Hello Blog Lovers.
Today we celebrate the anniversary of our running club. 6 years ago today Pettswood Runners were formed. And a quarter of the membership belonged to one family, our group 1 Illustrious leaders family to be precise. It started of with just 12 members, and now we are over 200 strong!
I was feeling a bit tired today, and I said in yesterdays blog, the dark nights do nothing for my motivation, I am just so glad that I belong to a club. It really does make you go out and meet up with your running buddies. And I know sometimes, this is the only time some of the runners do get out and go for a run, due to busy lives and, now, the dark nights.
I was of course going to stick with group 1. This is my pace. I am not going to be a Paula Radcliffe, there will be no miracle times for me crossing over the finish line in record time. I am a plodder. Just plodding along nice and steady. I was going along steady in sweeper role. I knew today that being at the back is where I would be, whether I was in sweeper role or not!
The aches in my knees seem to have all gone. I was just going to see if they come back when I start jogging. I think I much prefer my way of dealing with aches and pains. 'It hurts, so slow down or walk' 'I injured my .........., so rest up for what ever the doctor/physio says + 1 week' I am hoping this is going to get me through all my little aches and pains, so that when I get to April, everything will be stronger, healed, not hurting, used to long distance, slimmer! Well, I am hoping to be slimmer, or should I say lighter!
Jogging along at the back, my little light shining away, alerting traffic and pedestrians alike that I am thundering down past them, I started counting. When I was listening on of the pod casts, the presenter/dj(?) said "Ok, not jog along with the beat, count, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4...." I found myself doing that, every foot fall I was counting. I seemed we we going at around 150 bpm, at least the music in my mind had that sort of rhythm.
Our route was taking us straight up Crofton Road. I wasn't looking forward to it. I was even wondering if I would make it! The bike ride is still deep in my legs! But, marathons are all about endurance, and that is what I need to build up on!
I was pleased we had a little stop at the top! Just to rest my legs, re-inflate my lungs, and general stuff like that! But it wasn't for long, we started running towards Orpington, and I knew that the next half is going to be down hill. That kept a nice half smile on my face. Ok not on my face, but I was thinking of smiling!
We turned left down Addlington Raod, and our Illustrious leader said,
"For those who want a bit of a speedier session, turn right and go around the green, and for those that want a more steady pace just turn left and foll me"
There was just one solitary brave person running out by herself to tackle the green. I think she must have done quite a bit of speedy session there as she caught up with us just where we needed to be! Good timing Chris!
I was still at the back all the way down to the off license. We had another little stop as our IL said,
"Right, now you can go as fast as you like all the way back, just dont change the route." And with that we we off again. I was still at the back, sweeping, and IL was also helping sweep, as everyone know knew the way home.
She also reminded us that as it was PWR's 6 birthday, then someone was bringing cakes! I am sure our pace picked up a little more as we all headed back to our start point! There is one that that our club members can do, just as good as getting p.b's medals for half/full marathons, etc, and that is bake!
This thought seemed to have a bit of a positive effect for me. I plodded along at a nice steady pace, plus we really didn't spread out that much, we were fairly well grouped. so much so that when I got to Crossways, although I thought I would not do the sprint finishes, I just wanted to, I managed to sprint and I passed all of our group 1 today! Now that is a first! Thanks Ilustrious Leader, a great run today.
My geeky stats for you.
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Monday, 29 October 2012
Week 2 - No Rest Day Today!
Hello blog lovers.
Today I needed to get out and continue with my marathon training. This week is really the beginning. I managed to run for a few days last week, but what with my mega bike ride on Friday night, Saturday morning, I didn't do any running over the weekend. But I am sure I can be forgiven. I think we worked out that all though the Old Boys Garmin read 70 odd miles, it had stopped before we arrived home. We probably cycled around 80 to 85 miles all in all!
So today, I was going to stick with what my training plan said, and that is to jog for 40 minutes. As the clocks have gone back now, its pretty dark out there, the Old Boy has said that he will be my running buddy while I am in training! He was first to go up and get changed. I carried on sitting down watching the Simpsons!
Motivation seems to hibernate in these dark nights, and the rain that has started has made sure it stays there! So it was with a real effort that I went up stairs to get changed. Since my bike ride I seemed to have developed this ache in the back of my knee. I'm not sure if it is because I had brought my saddle up a tad more and have actually worked muscles that should have been working all the time, or if in fact I have over stretched this a little. I will have to seek advice on this. I still thought that I would be able to do just what was required of me today.
I got ready and me and the OB went out. I was even looking forward to it, in some strange way. The rain had just finished, which I was very pleased about, but of course there were puddles and wet pavements to run on now. Still, it makes for an interesting run, leaping like a ballerina over puddles. That should stretch out the old legs a bit!
The achyness in my right knee wasn't bothering me at all, which I thought was very strange, but I did develop another little achyness in my other knee! and this was right at the front of the knee, and I could feel it every time I landed on it.
managed to run all the way to Magpiehall Lane this evening, from Greenway that is! I Stopped for a few moments breath and to give my knee just a little breather too. I really don't get all that 'no pain, no gain' business. To me, pain is to let you know that you are or have done something that needs addressing! Well, I was addressing the little ache and I gave it a break, simples, surely?
I stopped another couple of times as well on our way home, as we ran back down Southborough Lane. I told the Old Boy to continue to go to top Oxhawth. I wanted to make sure that I ran the full 40 minutes as suggested in my training plans. And I know that I have done this route in less than that. So my idea is to just swing left instead of going up Faringdon, just to add a few more minutes onto the run.
I had forgotten to let the OB know of the left turn and had to call him to follow me! I wasn't over doing this, I felt good, apart from the little achys in the knees. The Old Boy thinks I should start running for an hour each time, but I am going to stick to plans, and try to follow to the letter, with maybe a bit of cross training on the bikes on the nicer evenings. And nice pleasure rides on Saturdays.
I also made sure that I didn't sprint up the last bit. I know I could have done, but I just don't want to do any harm or damage to my knees, I was feeling good and I intend things to stay that way.
Geeky stats.
Today I needed to get out and continue with my marathon training. This week is really the beginning. I managed to run for a few days last week, but what with my mega bike ride on Friday night, Saturday morning, I didn't do any running over the weekend. But I am sure I can be forgiven. I think we worked out that all though the Old Boys Garmin read 70 odd miles, it had stopped before we arrived home. We probably cycled around 80 to 85 miles all in all!
So today, I was going to stick with what my training plan said, and that is to jog for 40 minutes. As the clocks have gone back now, its pretty dark out there, the Old Boy has said that he will be my running buddy while I am in training! He was first to go up and get changed. I carried on sitting down watching the Simpsons!
Motivation seems to hibernate in these dark nights, and the rain that has started has made sure it stays there! So it was with a real effort that I went up stairs to get changed. Since my bike ride I seemed to have developed this ache in the back of my knee. I'm not sure if it is because I had brought my saddle up a tad more and have actually worked muscles that should have been working all the time, or if in fact I have over stretched this a little. I will have to seek advice on this. I still thought that I would be able to do just what was required of me today.
I got ready and me and the OB went out. I was even looking forward to it, in some strange way. The rain had just finished, which I was very pleased about, but of course there were puddles and wet pavements to run on now. Still, it makes for an interesting run, leaping like a ballerina over puddles. That should stretch out the old legs a bit!
The achyness in my right knee wasn't bothering me at all, which I thought was very strange, but I did develop another little achyness in my other knee! and this was right at the front of the knee, and I could feel it every time I landed on it.
managed to run all the way to Magpiehall Lane this evening, from Greenway that is! I Stopped for a few moments breath and to give my knee just a little breather too. I really don't get all that 'no pain, no gain' business. To me, pain is to let you know that you are or have done something that needs addressing! Well, I was addressing the little ache and I gave it a break, simples, surely?
I stopped another couple of times as well on our way home, as we ran back down Southborough Lane. I told the Old Boy to continue to go to top Oxhawth. I wanted to make sure that I ran the full 40 minutes as suggested in my training plans. And I know that I have done this route in less than that. So my idea is to just swing left instead of going up Faringdon, just to add a few more minutes onto the run.
I had forgotten to let the OB know of the left turn and had to call him to follow me! I wasn't over doing this, I felt good, apart from the little achys in the knees. The Old Boy thinks I should start running for an hour each time, but I am going to stick to plans, and try to follow to the letter, with maybe a bit of cross training on the bikes on the nicer evenings. And nice pleasure rides on Saturdays.
I also made sure that I didn't sprint up the last bit. I know I could have done, but I just don't want to do any harm or damage to my knees, I was feeling good and I intend things to stay that way.
Geeky stats.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Training Continues!
Hello blog lovers.
I forgot to write up my cycling blog yesterday, I did ride around for about 10 miles. 10 Miles! and I didn't think it was necessary to write a blog about a measly 10 mile bike ride! How blase is that? Such a fitness nutter now!
But todays run, it says in the 'trainining manual' I will be jogging along for 30 minutes. Or course that means a non stop thirty minutes, not my usual run for 15, walk some then run for 5 and walk a tad, etc etc. Oh no! This is training mode. I must try to jog along for thirty minutes now.
The Old Boy came along with me as my body guard/ resident nag/PT/Hubby/jogger. He kept me going this evening. I was getting into the comfort zone in my nice comfy armchair. I kept saying to him
"I gotta go for a jog in a minute" and he replied
"Go on then, get going"
But some how I kept sitting there. He was the first one to go upstairs and get changed! He came down in his jogging gear, hopping about in front of me, urging me to go and ready! I did as I should.
The evening was a bit chilly when we first came out of the door. I decided to put on two layers, but I am sure I am going to warm up quite quickly. We started off.
"I am going at my pace" I told the Old Boy, "A nice easy start before I get into my stride" I said, as though I have been doing this all of my life.
"Yes that's fine, what ever, but shall we go?" he replied.
I did exactly according to my plan, or at least my pace. I plodded along nicely, up Faringdon, the nice little slightly downhill section of Oxhawth before heading up Southborough. Now the last time I ran up this road, last Sunday, I had managed to get all the way to the mini round about. This time I went even further! Up as far as Turpington Lane, turned left into Turp, and then turned left into Greenway! Now I haven't done this for a long time. Well, since Naggy Neighbour managed to drag my ass around this route non stop way back when! But just half way down here I did stop jogging. The Old Boy noticed!
"Come on, what are you stopping for?" he said
"I'm just catching my breath" I said, and then from that moment until we got back he nagged me! Just like Naggy Neighbour used to, just like Nagging Sister used to, he was relentless! How he can talk s much and keep up the jogging, I don't know. I just plodded along and listened. Yes he was making sense, but I was still thrilled with what I had achieved so far. It's only week 1 of my training plans, but already I have jogged further that I used to before that ever so annoying walking break, which by the way was probably less than 20 to thirty seconds!
Up the hill that used to have me stop and look at it. Do you know what, it doesn't look that impressive now! It's a slight bump, a step up, a nothingness of a hill! I was saying this to myself in my head, as I ran up it. It worked! It got me up the hill non stop! turning right into Holbrook and then turning left to run up Parkfield to go back up Southborough! I was doing my bestest every jogging along! Ok the Old Boys constant nagging kept me going. I know if I was by myself I would have probably done a couple more walks.
I did slow down a bit more to retrieve my hankie from my pocket! But as soon as it was out I was jogging along again. I was clock watching my this time. As I was running along to bottom Oxhawth!
"Just a little further, and then that will be the 30 mins jog done" I said to myself. I daren't say that to the Old Boy, he would just say,
"No, no just keep going"
And right at the minute, I really didn't want to hear it. All I wanted was to get the thirty minutes done, and then I can go a little easier on my self.
"That's it, that's 30 minutes continual jogging" I said to the OB, and just as as I thought he said
"Keep going, its only about another 5 minutes home now"
I did keep going for a tad more, and then took another little walking break, I crossed over Lovelace Ave, and then ran from the other side all the way home! Non stop! Now this is my best run on this route for a bloomin long time......since Naggy Neighbour dragged me round nonstop jogging! I was pleased with this. The best jog on this route for a long time. The endurance is finally catching up with me. It's only taken 4 years!
All the way down Faringdon I kept up the pace. I started to put a bit of a sprint on, like I usually do, but the Old Boy said not to, just stick to the plan. It's very odd for me not to push myself a little harder at the end. I like that fast bit, and I quite missed it! So, I may just add that back into my plans!
So my geeky stats, lets see how I did.
I forgot to write up my cycling blog yesterday, I did ride around for about 10 miles. 10 Miles! and I didn't think it was necessary to write a blog about a measly 10 mile bike ride! How blase is that? Such a fitness nutter now!
But todays run, it says in the 'trainining manual' I will be jogging along for 30 minutes. Or course that means a non stop thirty minutes, not my usual run for 15, walk some then run for 5 and walk a tad, etc etc. Oh no! This is training mode. I must try to jog along for thirty minutes now.
The Old Boy came along with me as my body guard/ resident nag/PT/Hubby/jogger. He kept me going this evening. I was getting into the comfort zone in my nice comfy armchair. I kept saying to him
"I gotta go for a jog in a minute" and he replied
"Go on then, get going"
But some how I kept sitting there. He was the first one to go upstairs and get changed! He came down in his jogging gear, hopping about in front of me, urging me to go and ready! I did as I should.
The evening was a bit chilly when we first came out of the door. I decided to put on two layers, but I am sure I am going to warm up quite quickly. We started off.
"I am going at my pace" I told the Old Boy, "A nice easy start before I get into my stride" I said, as though I have been doing this all of my life.
"Yes that's fine, what ever, but shall we go?" he replied.
I did exactly according to my plan, or at least my pace. I plodded along nicely, up Faringdon, the nice little slightly downhill section of Oxhawth before heading up Southborough. Now the last time I ran up this road, last Sunday, I had managed to get all the way to the mini round about. This time I went even further! Up as far as Turpington Lane, turned left into Turp, and then turned left into Greenway! Now I haven't done this for a long time. Well, since Naggy Neighbour managed to drag my ass around this route non stop way back when! But just half way down here I did stop jogging. The Old Boy noticed!
"Come on, what are you stopping for?" he said
"I'm just catching my breath" I said, and then from that moment until we got back he nagged me! Just like Naggy Neighbour used to, just like Nagging Sister used to, he was relentless! How he can talk s much and keep up the jogging, I don't know. I just plodded along and listened. Yes he was making sense, but I was still thrilled with what I had achieved so far. It's only week 1 of my training plans, but already I have jogged further that I used to before that ever so annoying walking break, which by the way was probably less than 20 to thirty seconds!
Up the hill that used to have me stop and look at it. Do you know what, it doesn't look that impressive now! It's a slight bump, a step up, a nothingness of a hill! I was saying this to myself in my head, as I ran up it. It worked! It got me up the hill non stop! turning right into Holbrook and then turning left to run up Parkfield to go back up Southborough! I was doing my bestest every jogging along! Ok the Old Boys constant nagging kept me going. I know if I was by myself I would have probably done a couple more walks.
I did slow down a bit more to retrieve my hankie from my pocket! But as soon as it was out I was jogging along again. I was clock watching my this time. As I was running along to bottom Oxhawth!
"Just a little further, and then that will be the 30 mins jog done" I said to myself. I daren't say that to the Old Boy, he would just say,
"No, no just keep going"
And right at the minute, I really didn't want to hear it. All I wanted was to get the thirty minutes done, and then I can go a little easier on my self.
"That's it, that's 30 minutes continual jogging" I said to the OB, and just as as I thought he said
"Keep going, its only about another 5 minutes home now"
I did keep going for a tad more, and then took another little walking break, I crossed over Lovelace Ave, and then ran from the other side all the way home! Non stop! Now this is my best run on this route for a bloomin long time......since Naggy Neighbour dragged me round nonstop jogging! I was pleased with this. The best jog on this route for a long time. The endurance is finally catching up with me. It's only taken 4 years!
All the way down Faringdon I kept up the pace. I started to put a bit of a sprint on, like I usually do, but the Old Boy said not to, just stick to the plan. It's very odd for me not to push myself a little harder at the end. I like that fast bit, and I quite missed it! So, I may just add that back into my plans!
So my geeky stats, lets see how I did.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
My Rocky Moment!
Hello blog lovers.
Now, let me ask you a question. When you saw the sub title of todays blog, did you think, "ah, she is having a rough time" or did you think, "Has she gone mountaineering" But I bet you didn't think of how I saw my rocky moment!
Well, lets start from the beginning. I have listened to my coach. I ran on Sunday, as blog readers you will know that, then I had a rest day, and today I ran for 40 mins, well it was over forty mins actually, as I ran with my running club.
Today was another first as well, (I will tell you about the other first in a minute) Singstar Jo was doing her debut Group 1 leader role today! Our Illustrious leader, was doing sweeper duties. When Jo had told us the route it sounded quite reasonable. But then when we all huddled up in our groups, she then said "Oh I forgot to say, we are doing Cardiac Hill" That made a few eyes pop out. But still, we can do it. The weather is quite warm, even though its misty and looks cold out. But in actual fact it was perfect running conditions.
We started our run. I had forgotten to 'wake up' my Garmin, and we were running along Tudor way before it finally found satellites, a whole .10 of a mile later! It could have been worse, it may not have found any at all!
We were going straight under the railway bridge then turning left and running to the off license, where we will have our first catch up. This is how I know it was .10 of a mile before my Garmin found satellites, as usually this is just bang on a mile! Then it was another turn left back over the railway bridge.
We were going to head towards Orpington. I knew which road Singstar Jo was going to take. She was heading for the hills. I know they are only small hills, but they usually have me walking up them. But not today. I managed to get up the first hill in one go. But just as we were going for the second hill, one of our group caught her foot on some raised pavement, she came down quite heavy on her knees and hands, and then she said she did this slide through the mud!
After the shock of it, we checked her over, she was quite fine and said that she can carry on running. We are made of firms stuff in the P.W.R's. You're not a proper runner until you have ended up with dirty knees and hands! And in the case of this particular young lady, her lovely new bright yellow top had a huge mud patch on it now!
We had a short break there, just to make sure that she was fine, then we all tackled the next short hill, before turning left. This next road leads us to Cardiac Hill. A quick catch up here before we all started the hill together.
This is my running nemesis, this used to be my cycling nemesis! I have yet to conquer this hill running up it! I took a deep breath, and then we all started running up hill! I kept my pace nice and easy, kept my strides short, I kept my breathing in check. I was running up the hill! The path narrowed, allowing only single file, two of the ladies were walking! I had to concentrate real hard, just so that I don't join them in the walking! I needed to run up here. This hill has beaten me too many times.
I managed to get to the mini roundabout. I was still running! But we were not turning left here, we were continuing to go up, up, up! We are doing the whole hill! No traffic to stop us at the round about, so I continued to run. I tried desperately not to think about what I was doing, only concentrate on running. I can see the flat bit. I remember seeing the flat bit when I rode my bike up here the very first time, and the elation I felt when I managed to ride up it non stop! Now it seems as if I am going to make it with the running as well.
The flat! I made it, I can see the front runners just ahead gathering at the end of the road for a well earned breather, and to wait for the others. I ran up to them, arms raised in the air, huge smile on my face! I had done it! I had conquered Cardiac Hill!!
The rest of the run seemed an absolute breeze from here till the end! Or was it that I was just too much into my 'Rocky Balboa' moment that I just didn't notice the rest of the run home!
Well done Singstar Jo, your debut leadership had me breaking the curse of Cardiac hill! Bring on Summer Hill! (but, not just yet)
Geeky stats.
Now, let me ask you a question. When you saw the sub title of todays blog, did you think, "ah, she is having a rough time" or did you think, "Has she gone mountaineering" But I bet you didn't think of how I saw my rocky moment!
Well, lets start from the beginning. I have listened to my coach. I ran on Sunday, as blog readers you will know that, then I had a rest day, and today I ran for 40 mins, well it was over forty mins actually, as I ran with my running club.
Today was another first as well, (I will tell you about the other first in a minute) Singstar Jo was doing her debut Group 1 leader role today! Our Illustrious leader, was doing sweeper duties. When Jo had told us the route it sounded quite reasonable. But then when we all huddled up in our groups, she then said "Oh I forgot to say, we are doing Cardiac Hill" That made a few eyes pop out. But still, we can do it. The weather is quite warm, even though its misty and looks cold out. But in actual fact it was perfect running conditions.
We started our run. I had forgotten to 'wake up' my Garmin, and we were running along Tudor way before it finally found satellites, a whole .10 of a mile later! It could have been worse, it may not have found any at all!
We were going straight under the railway bridge then turning left and running to the off license, where we will have our first catch up. This is how I know it was .10 of a mile before my Garmin found satellites, as usually this is just bang on a mile! Then it was another turn left back over the railway bridge.
We were going to head towards Orpington. I knew which road Singstar Jo was going to take. She was heading for the hills. I know they are only small hills, but they usually have me walking up them. But not today. I managed to get up the first hill in one go. But just as we were going for the second hill, one of our group caught her foot on some raised pavement, she came down quite heavy on her knees and hands, and then she said she did this slide through the mud!
After the shock of it, we checked her over, she was quite fine and said that she can carry on running. We are made of firms stuff in the P.W.R's. You're not a proper runner until you have ended up with dirty knees and hands! And in the case of this particular young lady, her lovely new bright yellow top had a huge mud patch on it now!
We had a short break there, just to make sure that she was fine, then we all tackled the next short hill, before turning left. This next road leads us to Cardiac Hill. A quick catch up here before we all started the hill together.
This is my running nemesis, this used to be my cycling nemesis! I have yet to conquer this hill running up it! I took a deep breath, and then we all started running up hill! I kept my pace nice and easy, kept my strides short, I kept my breathing in check. I was running up the hill! The path narrowed, allowing only single file, two of the ladies were walking! I had to concentrate real hard, just so that I don't join them in the walking! I needed to run up here. This hill has beaten me too many times.
I managed to get to the mini roundabout. I was still running! But we were not turning left here, we were continuing to go up, up, up! We are doing the whole hill! No traffic to stop us at the round about, so I continued to run. I tried desperately not to think about what I was doing, only concentrate on running. I can see the flat bit. I remember seeing the flat bit when I rode my bike up here the very first time, and the elation I felt when I managed to ride up it non stop! Now it seems as if I am going to make it with the running as well.
The flat! I made it, I can see the front runners just ahead gathering at the end of the road for a well earned breather, and to wait for the others. I ran up to them, arms raised in the air, huge smile on my face! I had done it! I had conquered Cardiac Hill!!
The rest of the run seemed an absolute breeze from here till the end! Or was it that I was just too much into my 'Rocky Balboa' moment that I just didn't notice the rest of the run home!
Well done Singstar Jo, your debut leadership had me breaking the curse of Cardiac hill! Bring on Summer Hill! (but, not just yet)
Geeky stats.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Goodbye Cold Virus Hello Marathon Training!
Hello blog lovers.
Well, it's finally left me. The cold virus that is! 9 days of headaches, aches pains and snot! I managed to get out last Thursday for a short bike ride with the Old Boy, as I was feeling so much better, just not well enough to test the lungs out!
So today is the first run in nine days. As I have this little race to train for (little!!) I have decided that Sundays is going to be my long slow run days. So today, my first long run, which at the moment is only 6 miles or so, I am going to go on the easier route, with the not so steep hills of the A21.
After church, I got back, prepared the Sunday roast and veg, then...sat down with a cuppa! The weather outside is not looking good. But my run will happen. I really had to tell myself to get my ass into gear and get going, rain or not!
The Old boy had come home, and I told him of my plans, "You better get going then" he said,
"There are other joggers out there doing it"
So I went out. Long jog pants on, favourite running shoes, Garmin, hat, and bright orange cycling rain jacket! I looked like some giant carrot about to set off. I felt better about running, knowing that the Old Boy is staying in doors to finish off the Sunday roast, yum! He is a much better cook than me anyway.
Off I went. I put on another pod cast. Its a pod cast for a marathon, just so it doesn't run out of tunes before the end of my run. I ran off up the road, towards Southborough, ready for my 6 miler. I was looking forward to it, it seemed quite a while since my last run. I smilied as I ran up the road. How weird is that! But it really did feel good to be out running again.
I wasn't planning on any PB's, this was just to get back into my stride. Also the Old Boy has told me to alter my route slightly, and not go through the woody bit at Crofton. So that means adding on an extra little bit! Ah, so what, I am a marathon runner now! A little bit extra, easy peasy!
All the way up to the Harvester I ran. I normally took a walking break here, but I kept going. Past the houses and on to the next road. Again, if I hadn't had a walking break at the Harvesters then I would taken one here, but I kept going! I kept going to the pub on the right hand side of me. I always make myself run past this place, showing off I guess, to all the smokers sitting outside in the rain! But I kept going. I saw the sign for the mini round about. This is where I finally took my first walking break. Wow, I was pleased with that. Just come back from a bout of 'man flu' and there I was, running further than I usually did, without a break!
From here though I was back to my usual run a lot, then walk a little. As long as I kept my pace under that 13 m/mi I didn't mind. I would have prefered to have kept it at 12 m/mi, but I was not going to beat myself up about that...just yet! Now it was time for the long stretch up the A21, to the posh places.
The rain continued to come down in that soft annoying way, where its not pouring down, but you get totally soaked anyway! Misting up my glasses and causing them to steam up! Yet strangely I was still enjoying being out running! I am truly, officially crazy now.
I mean considering only a few short years ago, I hadn't actually done any running, or exercise at all, in fact, here is the first few lines from my very first (War and peace sized) blog
The music kept me going, all the way up, the people out walking kept me going (thought they didn't know it), I used the people to keep me amused, I had to run past them before they got to a particular point. It kept me amused, and made the run a bit more challenging and fun. There's that word again!
Going though the posh houses is always a pleasure for me! I just love these houses! One day, when I win the lotto, who knows, I could be starting off my run from here! I kept looking at my watch, I so wanted to keep a 12 something m/mi going. If I saw it said 13 something I just pushed a little harder until it was back in the 12's. My chest and lungs seem to be doing well, and even my legs don't seem that tired, and I was feeling pretty good!
After the posh houses was done it was the route up to Crofton round about. I had promised the Old Boy that I wouldn't go down the back of the woods, I expect it would be a bit wet and muddy down that way anyway, so I focused on the top of the hill. That's my goal, that's my route!
Up and up I ran, (walked/run style of course) and then I took the very teeny tiny short cut, which cuts off about 50 yards or so (what that is in metric I don't know) and then it was the lovely down hill all the way, virtually, to my home. I tried to keep a good pace going here. Remembering how me and Nagging Sister ran down this way, on a club run, and we were so ahead of the group, we were positively rude for leaving them! But I know that sometimes the run gets you, and you're on a flyer and just don't realise how well you are actually doing, you get into the zone!
Well that didn't quite happen today, but I kept it going pretty well I think. Then it was time to turn left, and start to make my way home. Another very slight incline to get up and then turn left again. Nearly home. "Just one more mile, just one more mile" I heard myself saying over the music in my ears.
I then saw a friend walking her dog, of course I had to go and say hi to her. So I did actually have a physical stop! As apposed to a walking stop. My feet were 'fizzing' Fizzing feet?, whats all that about?! But as soon as I started running again, that was all forgotten.
Just the last few roads to run. And I really kept it all together, I kept running all the way home. I even managed a very slight sprint bit up to my front door.
All done, I was quite pleased with my efforts, considering the cold thingy and everything, and then I was quite pleased with the time, and then, I was even more pleased with the time in relation to the distance!
Here is my geeky stats. And if I had taken the shorter route through the woods, I would have been on for a PB for this route, which is why I am very pleased with todays run.
I have also added a little widget thing to the side. This is going to show the miles that I have run, from today, until race day in April. It will be fun (that word again!) to see how many miles I can cover between now and then.
Well, it's finally left me. The cold virus that is! 9 days of headaches, aches pains and snot! I managed to get out last Thursday for a short bike ride with the Old Boy, as I was feeling so much better, just not well enough to test the lungs out!
So today is the first run in nine days. As I have this little race to train for (little!!) I have decided that Sundays is going to be my long slow run days. So today, my first long run, which at the moment is only 6 miles or so, I am going to go on the easier route, with the not so steep hills of the A21.
After church, I got back, prepared the Sunday roast and veg, then...sat down with a cuppa! The weather outside is not looking good. But my run will happen. I really had to tell myself to get my ass into gear and get going, rain or not!
The Old boy had come home, and I told him of my plans, "You better get going then" he said,
"There are other joggers out there doing it"
So I went out. Long jog pants on, favourite running shoes, Garmin, hat, and bright orange cycling rain jacket! I looked like some giant carrot about to set off. I felt better about running, knowing that the Old Boy is staying in doors to finish off the Sunday roast, yum! He is a much better cook than me anyway.
Off I went. I put on another pod cast. Its a pod cast for a marathon, just so it doesn't run out of tunes before the end of my run. I ran off up the road, towards Southborough, ready for my 6 miler. I was looking forward to it, it seemed quite a while since my last run. I smilied as I ran up the road. How weird is that! But it really did feel good to be out running again.
I wasn't planning on any PB's, this was just to get back into my stride. Also the Old Boy has told me to alter my route slightly, and not go through the woody bit at Crofton. So that means adding on an extra little bit! Ah, so what, I am a marathon runner now! A little bit extra, easy peasy!
All the way up to the Harvester I ran. I normally took a walking break here, but I kept going. Past the houses and on to the next road. Again, if I hadn't had a walking break at the Harvesters then I would taken one here, but I kept going! I kept going to the pub on the right hand side of me. I always make myself run past this place, showing off I guess, to all the smokers sitting outside in the rain! But I kept going. I saw the sign for the mini round about. This is where I finally took my first walking break. Wow, I was pleased with that. Just come back from a bout of 'man flu' and there I was, running further than I usually did, without a break!
From here though I was back to my usual run a lot, then walk a little. As long as I kept my pace under that 13 m/mi I didn't mind. I would have prefered to have kept it at 12 m/mi, but I was not going to beat myself up about that...just yet! Now it was time for the long stretch up the A21, to the posh places.
The rain continued to come down in that soft annoying way, where its not pouring down, but you get totally soaked anyway! Misting up my glasses and causing them to steam up! Yet strangely I was still enjoying being out running! I am truly, officially crazy now.
I mean considering only a few short years ago, I hadn't actually done any running, or exercise at all, in fact, here is the first few lines from my very first (War and peace sized) blog
A Struggle to keep fitHow time flies. And now, here I am, looking up the A21, with still another 4 miles to cover before I get home! Brilliant, fantastic, but still crazy!!
Who knows how difficult it is to even think about starting to get fit. When you have reached my age, and that is passed forty, then you start to wonder if it is even the most dangerous thought that has ever popped into your head. After all, running after kids and pushing the vacuum around is hardly exercise, and now that I have wooden floors even that little bit has been taken away. But there it is, this thought lingering in my mind. Not only that but then someone suggests that I do a 'fun run' for charity. A fun run?! I ask myself, what on earth is fun about running. Of course I make all the excuses under the sun, like why that is probably not the most positive activity for me to do at this time in my life. But does that stop the said someone from giving me the emotional blackmail, 'Oh, but we are going to have mums picture on the tee shirts, and its for Cancer Research UK.
The music kept me going, all the way up, the people out walking kept me going (thought they didn't know it), I used the people to keep me amused, I had to run past them before they got to a particular point. It kept me amused, and made the run a bit more challenging and fun. There's that word again!
Going though the posh houses is always a pleasure for me! I just love these houses! One day, when I win the lotto, who knows, I could be starting off my run from here! I kept looking at my watch, I so wanted to keep a 12 something m/mi going. If I saw it said 13 something I just pushed a little harder until it was back in the 12's. My chest and lungs seem to be doing well, and even my legs don't seem that tired, and I was feeling pretty good!
After the posh houses was done it was the route up to Crofton round about. I had promised the Old Boy that I wouldn't go down the back of the woods, I expect it would be a bit wet and muddy down that way anyway, so I focused on the top of the hill. That's my goal, that's my route!
Up and up I ran, (walked/run style of course) and then I took the very teeny tiny short cut, which cuts off about 50 yards or so (what that is in metric I don't know) and then it was the lovely down hill all the way, virtually, to my home. I tried to keep a good pace going here. Remembering how me and Nagging Sister ran down this way, on a club run, and we were so ahead of the group, we were positively rude for leaving them! But I know that sometimes the run gets you, and you're on a flyer and just don't realise how well you are actually doing, you get into the zone!
Well that didn't quite happen today, but I kept it going pretty well I think. Then it was time to turn left, and start to make my way home. Another very slight incline to get up and then turn left again. Nearly home. "Just one more mile, just one more mile" I heard myself saying over the music in my ears.
I then saw a friend walking her dog, of course I had to go and say hi to her. So I did actually have a physical stop! As apposed to a walking stop. My feet were 'fizzing' Fizzing feet?, whats all that about?! But as soon as I started running again, that was all forgotten.
Just the last few roads to run. And I really kept it all together, I kept running all the way home. I even managed a very slight sprint bit up to my front door.
All done, I was quite pleased with my efforts, considering the cold thingy and everything, and then I was quite pleased with the time, and then, I was even more pleased with the time in relation to the distance!
Here is my geeky stats. And if I had taken the shorter route through the woods, I would have been on for a PB for this route, which is why I am very pleased with todays run.
I have also added a little widget thing to the side. This is going to show the miles that I have run, from today, until race day in April. It will be fun (that word again!) to see how many miles I can cover between now and then.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
No Jogging! Just For Information!
Hello Blog lovers.
Well, the cold virus is keeping me in my house this evening, just as I wanted to meet up with my running buddies at my club and finally, come out of denial, and announce what I am going to be doing in London, on the 21st April, 2013.
So this really is a very short blog, as I have nothing really to talk about, well, apart from what I am about to say. When I told the Old Boy, he was a bit shocked, a nervous laugh was heard on the phone, and then a "Well, you better get some training going on!, I shall come with you and help out, especially as the winter months will keep us off our bikes"
I put in for this after being inspired by one of our group 1 runners, and after I was watching it on the telly. A kind of a whim really, but one that I wanted to happen! And then when I got my magazine, I kind of thought "Oh!, right, so, now what?" I kept quiet. After I told the Old Boy I though it best to let my running club know as soon as possible after that. I am going to need all he support and training I can get.
What am I doing on date just announced, I am sure that there are quite a few of my blog readers will know, as well as some family now, I am doing the Virgin London Marathon!
So, whatch this space, encourage me if you see me in the streets running, and nag me if I am walking, and I look as if I should be running!
Well, the cold virus is keeping me in my house this evening, just as I wanted to meet up with my running buddies at my club and finally, come out of denial, and announce what I am going to be doing in London, on the 21st April, 2013.
So this really is a very short blog, as I have nothing really to talk about, well, apart from what I am about to say. When I told the Old Boy, he was a bit shocked, a nervous laugh was heard on the phone, and then a "Well, you better get some training going on!, I shall come with you and help out, especially as the winter months will keep us off our bikes"
I put in for this after being inspired by one of our group 1 runners, and after I was watching it on the telly. A kind of a whim really, but one that I wanted to happen! And then when I got my magazine, I kind of thought "Oh!, right, so, now what?" I kept quiet. After I told the Old Boy I though it best to let my running club know as soon as possible after that. I am going to need all he support and training I can get.
What am I doing on date just announced, I am sure that there are quite a few of my blog readers will know, as well as some family now, I am doing the Virgin London Marathon!
So, whatch this space, encourage me if you see me in the streets running, and nag me if I am walking, and I look as if I should be running!
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Pettswood 10k Race.
Hello blog lovers.
Today was the day of my clubs annual 10k race, and as such, I wasn't running today, but I was marshaling!
This is a great way for me to give something back to the club for all the encouragement and support and friendships for the last year. And to be able to support and cheer on all other runners that come here to run through our woods, the people who want to be first, or to get PB's to those that are just doing their first ever 10k race!
I arrived at Willet Way recreation ground to find a hive of activity, all gazebos erected and tapes and and sound systems in place. All the was left for me to do was to track down my leader and grab a cuppa for me and Hitchy, she was here on her first marshaling duties for our club.
The weather couldn't be more perfect! The sun was out, it was warm. It was such a pity that we had tons of rain before making the going through the woods, shall we say, challenging. But reading the reviews so far on Runners World, mud is good! We were all introduced to our team, found out who was who, and swapped phone numbers . I was designated First Aider for our team 4, so I really had to have phone numbers to make sure who was asking for first aid.
We made our way through to our section of the 10k route. We were from the 6.5 k mark, just at the memorial. A great position. The memorial is in a clearing, on a great down hill section of the route. I can remember, when I ran this race, as being a very welcome relief. We highlighted all the hazards, taped of the routes where we don't want our runners to go down, and then got into our positions!
I was quite excited. I kept looking at my watch, estimating when the first of the elites would be through! There were some horse riders coming through, and I told them politely that there would be some runners heading their way shortly. Only one person was a bit curt about it, the others said, "Thanks for the warming, we shall change our route and go this way" as they headed, steered, (what do you do to a horse when you change directions) their horses, their huge horses to the right, but they had arrived just at the end of the race.
I again checked my watch, any second now! Then there he was, the first runner! looking a little muddy around the legs, but going very strong, and looking like he was on a mission. I was cheering and clapping him from when I saw him to when he went past me, to be met by the next cheering marshal.
From then on there were runners coming along every few minutes. It was a great joy to see them coming through the path, some looking totally focused on the job in hand and some smiling, and some looking totally relieved that there was a slight down hill section to look forward to!
Right up until the last runner marshals came along, keeping two very happy joggers company, we kept up our cheering and clapping! I just love it, this is the second year that I have been able to give back just a little something to the club and I cant wait to do it again!
Fantastic day, fantastic weather, fantastic runners, and fantastic woods to be running through, what else could you possible want from a Sunday morning in October!
I'm sure you can go on to the Runners World site to read the reviews of our race. So far as I write this, its been a positive response, and they all want to come back and do it again next year!
Today was the day of my clubs annual 10k race, and as such, I wasn't running today, but I was marshaling!
This is a great way for me to give something back to the club for all the encouragement and support and friendships for the last year. And to be able to support and cheer on all other runners that come here to run through our woods, the people who want to be first, or to get PB's to those that are just doing their first ever 10k race!
I arrived at Willet Way recreation ground to find a hive of activity, all gazebos erected and tapes and and sound systems in place. All the was left for me to do was to track down my leader and grab a cuppa for me and Hitchy, she was here on her first marshaling duties for our club.
The weather couldn't be more perfect! The sun was out, it was warm. It was such a pity that we had tons of rain before making the going through the woods, shall we say, challenging. But reading the reviews so far on Runners World, mud is good! We were all introduced to our team, found out who was who, and swapped phone numbers . I was designated First Aider for our team 4, so I really had to have phone numbers to make sure who was asking for first aid.
We made our way through to our section of the 10k route. We were from the 6.5 k mark, just at the memorial. A great position. The memorial is in a clearing, on a great down hill section of the route. I can remember, when I ran this race, as being a very welcome relief. We highlighted all the hazards, taped of the routes where we don't want our runners to go down, and then got into our positions!
![]() |
Looking at the next marshal |
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Looking out for the runners |
From then on there were runners coming along every few minutes. It was a great joy to see them coming through the path, some looking totally focused on the job in hand and some smiling, and some looking totally relieved that there was a slight down hill section to look forward to!
Right up until the last runner marshals came along, keeping two very happy joggers company, we kept up our cheering and clapping! I just love it, this is the second year that I have been able to give back just a little something to the club and I cant wait to do it again!
Fantastic day, fantastic weather, fantastic runners, and fantastic woods to be running through, what else could you possible want from a Sunday morning in October!
I'm sure you can go on to the Runners World site to read the reviews of our race. So far as I write this, its been a positive response, and they all want to come back and do it again next year!
Thursday, 11 October 2012
A Rainy Run! - Proper Runner!
Hello Blog lovers.
I am in need to increase my running, and my distances. So this afternoon, after dropping off my darling little grandson at nursery I came back and got changed, straight away, before I changed my mind!
The weather wasn't good. It's not inspiring me to do well, and also the cold virus is really trying to get to grips with me! But I'm sure, the fitter you are, the better you are to fight off gersm! I just hope that is right. I decided to utilise my Iphone a bit more, and put on a pod cast for a 10k distance. lets see if that keeps me going.
Earphones in place, Garmin switched on and ready, rain/wind coat on back. Now time to get out there. I didn't want to do Summer Hill today, I think that would have been a hill to far, and besides it's a psychological thing with me, its a hill, so there for its hard. The route I have in mind still has hills in the middle of it, but somehow it doesnt scare me as much. Maybe cycling up this particular hill has waylaid any fears. It is of course the A21.
The weather was getting to me. I kept thinking "Maybe just do the short route, just do 3 miles, the weather is awful" But my running head took over and said "No, keep going, there is a couple of other options if the rain comes down really bad then there is two options.
I jogged along Southborough Lane, to the end, then turned left to go up to Locksbottom, along the A21. The music on the podcast was keeping me going but I am sure I can find a bit of a slower beat to run to, unless all running podcasts are like that!
I past the first road that would take me on to the short route. That was easy, and then I past the second road. Again I cruised past it without even thinking about nipping up there to run on home. Then the bus garage was in view. This is the last point which I can nip off for an early shower! I could feel myself battling against these thoughts.
"Just keep going old girl, once you've passed there then it's only one way home!"
Just then the chap on the pod cast said "Ok, so we're half way through, keep running" Half way! I wasn't even at 3 miles yet, I am going to have to get some more music going to get me through to home.
The hill looks totally different when you have to run up it, cycling up it is not as bad as it used to be! I did do some walking, and if I am honest then I have walked quite a bit. Just a tad tired with the cold thingy battle going on. But like a trouper i just ran....ok ran and walked.
This was the patten for the rest of the run actually. Sometimes I was running quite good, and other times just a little bit of a struggle. I didn't want to give up though. Well, I was on the point of no return now, it has to be finished.
I chose to go through the posh houses. It always brings a smile on my face looking at the fantastic houses down there. And I wonder who lives there, do they do running, or do they have people who run for them! The last house before I leave the post estate always has me almost standing back in amazement. Absolutely stunning house! All that cleaning though!
On the way home now, just a couple of more miles. The rain had stopped, thankfully, it was only ever drizzly anyway. I was feeling pretty good, but tired. I was trying to 'dance' along to the music playing in my ears, I must have looked quite a sight bouncing along, I just hope my arms didn't flail around like they usually do when I'm dancing!
Through the back of the woods now. I was umming and arrring about do this bit. But I decided that this is the short cut that I will take. I know by the time I get home then I will have run for six miles. I was happy with that!
For such a drizzly day the path was quite busy, people walking their dogs, some maybe taking short cut with shopping, and the local constabulary, two of them, on their bikes. I came out of the woods on Shepperton road, another slight incline to run up, and this one really is just a pimple, probably wouldn't even register on the Garmin stats! But after 5 and half miles it looks like a cheeky little blighter!
Back on to my estate now, and feeling ok! Just a bit tired, and warm, so very warm. My face must be glowing. I should have removed my jacket, but I really don't like tieing things around my waiste, I don't feel as free!
I tried to do a little bit of sprint up to my front door, I just didn't have it in my legs today, I only just ran a tad faster than I was running for the last part of my run! (if that makes any sense to you)
Stop the Garmin, it read.......6.24 miles in 1:19 mins. Yup, I'm ok with that, not brilliant speed, but ok!
Geeky stats.
I am in need to increase my running, and my distances. So this afternoon, after dropping off my darling little grandson at nursery I came back and got changed, straight away, before I changed my mind!
The weather wasn't good. It's not inspiring me to do well, and also the cold virus is really trying to get to grips with me! But I'm sure, the fitter you are, the better you are to fight off gersm! I just hope that is right. I decided to utilise my Iphone a bit more, and put on a pod cast for a 10k distance. lets see if that keeps me going.
Earphones in place, Garmin switched on and ready, rain/wind coat on back. Now time to get out there. I didn't want to do Summer Hill today, I think that would have been a hill to far, and besides it's a psychological thing with me, its a hill, so there for its hard. The route I have in mind still has hills in the middle of it, but somehow it doesnt scare me as much. Maybe cycling up this particular hill has waylaid any fears. It is of course the A21.
The weather was getting to me. I kept thinking "Maybe just do the short route, just do 3 miles, the weather is awful" But my running head took over and said "No, keep going, there is a couple of other options if the rain comes down really bad then there is two options.
I jogged along Southborough Lane, to the end, then turned left to go up to Locksbottom, along the A21. The music on the podcast was keeping me going but I am sure I can find a bit of a slower beat to run to, unless all running podcasts are like that!
I past the first road that would take me on to the short route. That was easy, and then I past the second road. Again I cruised past it without even thinking about nipping up there to run on home. Then the bus garage was in view. This is the last point which I can nip off for an early shower! I could feel myself battling against these thoughts.
"Just keep going old girl, once you've passed there then it's only one way home!"
Just then the chap on the pod cast said "Ok, so we're half way through, keep running" Half way! I wasn't even at 3 miles yet, I am going to have to get some more music going to get me through to home.
The hill looks totally different when you have to run up it, cycling up it is not as bad as it used to be! I did do some walking, and if I am honest then I have walked quite a bit. Just a tad tired with the cold thingy battle going on. But like a trouper i just ran....ok ran and walked.
This was the patten for the rest of the run actually. Sometimes I was running quite good, and other times just a little bit of a struggle. I didn't want to give up though. Well, I was on the point of no return now, it has to be finished.
I chose to go through the posh houses. It always brings a smile on my face looking at the fantastic houses down there. And I wonder who lives there, do they do running, or do they have people who run for them! The last house before I leave the post estate always has me almost standing back in amazement. Absolutely stunning house! All that cleaning though!
On the way home now, just a couple of more miles. The rain had stopped, thankfully, it was only ever drizzly anyway. I was feeling pretty good, but tired. I was trying to 'dance' along to the music playing in my ears, I must have looked quite a sight bouncing along, I just hope my arms didn't flail around like they usually do when I'm dancing!
Through the back of the woods now. I was umming and arrring about do this bit. But I decided that this is the short cut that I will take. I know by the time I get home then I will have run for six miles. I was happy with that!
For such a drizzly day the path was quite busy, people walking their dogs, some maybe taking short cut with shopping, and the local constabulary, two of them, on their bikes. I came out of the woods on Shepperton road, another slight incline to run up, and this one really is just a pimple, probably wouldn't even register on the Garmin stats! But after 5 and half miles it looks like a cheeky little blighter!
Back on to my estate now, and feeling ok! Just a bit tired, and warm, so very warm. My face must be glowing. I should have removed my jacket, but I really don't like tieing things around my waiste, I don't feel as free!
I tried to do a little bit of sprint up to my front door, I just didn't have it in my legs today, I only just ran a tad faster than I was running for the last part of my run! (if that makes any sense to you)
Stop the Garmin, it read.......6.24 miles in 1:19 mins. Yup, I'm ok with that, not brilliant speed, but ok!
Geeky stats.
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Club Run - Substitute Nagging Sister
Hello Blog lovers.
Today was club run. I was looking forward to getting out this evening, after having a few lazy days of doing sweet fanny adams! Apart from eating cream doughnuts, drinking beer, and indulging in the forbidden fruits of.............the takeaways!
This evening I didn't think I would be in any sort of fit state to keep up with toddlers (if of course, for some unknown reason they would be out running this time of night) let along a group or improving runners! I volunteered my services as sweeper, if only to keep, Singstar Jo company. She is an inspiration. She ran the Royal Parks half Marathon at the weekend, in 2:34, no mean feat! and now she is out here running along doing sweeper duties with me!
Our route was given, and off we went. A nice steady pace to begin with, running up Willet Way. I was jogging along at a nice conversational pace. Me! Chatting and jogging! And, I believe, I wasn't sound to wheezy either. Even though I have a bit of a cough. I am determined not to get this cold, flu thing that is bringing everybody down. It even has its grips on Nagging Sister, she is not running this evening, nor did she do the parkrun on Saturday!
I like runs like this. I think the cycling and the running are beginning to compliment each other. Building up stamina, getting up the hills on the bike helps to keep going with the jogging. Cross training I think they call it! Now if only I could add drinking and eating cakes as part of the training, then I will be in paradise!
You will notice from the geeky stats at the end, there this is a slightly undulating route. Now I know it don't look as bad on the little graph, but when you are at the bottom of the...undulation, then it looks pretty mean! Poor Singstar Jo was trying to remain in denial of the undulations, due to her legs being coated in lead since Sunday! But it did not stop her from nagging.
I managed to do all the hills, except from the ones that were just heading up to Pettswood, on the last leg of our jog today. I started to walk.
"Come on Old Girl" said Singstar, keep going.
I looked at her, thinking about what she had achieved at the weekend, and looking up at the little, tiny, pimple of a hill and got my ass back to jogging! If she could keep going for 13 miles then I sure as cream cakes are delicious, I can keep jogging to the end of todays club run. I did walk for another couple of steps again, but she turned into Nagging Sister,
"My legs may not work as well at mo" she said, "But I can still talk, now keep going, you're nearly there"
Once at the top, in high street, it really is just a very short run to the rec. No real reason to stop running or jogging, so I just kept on going. Our illustrious leader held back at the corner to wait for the ones at the back, which was me, Singstar and one other lady. She jogged along with me, and we chatted a bit, me still be able to hold a conversation! But then it was soon ready to do my sprint.
I didn't go as fast as I normally do. That shows on the geeky stats, but it was still a sprint. I was pleased with that. I jogged on into the rec and proceeded to lead the runners in a group stretch, until Singstar and our Illustrious Leader came in.
Geeky stats.
Today was club run. I was looking forward to getting out this evening, after having a few lazy days of doing sweet fanny adams! Apart from eating cream doughnuts, drinking beer, and indulging in the forbidden fruits of.............the takeaways!
This evening I didn't think I would be in any sort of fit state to keep up with toddlers (if of course, for some unknown reason they would be out running this time of night) let along a group or improving runners! I volunteered my services as sweeper, if only to keep, Singstar Jo company. She is an inspiration. She ran the Royal Parks half Marathon at the weekend, in 2:34, no mean feat! and now she is out here running along doing sweeper duties with me!
Our route was given, and off we went. A nice steady pace to begin with, running up Willet Way. I was jogging along at a nice conversational pace. Me! Chatting and jogging! And, I believe, I wasn't sound to wheezy either. Even though I have a bit of a cough. I am determined not to get this cold, flu thing that is bringing everybody down. It even has its grips on Nagging Sister, she is not running this evening, nor did she do the parkrun on Saturday!
I like runs like this. I think the cycling and the running are beginning to compliment each other. Building up stamina, getting up the hills on the bike helps to keep going with the jogging. Cross training I think they call it! Now if only I could add drinking and eating cakes as part of the training, then I will be in paradise!
You will notice from the geeky stats at the end, there this is a slightly undulating route. Now I know it don't look as bad on the little graph, but when you are at the bottom of the...undulation, then it looks pretty mean! Poor Singstar Jo was trying to remain in denial of the undulations, due to her legs being coated in lead since Sunday! But it did not stop her from nagging.
I managed to do all the hills, except from the ones that were just heading up to Pettswood, on the last leg of our jog today. I started to walk.
"Come on Old Girl" said Singstar, keep going.
I looked at her, thinking about what she had achieved at the weekend, and looking up at the little, tiny, pimple of a hill and got my ass back to jogging! If she could keep going for 13 miles then I sure as cream cakes are delicious, I can keep jogging to the end of todays club run. I did walk for another couple of steps again, but she turned into Nagging Sister,
"My legs may not work as well at mo" she said, "But I can still talk, now keep going, you're nearly there"
Once at the top, in high street, it really is just a very short run to the rec. No real reason to stop running or jogging, so I just kept on going. Our illustrious leader held back at the corner to wait for the ones at the back, which was me, Singstar and one other lady. She jogged along with me, and we chatted a bit, me still be able to hold a conversation! But then it was soon ready to do my sprint.
I didn't go as fast as I normally do. That shows on the geeky stats, but it was still a sprint. I was pleased with that. I jogged on into the rec and proceeded to lead the runners in a group stretch, until Singstar and our Illustrious Leader came in.
Geeky stats.
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Thursday Dash!
Hello Blog lovers.
I bet you think this is about a run today. Well, not quite. This blog is about Thursdays quick dash! But I just haven't written it up yet. I was going to write up a double run. One about todays run, but todays run didn't happen! So, now here I am, Sunday, with lazyitus and just writing up about Thursdays run. But things will pick up next week.
So Thursdays dash. After work, I potted about for a few minutes before I nagged myself to get my running gear on and get out of the door! It was quite nice out, maybe just a tad chilly. I had put a long sleeve top on. I wasn't sure where I was heading for, or how far the distance. While I was waiting outside for the satellites to find me, I checked the time. That is when made up my mind about where I was going to run. I had my mate, Hitchy, coming round for a girly night in, with beer, cinzano and chat! A quick 3 miler around the block!
So, with music in my ears, off I went. I must treat myself to some nice IPhone running type earphones, do they do such a thing! When I am running by myself I find that with music in my ears it keeps me moving, otherwise I get lazy! Like today! I had some good music going in my ears on Thursday, but also some slow tunes as well. Looks like I got some homework to do, either make a playlist of my own of some great running tunes, or take advantage of these pod casts that I hear about. I don't think I have ever listened to one, let along know how to download one on to my phone! But I am sure I can learn.
My route was the usual one that I used to do by myself, up to Turpington Lane, turn left and left again, and make my way home. Just over the three miles. I was hoping that I was going to be very strong and very positive and bloomin hard on myself to get my ass around in record time. This is how lazy I have been, I have not even upload geeky stats yet. I shall do that once I have stopped waffling.
I did surprise myself though. Running all the way past where I used to take my first stop, and running further that the place I used to stop again afterwards! But when I did stop, I was annoyed with myself. I do remember that! I was thinking
"Why are you stopping women"
I knew what would coming from that point onwards. I would be stopping in a few more places! It's like a psychological thing! I swear it is. I can even remember thinking it,
"Well thats mucked up my non stop 3 miler"
I could almost hear myself saying it out loud! Extra homework, work on positive thinking more!
I was heading along the home stretch, which by now I call beginning of Oxhawth Crescent, only last year, the home stretch was about hundred yards from my front door! How things change! I couldn't help it, but half way along Oxhawth I had to check my Garmin, I can always remember looking at my Garmin at that point and I was 32 minutes running, this time I was about 30 mins. I tried not to get too excited, just concentrate on getting home. The road where there is no 'stopping' is coming up, and I knew I just wanted to do my best.
I pushed on down there, running along the road, thinking that this may be a PB. I was feeling pretty good too. My road was coming up fast, and I just kept on running towards it, I started the sprint bit a bit earlier too. I have to get myself used to pushing harder.
Running up my road I saw Nagging Neighbour, she was driving along the road, urging, and nagging me to go faster. I ran to the end of the green, stopped the Garmin and went to have a quick chat with her. Run all done. Now, lets see the Geeky stats!
I bet you think this is about a run today. Well, not quite. This blog is about Thursdays quick dash! But I just haven't written it up yet. I was going to write up a double run. One about todays run, but todays run didn't happen! So, now here I am, Sunday, with lazyitus and just writing up about Thursdays run. But things will pick up next week.
So Thursdays dash. After work, I potted about for a few minutes before I nagged myself to get my running gear on and get out of the door! It was quite nice out, maybe just a tad chilly. I had put a long sleeve top on. I wasn't sure where I was heading for, or how far the distance. While I was waiting outside for the satellites to find me, I checked the time. That is when made up my mind about where I was going to run. I had my mate, Hitchy, coming round for a girly night in, with beer, cinzano and chat! A quick 3 miler around the block!
So, with music in my ears, off I went. I must treat myself to some nice IPhone running type earphones, do they do such a thing! When I am running by myself I find that with music in my ears it keeps me moving, otherwise I get lazy! Like today! I had some good music going in my ears on Thursday, but also some slow tunes as well. Looks like I got some homework to do, either make a playlist of my own of some great running tunes, or take advantage of these pod casts that I hear about. I don't think I have ever listened to one, let along know how to download one on to my phone! But I am sure I can learn.
My route was the usual one that I used to do by myself, up to Turpington Lane, turn left and left again, and make my way home. Just over the three miles. I was hoping that I was going to be very strong and very positive and bloomin hard on myself to get my ass around in record time. This is how lazy I have been, I have not even upload geeky stats yet. I shall do that once I have stopped waffling.
I did surprise myself though. Running all the way past where I used to take my first stop, and running further that the place I used to stop again afterwards! But when I did stop, I was annoyed with myself. I do remember that! I was thinking
"Why are you stopping women"
I knew what would coming from that point onwards. I would be stopping in a few more places! It's like a psychological thing! I swear it is. I can even remember thinking it,
"Well thats mucked up my non stop 3 miler"
I could almost hear myself saying it out loud! Extra homework, work on positive thinking more!
I was heading along the home stretch, which by now I call beginning of Oxhawth Crescent, only last year, the home stretch was about hundred yards from my front door! How things change! I couldn't help it, but half way along Oxhawth I had to check my Garmin, I can always remember looking at my Garmin at that point and I was 32 minutes running, this time I was about 30 mins. I tried not to get too excited, just concentrate on getting home. The road where there is no 'stopping' is coming up, and I knew I just wanted to do my best.
I pushed on down there, running along the road, thinking that this may be a PB. I was feeling pretty good too. My road was coming up fast, and I just kept on running towards it, I started the sprint bit a bit earlier too. I have to get myself used to pushing harder.
Running up my road I saw Nagging Neighbour, she was driving along the road, urging, and nagging me to go faster. I ran to the end of the green, stopped the Garmin and went to have a quick chat with her. Run all done. Now, lets see the Geeky stats!
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