Sunday, 7 October 2012

Thursday Dash!

Hello Blog lovers.

I bet you think this is about a run today. Well, not quite. This blog is about Thursdays quick dash! But I just haven't written it up yet. I was going to write up a double run. One about todays run, but todays run didn't happen! So, now here I am, Sunday, with lazyitus and just writing up about Thursdays run. But things will pick up next week.

So Thursdays dash.  After work, I potted about for a few minutes before I nagged myself to get my running gear on and get out of the door!  It was quite nice out, maybe just a tad chilly. I had put a long sleeve top on. I wasn't sure where I was heading for, or how far the distance. While I was waiting outside for the satellites to find me, I checked the time. That is when made up my mind about where I was going to run. I had my mate, Hitchy, coming round for a girly night in, with beer, cinzano and chat!  A quick 3 miler around the block!

So, with music in my ears, off I went. I must treat myself to some nice IPhone running type earphones, do they do such a thing! When I am running by myself I find that with music in my ears it keeps me moving, otherwise I get lazy! Like today! I had some good music going in my ears on Thursday, but also some slow tunes as well. Looks like I got some homework to do, either make a playlist of my own of some great running tunes, or take advantage of these pod casts that I hear about. I don't think I have ever listened to one, let along know how to download one on to my phone! But I am sure I can learn.

My route was the usual one that I used to do by myself, up to Turpington Lane, turn left and left again, and make my way home. Just over the three miles. I was hoping that I was going to be very strong and very positive and bloomin hard on myself to get my ass around in record time. This is how lazy I have been, I have not even upload geeky stats yet. I shall do that once I have stopped waffling.

I did surprise myself though. Running all the way past where I used to take my first stop, and running further that the place I used to stop again afterwards! But when I did stop, I was annoyed with myself. I do remember that! I was thinking
"Why are you stopping women"
I knew what would coming from that point onwards. I would be stopping in a few more places! It's like a psychological thing! I swear it is. I can even remember thinking it,
"Well thats mucked up my non stop 3 miler"
I could almost hear myself saying it out loud! Extra homework, work on positive thinking more!

I was heading along the home stretch, which by now I call beginning of Oxhawth Crescent, only last year, the home stretch was about hundred yards from my front door! How things change! I couldn't help it, but half way along Oxhawth I had to check my Garmin, I can always remember looking at my Garmin at that point and I was 32 minutes running, this time I was about 30 mins. I tried not to get too excited, just concentrate on getting home. The road where there is no 'stopping' is coming up, and I knew I just wanted to do my best.

I pushed on down there, running along the road, thinking that this may be a PB. I was feeling pretty good too. My road was coming up fast, and I just kept on running towards it, I started the sprint bit a bit earlier too. I have to get myself used to pushing harder.

Running up my road I saw Nagging Neighbour, she was driving along the road, urging, and nagging me to go faster. I ran to the end of the green, stopped the Garmin and went to have a quick chat with her. Run all done. Now, lets see the Geeky stats!

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