Friday, 31 August 2012

Free Afternoon - Lets Ruuuunnn!

Hello blog lovers,

What a lovely day it was today, a bit of a chill first thing in the morning, but the sun was shining brightly.  I had my grandson today, so not exactly a relaxing day, but still an enjoyable morning and afternoon. But when his mum picked him up I was ready to go for a run.

I was feeling a tad tired, but I thought I would be ok to still try and push out 6 miles or so. I set my Garmin, and off I went. My goodness, just getting up to the top of Farringdon made me think that maybe, a three miler would be more to the liking. Nah......wannabe athlete jumped right back into my thoughts and kept me going to Blackbrook lane. "There, maybe that will keep out Couchie from my thoughts" but I knew that Couch Potato was not very far. My body was feeling tired, but I was thinking that was because I have had a lazy day yesterday, with no exercise, and just sitting around today waiting to take grandson to his footie lessons will put me in a lethargic  mood. So I trundled on to Summer Hill.

I ran down hill with a smile on my face. Can you tell I like running down hill? I tried not to look up ahead of me, tried not to think about the long uphill section. I started to walk after only running for a short time on the up section. Then another runner ran passed me as he breezed his way up Summer hill! He didn't even stop for breath! I guess the are athletes and there are wannabe athletes. But he did get me moving again, there was no way I was going to catch up to him, but I was at least going to try and keep him in site. Of course that was just a 'pie in the sky' moment as I watched him disappear up the hill and around the corner.

I walked most of the uphill section. Even a good telling off and a nagging couldn't get my ass moving any faster. But I did keep on trying to, running for about 30 seconds and the walking again.  The top still came. One day I will run up this hill! even if it kills me! The straights now, passed the pub with the lovely olives, and no towards the wooded section. I had decided to go through here, try and forget about the miles. There were quite a few people about, so its a well used path, I'm sure I will be found if I  get lost again!

I made sure that the road was always on my right and that I could still hear the traffic, even over the music playing in my ears. I just love running through the woods, it just melts down the miles, its a lot more pleasant, there are trees and birds and things to look at, and you don't have to worry about the traffic when you run along on narrow pavements.

The wooded section came to an end and I was once again pavement pounding, heading towards the new bridge over the railway lines. Not too far now, but I really was feeling weary now. The funny swelling in my ankle came to mind, it wasn't hurting, and I had no idea why I was thinking about it. Maybe its know that Mike the Kit Man/Physio guy lives nearby hear, or it could be Couch Potato head trying to tell me that I have a broken leg and should be sat at home ankle to hip plaster, and supping on beer while demanding more chocolate. Of course I did what any good proper athlete would do, I ignore all such thoughts and ran on towards my finish destination. I looked at my watch, 1 hour running, 4.80 miles and just over 1:50 miles to go. "If I go some I could get quite a good time" I though to my self and with that a wall fell in front of me! My legs refused to go any faster than a walking pace. "For goodness sake Old Girl, get your ass moving, NOW" After a few more seconds or so, I started running again. "And don't do that again" I told myself sternly. You can tell its near the end, I am talking to my self again.

Running up to Pettswood high street I had to have another gentle reminder "This is not a walking exercise this is a running exercise, NOW MOVE IT WOMAN" Do you know what, I even slapped my leg! Definitely losing it!

I wanted to keep on jogging, no more walking sections, but of course I did, but I made sure there were only a few seconds at a time.  From the top of Hollingworth I chose this spot to start my 'No stopping whatsoever' sport. All the way, now I must find the zone. Running all the way down hill, which I love, and then along the straight, with hopefully a sprint at the end.  Last turn into Almond way now, and a sort of sprint up to the lamppost. Look at my Garmin.

Yep, pleased with that. 6.52 miles in 1:20 something minutes, I will check that out when I upload my geeky stats. But for now, a walk around the green to stretch out all those muscles and get the old ticker down to a nice bpm.

It wasn't until I got in doors, after, walking around the Green, after doing some stretching, after making a cup of tea and a quick snackette that I realised that I hadn't actually turned off my Garmin! Doh!!!

But here is the geeky stats, it seems for some reason that there is a problem with embedding the stats so will just add the link for the page.

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