you can see, I really didn't stick to the plan at all! Tut, tut, tut. Must try harder! But as I keep reminding myself, way back when I first started to think about running, I couldn't even run 300 yards without needing to spend a week in an oxygen tent! Rome wasn't built in a day, and when my temple of a body is fully fit, it will be a magnificent temple, for an Old Girl!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Time To Give Back!

Hello blog lovers.

I had another rest day yesterday, well, it was firework night and we had a little firework party at our church. I could have gone for a run after but I thought a day rest is as good as exercise as well. My legs and my ankle and heels were still quite sore yesterday.

Today however I noticed on my running clubs facebook page that one of our coaches was in need of a couple of volunteers to help out with the beginners group. Just to help them jog for 8 minutes, walk for 1 and do that four times.  It doesn't sound a lot does it. But when you actually do jog along to it, its quite something. For a beginner this is quite an achievement! After only 3 weeks to be able to jog along for four lots of 8 minutes intervals is brilliant.

I wanted to give something back to my club, who over these last two years have given me encouragement, support, friends and just a fantastic feeling of belonging to the best running group ever!  I wanted to be able to help others achieve their goals. So I volunteered. Singstar Jo also volunteered to help out. All that was an hour before my normal club run!

I felt I could do it though. And if I really felt as though I couldn't make it then I would forgo my group 1 run today. Having run for 6 and half miles in the past few days though, I dudn't think I would be going for an early shower today!

I met up with Kit Man Mike and his beginners group. There were only 5 of them today. A nice select group. But one of the ladies had an injury. After we started jogging along she had to pull out of the interval jogging and Kit man Mike, who happens to be our physio as well, help her with her injury. That left me and Singstar Jo to carry on with the four other beginners, to complete a loop.

I was very impressed with the group, they were all doing so well, and only after 3 weeks with the beginners group! I know they are given 'homework' that they have to complete during the week, which will help with their fitness.

We completed the lap and got back to Kitman Mike, the Singstar Jo and me had to go along to our meeting place to start our group 1 run!  Singstar Jo is in fact our leader today. I bet she is so pleased that Cardiac Hill was not n her plans today!

We got to our meeting point. Singstar Jo ran from Little Thrift, I drove my car, well, I would only have had to walk all that way back to pick it up otherwise! Our route today was down Southborough Lane, a little lollipop at the end near the Harvester, and then back up again.

We started of nice and steady. It was a very select group 1 today, only 5 of us in todays jog. It seems as if group 2's ranks has somewhat swollen as group 1 members merge into group 2. We were chatting away as we were jogging along, my legs seemed to feel a lot looser than they were earlier today. We didn't have a stop until we reached the Harvester. By this time though, I needed to 'go powder my nose' So I excused my self from doing the lollipop and let the others follow our leader Singstar Jo do continue to do the little loop.

By the time I came out I was beginning to cool down a bit, so I just jogged up to where they would be popping out just so that I can stay warm. We then continued our run back up Southborough.  I think I had managed to do this quite well, considering that I had done the beginners group a little earlier! I ran up most of the hill. I did have a little walk, but I soon caught up with them again.  Well, I think Singstar Jo was going very easy on the group as she was feeling it from the beginners as well.

I still had a little bit left over to do a sprint up Crossways, and not only that but some of group 2 merged into our group and I kept pace with them as well as overtook them towards the end of the run! I really had to push it extra hard to even catch up to Sherry mind! She must have been going some as well!

So there are two lots of geeky stats to look at today, the first one is me helping out at the beginners group, complete with the lap I took in the car to get to the meeting place, and the second is our group 1 run. And Jo, thanks so very much for not adding in hills today! I don't think I would have done so well if you had.

Beginners Geeky Stats

Group 1 Run Geeky Stats.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Pressure Cooker Run!

Hello Blog lovers,

What an absolutely awful morning it was! The rain came down in bucket loads. It stopped the Old Boy from going on a bike ride. He is like me, enjoys riding the bikes but not in the rain! It meant that the Old Boy came along with me for a long run instead.

My training plan for today said to run for 70 mins. Well that for me is just about 10k. But we had a dilemma! As OB was off on this Sunday, (he usually works), he really fancied a nice Sunday roast. Now the piece of beef we have said that it would take one hour 25 minutes to cook! It should be just about perfect timing if we like it well done. But we like our beef medium rare. We  had a bit of pressure to get back home before it became well done!

I don't like pressure! I like a challenge, which is different in my books. My challenge in 2008 was to do a Race for life, I did it, along with 20 family members, and we walked it! In 2010 I wanted to RUN a race for life, so I did it, with about a couple of other ladies. Also in 2010 I wanted to run a 10k. All of which I achieved, at my own pace, my own style. This year I again did a 10k race, (even though I didn't even get my tee shirt to prove it!, or even a mention in a finishers list!)

For next year I had to have another challenge. What better one than the Virgin London Marathon. But that will be done at my pace, my style, no pressure on me, I only want to finish! But it would be good if I finish under ......???.....hours. I have a time in mind, but I shall keep that for now.

So a pressure cooker run today! But at least the rain has stop, I think I would be really demoralised if the rain had been lashing down as it was this morning! I told the Old Boy the route that we would be taking, but just to make sure of getting home in time for dinner we cut down Holbrook and Magpiehall Lane to get to the A21.

I was doing ok going up Magpiehall Lane, I was at a steady pace, but then my laziness kicks in, and my legs began to feel tight, and all the other excuses I could think of came into mind and I stopped running for a short while.

I think wearing my old neutral running shoes yesterday, and the combination of the slippy sticky soft grassy route may have affected my legs and heels. I remember when I first started to run in my old Mizuno neutrals my heels did hurt, which prompted me to get some heel inserts to cushion my landings. I know I only  three miles in them yesterday, but do you think this could have had such an impact on my muscles today?

I was feeling quite confident, and I know that I am getting stronger and fitter. In my head I feel as if I could go on an on. I just have to get my head to over rule my body, to shut down the aches and pains messages reaching the brain cell. Then I could run and run!  People say to me that I can do it, I can run for 3 miles non stop. None of that walking malarkey. I just wish I could convince my body to play ball!

The Old Boy is helping me to eat on the run. A packet of Haribos to help with short bursts of energy. When I am running its usually with my mouth opened and praying that I don't .....excuse me people, .....that I don't snot all over the place! It amazes me where all that stuff comes from!! Yuck!

Running is not the most glamorous sport in the world, but then most sport where you exert yourself isn't really. Well, unless you are like Nagging Sister and even another young lady at our running club, they have full make up on, from eyeshadow and mascara to Lippy and lip liner!! Why?

Going through the posh houses in the night is just lovely! The way each house lights up their houses is quite something, down lighters, up lights, trees and bushes all lit up, statures all lit up. It really is lovely. I am looking forward to running through here in December, I wonder if they all put on displays of Christmas lights?!

Just a little further now. I was surprised how far we had ran. I thought that by nipping down Holbrook we would cut off a mile. In my mind I should be on about nearly 4 miles by the time I got to the other side of the posh houses. but my Garmin was telling me that I had done nearly 5. This was going to be a 10k run. Even though my training plan said that I had to run for 70 minutes today, we only wanted to run for 50 minutes to get back to sort out dinner!

I was hoping it wasn't going to be well done! I could always have sent the OB on ahead if I felt I was taking too long. But he kept with me. Maybe he put me under psychological pressure to get me to move fast! Mmm now I hadn't thought of that!

It was nice getting on to our estate. Knowing there was just half a mile to go! I was feeling quite warm, not overly warm, but I know I have a pretty pink puffy sweaty face! I know I have worked hard today.

From Crescent Drive just as we came off Shepperton the Old Boy said "Ok, now its non stop all the way home from here"
I nearly made it. Just one more little breather, catch my breath again and then it was jogging all the way home!

Geeky stats for you.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Muddy, Muddy, Muddy, Mob Match.

Photo from Women's running Magazine
Hello Blog lovers.

Saturday park run at a new venue for me! It was also our mob match, against the Orpington Road runners and the New Eltham Joggers. I like doing park runs, just not normally after a very lovely Friday night out with the Old Boy.

As me and Nagging sister were a bit unsure of exactly where the venue is and how the parking facilities are we decided to leave our homes a little earlier just to make sure that we were not late! The phone rang and I answered it. It was Nagging Sister, sounding bright and breezy! How can she, I think she maybe trying to kid me! I wasn't quite ready when she called, I still had to find my old running shoes. We have been told this route is very muddy!

I walked to the car, the sun was shining but it still felt a little chilly. I had a long sleeve black top on with my Pettswood Runners vest over the top, flying the colours of our running club. I couldn't have looked as if I wanted to be there as Nagging Sister said to me
"You look exactly how I feel"
"It's cold, and it's early, and I know its going to be muddy. Tell me why are we doing this" I said to her as I got into the car.

Her car was nice and warm, comforting, and I could quite easily just sit in the car and watch Nagging Sister run around. But that is not the aim. It's a mob match, I must support my club, I love supporting my club when ever I can!

We found the park, no problem there! The parking was great, again, no problem there. The sun was shining, it looked fabulous out, no problem. We walked over to the start. The mud stuck immediately to our shoes. There was our problem! It built up as we approached the pavilion, the start of today's Park Run. Waiting, waiting for the start. Shivering, chatting, laughing and general camaraderie as we waited for the off.

The man with the mega phone, he started the count down "Three, two, one, go!" and we were all off. The course looked long, it looked huge! It looked bigger than Normans Park, even though it isn't. When I was told that we have to do three laps my heart sank to my very muddy boots! I know its only 5k, but psychologically it looks so far. Mark said he had run this course last week,
"When I got to the 2k board it felt as if I had already ran 2 miles" he said. Well, that doesn't surprise me, our Mark has been known to get lost on the odd occasion.

The first corner was just about 10 strides away and already we had a faller. It seemed as if he had taken out another runner as well! He was wearing a white shirt, but now it was carrying the ParkRun badge of honor, a great big muddy streak across the front and the back! I think the other chap had his badge of honour too. Note to self, take it easy when running on very slippy muddy grass.

I was being very girly about the whole muddy thing, and also, I just didn't want to land up on my ass! I don't want to do any damage to myself to jeopardise my marathon training, (it's a very good excuse today, and must remember to add that in the Old girls book of Excuses) I was being passed by everyone! I think if I went even slower I would  be passed by the sweeper marshal as well!

The course has bit of tarmac to run along. I noticed a runner on the floor. As I got nearer I saw that it was Nagging Sister, clutching at her ankle, one of our group leaders was with her. I stopped and asked if there was anything I could to.
"No, it's ok, go on, you just run" So with that I left her on the floor with Sue. A marshal came to look after Nagging Sister and Sue caught up with me and told me that she was being cared for. But from then onwards I really did concentrate even more on not falling over. Watching out for the really sticky muddy parts and the tree roots as we ran passed the tree lined lined path.

Oh, by the way, when the megahorn marshall heard about her fall he put a loud 'ambulance sound on his megahorn and ran across the green to give assistance, much to the embarrasement of Nagging Sister, who insisted he turned it off. Oh, I wish I had seen that!

The next little bit was through to the rugby field. Oh my goodness! A little boys dream place. a huge sticky wet puddle which took the whole width of the entrance to the field. There was no way to go around this, or even go through here running. Tippy toe through the mud, and, if you're like me, then trying to find the driest bit of mud to step on! (which there wasn't any there at all) Now I know why they said 'Old shoes if you have them!' Running around the rugby field was as sticky as the park, but the exit point to start the second lat was again one huge muddy puddle! Why am I here!?

The second lap started and I was still pacing along with a lady in grey flowery socks! She over took me, I over took her, as we ran around the second lap. I wasn't quite the last one, I do believe there was one other person behind me, well two really, a young lad with his dad! I wish I wasn't so girly when it comes to the whole muddy experience!

The second lap was uneventful. I think everyone had got the measure of this course now, and knew where the more sticky danger points are. I started to get lapped by the front runners, the Orpies had all their best runners passing me.
"Good going Pettswood" they said as they passed me. Although we have this rivalry going, its all in good fun. And usually if the mob match was on our own turf and during pub opening times, then we would all end up in the pub enjoying a pint together.

I was approaching the marker boards, lap 1 and 2 turn left, lap 3 straight up! I was still having to do the turn left part. Through the sticky patches. Three laps does seem a lot for a 5k! But the Garmin has it right! One more lap and I would have done 5k.

I was pleased to to be doing the third and final lap, and not having to go through to the rugby field as on this lap we just run straight up to the pavilion, get our token and a nice cup of tea and piece of cake! It was another careful, slow lap. Give me nice tarmac any day, well, only in the raining season! I love running through the woods and trails and parks, but this mud, yuck! No thanks.

The lady with the socks was ahead of me now, I was tired, the muscles in my legs ached slightly as I overcompensated trying not to slip over in the mud! (Ooo look, another excuse for my book) but this was the last lap, thank goodness.

No more incidents of people falling over, no more mud, but plenty of cakes and a nice coffee. We run so that we can eat! Oh yes. I love running! Muddy puddles and all! Oh and Nagging Sister has quite a sprained ankle, here is a picture of it, for the squeamish I suggest go straight to geeky stats!

Nagging Sisters swollen ankle

Geeky stats, oh and my official park run time for this course was a very slow 37:06, the slowest park run I have done so far! And don't forget to go and buy the magazine, its out now, a great read and you can read all of the interviews that we did.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Bloomin Hard Work!

Hello Blog lovers.

Today I tried to do the interval running suggested in Wednesday, week 6 of my training programme! Bloomin heck! Was that difficult or what! I am just not very good that this sort of training! I am going to have to work really hard just to even enjoy doing this. I am sure there is a reason why this is in the training programme! But while I was doing it all I could think of is "I am not going to be running this fast in the marathon, so why?"

But I kept it up, for two lots of ten minute faster than normal pace runs. with five minutes jogs either side of those, ending with a twenty minute jog. Don't it sound easy when you see it written down! But actually doing it, cor blimey! It just shows how lazy I am, and how much I love being in my little comfort zone. The Old Boy was with me, trying to keep me going. I stopped running about a minute before I was due to do the 5 minute jog, and even then I walked for 2 minutes instead of jogged the whole 5 minutes.
"It's no good writing up your own training plan, if you are following this one" Said the OB. I know he is right, but, cor blimey, its hard!

He decided to take out the routine of the route, just so that I am not sure where the five minutes jog starts and where the 10 minute run finishes! I was going to do the usual Turpington Lane route, but the OB told me to keep running up to the top of the road. It worked. I wasn't sure how many minutes it was to get to certain points on this route. I tried to keep going as much as I could. I checked My Garmin. Top of the road, just after we turned left I need to be doing the next 10 minute running session. I was not looking forward to it.

I want to keep my jogging and running fun, but I know that to do the London Marathon in a 'ok'ish' then I am going to have to put in some hard work. Something that I have never really enjoyed doing, too lazy!  I started off my 24 week training in week 6, I should really be in week 7, but I wanted to stick with the week 6 rota, just running for 10 minutes each time for the running sections. I thought I would be able to manage that.

After I run the first of the faster pace sections I was so pleased that there is only one more to do! Even though I have the last 20 minute jogging to finish. I had a stitch, and I was trying to keep my breathing under control, not do all the panting lark. Nice and steady breathing. It was all a lot to try and keep in my head. Breath, run, keep an eye on time, stop whinging! 

I checked my Garmin, time for the next 10 minute run.
"When is the next bit of faster pace" The Old Boy said,
"We're doing it now" I said as I reached his side, "This is me going a bit faster"
"Oh right, ok, well, lets go" he said and he picked up his pace a bit and kept just that little bit further in front of me. The pace was hurting me, I wanted to stop, I am sure I slowed down to my jog pace, but still looking as if I was running fast! 'A lot of effort but going nowhere' as the Old Boy said to me earlier!

I was very pleased when the 10 minutes was up. Now I can jog along at my nice and easy, Moosh pace. This is me! Comfort zone! But I know I really have to drag myself out of here, kicking, screaming and crying all the way!

There was no sprint to the finish today, and also, I had to do a 'lap of honour' around my green as I still had a couple of minutes of my jog to finish. Then it was a nice calm walk around, stretches and then come in for some fish, chips and salad dinner! Yum.

Geeky stats for you