Friday, 31 August 2012

Free Afternoon - Lets Ruuuunnn!

Hello blog lovers,

What a lovely day it was today, a bit of a chill first thing in the morning, but the sun was shining brightly.  I had my grandson today, so not exactly a relaxing day, but still an enjoyable morning and afternoon. But when his mum picked him up I was ready to go for a run.

I was feeling a tad tired, but I thought I would be ok to still try and push out 6 miles or so. I set my Garmin, and off I went. My goodness, just getting up to the top of Farringdon made me think that maybe, a three miler would be more to the liking. Nah......wannabe athlete jumped right back into my thoughts and kept me going to Blackbrook lane. "There, maybe that will keep out Couchie from my thoughts" but I knew that Couch Potato was not very far. My body was feeling tired, but I was thinking that was because I have had a lazy day yesterday, with no exercise, and just sitting around today waiting to take grandson to his footie lessons will put me in a lethargic  mood. So I trundled on to Summer Hill.

I ran down hill with a smile on my face. Can you tell I like running down hill? I tried not to look up ahead of me, tried not to think about the long uphill section. I started to walk after only running for a short time on the up section. Then another runner ran passed me as he breezed his way up Summer hill! He didn't even stop for breath! I guess the are athletes and there are wannabe athletes. But he did get me moving again, there was no way I was going to catch up to him, but I was at least going to try and keep him in site. Of course that was just a 'pie in the sky' moment as I watched him disappear up the hill and around the corner.

I walked most of the uphill section. Even a good telling off and a nagging couldn't get my ass moving any faster. But I did keep on trying to, running for about 30 seconds and the walking again.  The top still came. One day I will run up this hill! even if it kills me! The straights now, passed the pub with the lovely olives, and no towards the wooded section. I had decided to go through here, try and forget about the miles. There were quite a few people about, so its a well used path, I'm sure I will be found if I  get lost again!

I made sure that the road was always on my right and that I could still hear the traffic, even over the music playing in my ears. I just love running through the woods, it just melts down the miles, its a lot more pleasant, there are trees and birds and things to look at, and you don't have to worry about the traffic when you run along on narrow pavements.

The wooded section came to an end and I was once again pavement pounding, heading towards the new bridge over the railway lines. Not too far now, but I really was feeling weary now. The funny swelling in my ankle came to mind, it wasn't hurting, and I had no idea why I was thinking about it. Maybe its know that Mike the Kit Man/Physio guy lives nearby hear, or it could be Couch Potato head trying to tell me that I have a broken leg and should be sat at home ankle to hip plaster, and supping on beer while demanding more chocolate. Of course I did what any good proper athlete would do, I ignore all such thoughts and ran on towards my finish destination. I looked at my watch, 1 hour running, 4.80 miles and just over 1:50 miles to go. "If I go some I could get quite a good time" I though to my self and with that a wall fell in front of me! My legs refused to go any faster than a walking pace. "For goodness sake Old Girl, get your ass moving, NOW" After a few more seconds or so, I started running again. "And don't do that again" I told myself sternly. You can tell its near the end, I am talking to my self again.

Running up to Pettswood high street I had to have another gentle reminder "This is not a walking exercise this is a running exercise, NOW MOVE IT WOMAN" Do you know what, I even slapped my leg! Definitely losing it!

I wanted to keep on jogging, no more walking sections, but of course I did, but I made sure there were only a few seconds at a time.  From the top of Hollingworth I chose this spot to start my 'No stopping whatsoever' sport. All the way, now I must find the zone. Running all the way down hill, which I love, and then along the straight, with hopefully a sprint at the end.  Last turn into Almond way now, and a sort of sprint up to the lamppost. Look at my Garmin.

Yep, pleased with that. 6.52 miles in 1:20 something minutes, I will check that out when I upload my geeky stats. But for now, a walk around the green to stretch out all those muscles and get the old ticker down to a nice bpm.

It wasn't until I got in doors, after, walking around the Green, after doing some stretching, after making a cup of tea and a quick snackette that I realised that I hadn't actually turned off my Garmin! Doh!!!

But here is the geeky stats, it seems for some reason that there is a problem with embedding the stats so will just add the link for the page.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Club Run - Float, Float On!

Hello blog lovers.

I really enjoyed this run today. I said I was going to push it a little and I did! Maybe it was because it was a fairly easy route, or maybe I just felt 'on fire' today, well maybe just a small spark anyway. I just felt good. I wanted to run, I needed to run, so I did.

I put on my running gear, and waited for NS to come and pick me up. Hitchy wasn't running today, she wasn't feeling up to it, maybe I have her picked up her energy!  I ran to the car, (I know, I know....we are still taking the car to the meeting place) and jumped in. Very energenic! We chatted as she drove along.

As soon as we parked the car, I just wanted to get out and get ready for our run. NS is running with group 1 again, it seems she is still trying to hang on to her mojo where the running is concerned! After chatting to all the others, watching as some of them did a warm up lap of the green, and bouncing around trying to stay warm (its seemed to have cooled down somewhat this evening) it was time to go.

I deliberatly didn't put my hand up when our Illustrious leader asked for sweepers today, I wanted to concentrate on staying at the front, the back of the pack is no longer my place! unless called on by our illustrious leader to do sweeper duties.  My Garmin was still searching for satelites as we set off, our route today towards Chislehurst, but as soon as we came out of the rec satetlites were found and recording started.

I was at the front of the pack, with NS, we chatted away to each other and to the newbie, well, she had been before but that was last year. There was also someone else who was here who hasn't been running for a year as well, so I'm sure our I.L. will be her usual thoughtful self and keep it as enjoyable as possible.

We ran up Willet way, it is a up hill, and I just kept going. I didn't slide to the back like I normally do. I kept telling myself "Don't you slip back Old Girl, keep up the pressure, stay at the front" This nagging seemed to help me stay on track. I think I only told Bims, aka Nagging Sister, about my plans, I know I probably mentioned it my blogs as well, but I didn't mention it to anyone today, well not straight away!

Then it was the wonderful down hill. As we were running down I, again, thought of what Nagging Sister had said a few weeks ago "How can you say running down hill is easier, you still have to run" Yes you do have to run, but oh..... how easy does it feel, it feels as if I float down hills, just no effort at all, covering lots of ground as well! This is when I feel like a runner, running down hill, and feeling as if its all too easy!. A bit like when some of the other Group Leaders come and take over Group 1 leadership. Just watching them jog along, it seems as they are just 'playing at it'

Getting to the bottom of the hill was just great. We took a break there, and regrouped. Thats when our I.L. asked what I had been eating for breakfast. I was still at the front of the pack. I just laughed, and said, nothing of my plans yet. Looking at the direction that she was going to take us, I just knew I wouldn't be at the front much longer. It doesn't mean that I am not going to try. Hills are just upside down holes! I can run down them, therefore I can run up them..... Anything to help the physche, right!?

The hill did look steep though, but head up, deep breath and away we went. I managed to get up most of it before taking a quick walk. Kept up the constant nagging in my head, "Keep going Old Girl, you can't stop, you know what you promised yourself" If I felt pain, then I was going to stop, if I felt like I couldn't do it, then I was going to stop, if at any point I started to think that this was not fun, then I was going to stop. But I just kept going, I wasn't at the front any more, yet I wasn't quite at the back either! And I was having fun, I really was enjoying running, even though my face was probably saying something completely different!

Running up the undulating St. Johns road now. I did walk on this bit and some of the others over took me. There were runners up ahead of me, NS was one of them. but once I got going again I overtook the runners that had passed, they were just a head of me. I tried to keep them behind. The run was coming to a finish. Just the last couple of roads left. The straights bits, Tudor way, cross over to do the sprint up Crossways.

I had to let a car pass me when I was on Crossways, (I prefer to run in the road when I'm doing my sprint) and then I was in the zone. 'Wannabe Runner' jumped into my mind, pushing out 'Can't do it Couch Potato Head' as I looked toward the sign pointing to the rec. "Why does it seem a long way off today" Was one of the thoughts that popped into my head, I quickly dismissed that and just thought 'Run, run, run, its nearly over'

Done it. Turned off my Garmin, and went into the park for some stretching and a bit of advice from our physio man, Mike.

My ankle seems to have this weird swelling, its not muscular, it doesn't hurt to walk, or run or even cycle, it just hurts when I put shoes on! Its very strange. But advice is to have doc look at it, as worse scenario could be a stress fracture! But for now, ice ice baby! which sounds good if it dropped into a glass with some voddy and diet coke!

Geeky stats.
Untitled by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Park Run And Short Ride

Hello blog lovers.

Me and Nagging Sister went to Normans Park this morning, our incentive to get up early and run, (apart from the lovely sunshine outside) was that we were meeting the Jogging Hippo again, he is still supplying 'gear' from the back of his motor, for us all to use, test and write up a review about.

I got there nice and early, and as it was the 3rd anniversary of Normans Park Park run, the route was being run in the opposite direction, which is really good for me, as I have parked my car at the Bromley common end, perfect for me! (No negotiating with width barriers)

JH was there on time, he opened up the back of his 'mo'ah' to reveal all the goodies for the testers.  It's just as well he has an honest looking face, and that his young son and wife was with him, because this could look really dodgy! Me and my sister was given a rather fetching bright pink top to test out. It's a winter top, so I might give this a go when I'm on my bike. See if it keeps me warm while I'm speeding through the lanes.

Anyway, to the run! We were all lined up, we listened to the chap give out the congrats to all the volunteers who helped to keep Park Run going, and then we were off. Speedily! I was running under 10 min mi, and when Karen came from behind me after  about a quater of the first lap in, she said "OO Old Girl, your running speedily!" I took a look at my Garmin, and realised exactly how fast I was running. 9.33 min/m!

I soon slowed down though, because I was on the phone just after she passed!  Be we set off running I had realised that I had left mine and my sisters parkrun barcode, needed to note the time we came in at, at my house. I was ringing my daughter to ask her to bring it, but she couldn't, then I rang my son! It would be a miracle if he answered the phone, let alone bring it down to the park, but I thought I would give it a go. Of course he didn't even hear his phone ringing, let alone come down with the barcodes.

I tried not to let this affect my run, after all I had my Garmin on me, plus, (because nu mow NS was way ahead of me now) I  have her IPhone. Nagging Sister doesn't have a Garmin, she has this app thing on her phone. This app thing, endimondo, or whatever it is called, records how fast you run, a map of the route, and then can compare it for you. But it also buzzes and talks to you. It was like having NS next to me, nagging me about how fast I was running!
For the rest of the run I had this woman telling me how fast I had ran a kilometre, and how fast I had ran last time! Just like having her there! 

I was keeping pace with all sorts of people, just to get me back on track, after I slowed down to make the phone calls. First I was racing one chap, then I passed him, then I saw a man with his sun and dog, I passed them, although the passed me by after! And then a lady caught me up on the second lap, she had said she had to stop for a 'natural' break, yet she was still here next to me! Then she overtook me as I tried to keep pace.

I chose another 'competitor' to race against. It was another chap, I ran up to him, grimaced, (it was supposed to be a smile) and then ran on passed him. I slowed down again, and started to walk again as the same chap ran passed me and said 'It's not far to go now" With that I took a deep breath and started running again, I caught him up, over took him and tried to keep him behind me!

At the top of the park again now, where we had started, now its not far to go! I drew in some deep breaths and started to pick my pace up a little bit more. Have I done enough for a PB, did I just push it too much in the beginning, did those phone calls slow me down too much? These were the questions going through my mind

Just then the 'natural stop' lady come up beside me, "right then, sprint time she said to me, go on then"  she said to me. With that she took off in front of me. I tried to keep up with her, but all I saw was the bottom of her shoes!  I kept my own sprint going, looking towards the finishing funnel, ready to get my token to mark my time.

Done it, geeky stats says 34.41 mins on my Garmin, but I was a little slow switching it off. Lets see what park run token says. With that thought I told NS that I was going home to get our barcodes. Without even stopping for a drink or a stretch out I ran to the car and drove off.

Official results came in this after noon telling me that I have now done 5 park runs but did not beat my PB this time! Darn it. 34.35 mins Oh well, next time I forget my barcodes I wont get on the phone while I am running!

The short ride. Well, it really was a short ride. After the park run I went home to get changed into my cycling gear. The sun was still shining, although I did see clouds looming on the southern horizen. More or less the exact direction I needed to head. The Old Boy went out riding alone and I was going to meet him in Hayes, the Village Cafe, for breakfast.

Nagging Sister was going to join us as well. She had her car too, so we both had to go home first. I arrived at the cafe just a tad after NS. The Old Boy was already there, with a coffee in front of him.  We ordered breakfast, and the the OB told me about the torrential rain that he had been riding in!  It was still sunny in Hayes, and still very warm! I just couldn't believe that there was all this rain about.

The the Bigfoot boys and girls came in, looking very wet and very mud splatted! The had got caught in the rain as well. We finished our breakfast, which was quite healthy really, poached eggs on toast, then the rain came. It started just with a very light 'dusting'. Me and NS were thinking 'If its only this much then we will continue afte brekkie with our planned ride' But then it started getting harder.  The Old boy had had enough rain for one day, he didn't fancy getting another soaking, and both me and NS hate riding in the rain.

So our short ride was back home again. a whole 4 miles!

Geeky stats for my run, but I didn't put on the Garmin for the ride home, (only 2 miles anyway),

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Club Run - Slow Down!

Hello blog lovers.

Today was club run day, My first run after my holidays, although not my first bit of exercise, because I did go for a lovely bike ride yesterday! I was hoping not to be too sluggish after 5 days of eating drinking, plus singing karaoke on the first night! It was a great few days away, but my waist line has suffered!  I was hoping all my muscles had healed and knitted together stronger espcially after I have been doing tons of exercise for the last few months!

Our Illustrious Leader was away, still sunning herself in foreign climes, so we had Jonathan as our leader. After all the notices were given, and routes given out we were ready to go. Jonathan had decided to use and tried and tested route, It just touches on the woods near my home, albeit the back of the woods. I like this route, I like the second half of this route, it's all downhill!

I had decided to push myself a little harder than I have been doing. Get out of my comfort zone, but within the safety of my trusted group running pace! I didn't want to feel a burden on the group 2 runners. My plan is to be in the front of group 1 for at least 3 weeks on the trot then try and go for group 2!

Well, thats my plan anyway. So I started off at the front, with Jonathan and with Nagging Sister! She has decided to run with group 1 again today. We were all busy chatting away. One of the other runners, (and one of my few readers I believe) told me that she had put on the Jungle Formula insect repellent! Maybe I should run next to her in hope that all little insect nasties will keep away from her within a 5 radius! Knowing how much the little critters love me!

We  did start off pretty fast, and we had to slow down a bit. Jonathon's watch that he is testing seems to be not wanting to be tested! His GPS unit was refusing to talk to the watch part of his stuff that he is testing, so he couldn't tell how fast we were running. He looked to me and to others with Garmins, IPhones or other gadgets, to keep him in the loop!

The first bit to the Tudor Way was a tad fast and we had to reel him in at bit. But we all kept together fairly well. I was still at the front as we crossed over the Queensway to run down towards Shepperton Road. I looked back and saw that there were a couple of other ladies behind so I though I would wait for them. But then I noticed that the usual sweepers were doing a fine job of making sure no one runs alone. 

We ran towards the little path that takes us through the back end of the woods. Jonathan said to keep running till about half way down then take another little break for a catch up. Me and NS were in the front! Leading! This is quite surreal! I know I said to myself that I was going to push myself today, but not actually be in front of our leader!

Now I am not good at judging where halfway down this path is. I thought it was by the gate, but NS was still running ahead. I had started to fall behind. I knew it wouldn't last! The sweepers caught me up and I ran along just behind them until they finally stopped. We had a quick breather, all had a chat about all sorts of things, before continuing our run.

I was quite surprised to see how far we had actually ran. We had ran more that half way up the path, because quite soon we were popping out of the woods!  We turned left and ran towards the roundabout at the top of the road. We had another little regroup here, just as well as I was creeping to the back of the pack again.

But then, its the downhill section. I love running down hill "How can you say that?" says NS, "If you were on a bike, then I can understand, as you can just roll" "Well it is easier" I said, and it's true! Running down hill is so much easier than running up hill. In fact it showed! Because when we started running again, we were given instructions to stop at the roundabout just before the bridge, me and NS were in the front again. We were running along a quite a steady pace, even chatting away a little. Then I took a look at my Garmin. "Slow down a bit" I said "We are doing 9.53 mi/m" I informed her.

We slowed down and just jogged along until the bridge. We stopped there for a breather and regroup. One lady had decided to leave us at this point, she carried on walking to Pettswood. I think me and NS had gone way to fast!  But now there was this last bit to do! Over the bridge until St. Johns Road.  Nearly everyone knew the way back to the rec, so we decided to all go at our own pace, stop if we wanted, run faster if we wanted. Jonathan was going to be at the back to make sure we don't lose anyone on the way, and to keep them encouraged.

I know that there is a bit of a hill on St.Johns and I wanted to push myself to the top, get as far up it as I could before I realised how far up I was!. I pushed and pushed, Nagged myself stupid, There were the other back runners overtaking me now as I slowed down. But I got to the top! I had a quick breather walk, and then carried on running.

I overtook some of the others as we continued our way to the rec. It was far to go, Everyone knew where they was by now, so it really was as fast or as slow as you wanted to go. I chose to push myself that little bit more.

Soon onto Crossways, and then sprint to sign post! I didn't catch up with anyone else but I wasn't that far behind. Inside the rec for a stretch, chat, and compare all the new testing 'stuff' we have been given.  My top is brilliant! Just loved the racing back style. Maybe that is what made me want to run a bit faster!

Geeky stats, so it's not as fast as I thought it would be, but it is still under 12 min miles, moving pace that is!

Apparantly Nagging sister has read my blog, and I forgot to mention that she was the first person in the rec! Yawn, show off! Maybe she will be ready to go back to group 2 now!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Mozzies and Mobs and Kissing Mashals!

Hello blog lovers.

This evening our club had the annual friendly mob match. It's a very friendly affair. The idea is to have as many of our club runners as possible. Then we run around a 7k route to get back to our start point for water, tea and cakes, and to feed our local insects, the mozzies! Can you imagine what its like when 165 runners turn up at 8:30 - 9:00 at night after running a 7k route? Sweaty warm bodies! The mozzies were having a blood festival!

I donned a new pair of trainers, (well my new shoes from last week were dirty!) Ok, so I am still testing equipment. I am  trying out my new adidas shoes, which I just love! The are white, with shiny bits and pink laces! So what I would chose in the shops!

We walked up to the start point and waited for the off.  We took over the road, and there were a few cars wanted to use it. But they were very friendly about it, and you could hear from the back (which is where I was) "CAR UP" as the car crept slowly up to pass the runners.

The Old Boy was mashalling (hence the title of todays blog, in case you were wondering if I went along kissing all the mashals)  along with a few of other runners friends and relatives. Because of his mashaling duties he wasn't cycling so he decided to have dinner early. I had dinner early as well. I don't usually eat dinner that time of day, not on a running day, but we will all be conveneing in the pub at the end of the run, so I needed to eat something. I just can run with food being processes in my tummy!

The start of the run is up hill! My tummy was feeling like a football with the amount I had eaten, even though it was at around 5:45 in the evening that I had it. I struggle up the hill. Nagging sister was with me, she has been running for a few weeks due to illness and her holiday. So the two of us was struggling up the hill behind the mass.

Eventually getting to the top to turn left over the bridge, we were just behind one lady from the 'other' club. Me and NS chatted away to her. She had told us the she though this was just an ordinary club run for her, and she didn't realise it was 'Mob Match' She also told us that had only been running for 16 weeks. Well, that inspired me to put on a bit of a spurt and get in front of her as we entered the woods.

Now I had to try and run fast enough to keep the mozzies from having an early feast.  The Old Boy had told me where his mashalling point was, and it was at the top of the woods before we turn left to run past the school. But right now, I was enjoying the nice down hill section of the run.

It seems as if the down hill sections are very short lived! I was soon running up towards the OB's mashalling post. A great opportunity to grab a chewing gum from him, as well as a sneaky kiss to keep me motivated! And there he was, with his camera at the ready trying to photograph me running up towards him! "Keep going, you have done these woods tons of times, you shouldn't be at the back! Go on, straight down there now, you can do it" he said encouragingly "And what out for the horse"

I knew what was next. It was the undulating, up and down sections. It seems as if the path is narrower. And the sticky icky mud patches were covering the path. My new shoes were going to be filthy, oh well, another pair getting a thorough testing!

Running past the school now, and its all down hill. turn left to run up the path on Botony Bay, and the then down hill, down Goss hill! Yes, I am a definite down hill runner, Maybe I should take up skiing! That is always down hill!

NS had left me ages ago, as we were running up towards the OB, but I had another PWR in my sites, and I just tried to keep up with her. But I think she must have liked the down hill sections too and put on even more speed than I could muster!

Now it was more road section. A gentle incline as Jan had said "But you know its coming though" she said in her best mashalling manner. She wasn't running today as she has injury issues that need sorting out, but her mashalling is top notch, (and when she turns up at the pub she will still be looking glam!) 

The gentle incline seemed like Mount Everest. My full tummy was really weighing me down now. I was feeling bloated and heavy, and the bloomin mozzies where thinking I was a 'Haemoglobin to go' was swishing them away trying to keep them from devouring all my precious oxygenated blood!

Up through the park now. Not far to go at all. Up in the distance I saw the familiar site of union jack shorts! "Come on, get a move on, get and catch your sister up! he bellowed across the park. "Whats your excuse today?" Says Mr. S, "new shoes" I shouted back at him, which for how I was feeling, pretty quick thinking! "Too much testing, now go on, at least overtake the yellow shirt that has just gone past" he ordered.

Jubilee park done and now just the last little bit of road running to do. More mashalls to point the way, although I knew where the finish line was, thanking each one as I passed on by. Now the stitch in my side started. I was holding on to my side, hoping that will cure it, or at least stop it from getting any worse. I could see the last of the roads, the last of the mashalls pointing the way.

Into the park now, and the obligatory run around the green! I put on my usual sprint finish, I could hear the clapping and the cheering! I knew I wasn't the last one home, especially as some of the runners were already leaving to go to the pub or home!, but I knew I was pretty much one of the last!

I did it. My number on my token said 163, the pain in my side said "you're gonna chuck up any minute, so sit down"

I great evening run. But because of the pain in my side I had forgotten to get any cake!! I sat down on the bench, and between my sister and my husband I was trying to keep the mozzies from taking their fill. I was hoping that maybe the mozzies were already full, but each time I felt an itch I looked and found a mozzie hanging of the end of me! I had two of the little blood suckers having a chat on my leg! Yuck!

Geeky stats for you

Oh and my shoes by the way, they must be selt cleaning shoes! It hardly looks as if I have worn them! Maybe I just floated with the woods!

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

I Got A Nice Little Line In Running Apparall!

Hello blog Lovers

What a buzz going around the PWR's campus for the last few days! Well, emails anyway. And at the rec today was a rather dodgy looking character known as 'The Jogging Hippo' with a shh.....shed load of goodies in boxes that he was busy unloading from the back of his motor! And not even a lookout with him! Some of us had already 'heard' about the goodies that he had and had been to his lock up (his mums house actually!) and we were already wearing our 'stuff'.

I was sporting a brand new pair of NewBalance shoes, a new running top and a...... hhhem hemm, a shock absorber! The girls will know what I'm talking about! Everyone was all busy talking about what they had been to test out! There is also some nutritional stuff to sample and test, and  have tons of gadgetry to try out, from Polar watchs with/without GPS sensors, Garmins, and some sort of lung capacitor thingy! But the gadgetry is to be handed in at the end of the testing duration!

So there I was, like I say, brand new running shoes (one of two pairs I shall be testing) my new bra, shirt and jacket, and busy looking for at all the other new shoes, tops and gadgets as everyone was wearing as they came in.  The notices were given, the groups organised and routes had been revealed.  My group, group 1 with our illustrious leader, was going ......through the woods! "What about my nice new shoes" I exclaimed "Oh, they are nice and clean looking" said our illustrious leader "don't worry we can change that"

And let me assure you, she did!  Oh well, there is nothing like giving a product a good all round testing! I also had the Polar RCX3 to test. I shall give that a thorough testing too! But I was  also taking my Garmin, because the Polar does not have a GPS sensor with it, just a heart rate sensor.

To the woods we headed, through 'Poo Ally' and turn right almost immediately to head up towards Chislehurst. It's like running up Birchwood Road only more pleasant, what with the trees and roots, and......mud! It is still so much nicer than running on pavements though! We are Pettswood runners after all!  I did expect to pop out on to the road though and then head towards Pettswood itself and do a couple of miles on pavements, but we continued to go through the woods! heading left!

Well I didn't mind, but there was my new trainers! Oh well, that is what shoes are for, save your feet getting muddy! (even though its easier to get feet cleaned up!) I must stop worrying about my trainers. My new jacket seems to be doing ok! It kept me warm, in fact too warm! I had to take it off. I had forgotten to bring the little carry bag thingy that came with the jacket. You can pop it in the little bag and then stick the bag on your arm, so you still have hands free running, and not carrying anything, but instead I had to tie it around my waist. Its very light weight, but when its tied around your waist it twists around, like all shower coats tied around my waist does.

I was at the back as usual, enjoying the run through the woods, and then rain started again. We were quite well sheltered with the leaves on the trees and branches over hanging us like a natural umbrella,  but I still put my jacket on, as with the shoes I have to give it a thorough testing. My shoes were really going  through it, the muddy patches were reall, really sticky in places.

All too soon I saw the familiar concrete underpass, fondly known as 'Poo Ally'. I had hardly noticed the time flying past as we ran through our beautiful woods! It was getting a bit dark now, I can't believe that the days are getting shorter already! Where is our summer?!

Now, of course, it's pavement pounding time. At least we will be able to shake of the mud from our shoes. We ran up Birchwood, can you believe that! The same hill as we ran earlier only on pavement and tarmac instead.  We were going to run to the top and then right to the round about, then it's a lovely down hill section all the way to the 'sprinting road'

I prepared my self mentally and phyiscally, well, I ran down hill thinking about my sprint! I was still at the back of the pack. But I know that I am not that far behind some of the others that I can't catch them up, and even get in front of some of them. As we turned right, I sorted out my line, all the way to the rec. On the road, focused on the sign ahead, but then a car started to head down towards me, I knew I would have to go onto to the pavement, with all those up and down driveways.  I was not going to let that slow me down though, I kept on pounding the pavements until I reached the sign.

I switched off my Garmin and the Polar! A lovely run today, with Naggy Neighbour and Hitchy as well, but they were in group 2!

So geeky stats, from my Garmin only, as this Polar doesn't come with anything to use so that I can upload to the laptop, unless I am missing something of course, and you all know how blonde I am at times.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Golden Weekend!

Hello blog lovers!

Well what a weekend we are having in the Olympics! All the gold medals are racking up now on Britain's mantelpiece! Cycling, running, rowing, and that of the all rounder, Jess Ennis! Now we are adding  gold medals as I write this,  from the tennis with Andy Murray!

I was inspired to go running today, just feeling very proud and British as the Olympics continue, especially as I haven't been running since Tuesday, or even done any cycling! So as soon as I came back from church I went upstairs immediately to get changed into my running gear. Instructions to Big Son to cut the grass while I was out, and then I was off, before I settled down to watch any more of the Olympics.

I stuffed my ears with my earphones, turned the music on, and started running. I need to keep up the long distance, especially if I have any chance of managing a half some time this year. I also need to include hills,  as the Old Boy often points out to me, "We live on the top of a hill, all ways are down and up!" So the only thing that I know I have to do, is Summer Hill.  This is my route now, no more 'just going around the block' when I am on my own, no more, 'I shall just cut it short and go home' I am an athlete! I am runner and a cyclist! I can do this! 10k, 11k what ever, I can do this.

That was my mantra as I set off out the door. The sun was shining, it was warm, I had my grippy water bottle with me, full to the brim. I started running and it really shows that I haven't done any running at all for a few days! Mind you, a rest is always good, but my legs were thinking they have been rudely woken up! (if my legs could think, that is) I'm sure if they could they would be thinking "What the......... what is this silly old women doing, I thought she had come to her senses and given up all that nonsense of running and cycling" but then my new tiny little 'wanna be a true athlete' brain would be saying, "You gotta be kidding, legs, all that hard work is not going to be wasted and allowed to be gobbled up by pints of lager, takeaway curries and ruminating on the sofa again"

I have these strange thoughts, when I am by myself, running. It keeps me amused and not focusing on my heavy thighs that I am whipping back and forth from my hips, defying gravity! My focused turned to my route. There are no other thoughts about cutting it short, in my mind it is set in stone, Summer Hill! 

Running all the way to the Harvester, and as soon as I turn to go up Blackbrook Big Son calls me, "Have you got any milk?" Duh, did the boy not see what I was wearing when I asked him to cut the grass while I was out running! "No, son I don't have any milk, I AM OUT RUNNING!" I said to him. And then without even thinking about it he says to me "Can you buy some on the way back?" If my boy wasn't born in this house I would swear he was swapped at birth!

Summer Hill, and I was smiling! Well as I was running down the first half of Summer hill, I think everyone smiles when they go down Summer Hill, even drivers I reckon! Soon enough my smile turned into a grimace! I switched my Garmin over to check on how hard I am pushing myself, check on my heart rate. I am sure I could push harder. Because its up hill, in my mind I am thinking my heart rate must be beyond what my Garmin can read, because I am working so hard. Imagine my disappointment when I saw that it was only 151 bpm. Hardly breaking a sweat for some of our top athletes.

Then another phone call. This time is was middle child. After I explained to her that I was out running, it was back to the hard work. I nagged and shouted and even slapped my thighs to get my ass running up the hill! My smile was replaced by the grimace face again, no doubt, putting off would be runners, because I am making it look just so painful! The stopping and starting continued up the hill.

The top now! Thank goodness! The sun is still shining down, after the quick heavy shower this morning I was half expecting it to rain, and right at that moment I was hoping it would! Just to cool me down, bring down the pinkness of my face so at least it doesn't look as if my head is ready to explode!

The music in my ears was keeping me a running at nice rhythm, some songs are faster some are slower, and it's really helping. I decided to go through the woody bit, instead of running along side the road. Just the smells and sounds of the little wooded bit is enough to bring a sense of freedom and feeling of wellbeing as you run through it.


But then......ooooohhhhh, but then I got so angry! Strewn across the path was rubbish, toy radio controlled cars, bits of chairs, bags of shhhh.... what ever! How dare people throw their rubbish on my country side. Are these people just to bloody lazy to go to the tip? They must have made a pilgrimage to get to this place to dump the bloody rubbish in the first place! More than going to the proper place! Why do they do that, filthy bloody mongrels!!! Grrrr,  Excuse me! But it really did wind me up!

As I was moaning and getting angry I kept on just running. I then realised that maybe I had missed a path that I should have gone down, so that stayed paralell with the road! Instead of thinking "Maybe this would take me to the right place, I doubled back, and took another path leading to the left instead.I listened and I heard noise of the traffic, back on the right track! I popped out of the woods on to the road, and I had to continue my running along side of the traffic. Oh well, it wasnice while it lasted, and it was a bit muddy although that don't bother me anymore.

Gary Moore started playing in my ears, 'Still Got The Blues For You' I was totally immersed in the music, a great running tune, I was running with the beat, and it was not slow neither, surprisingly! I was amazing myself, after running this far, to keep running through the this tune, normally by this stage, I would stop for about 10 to 15 seconds and then get going again, but this song just kept me focused!

It was soon time to run down Birchwood road. I decided to run on the road again, all those up and downs of the drive ways are just such energy zappers! I spied a cyclist on her way up. I was guessing by the time we get to each other there would be no parked cars on either side of the road and she would be able to pass me by quite safely. As we got closer I could see it was Moy, a PWR! So of course I had to stop, and this is obviously a full stopping stop, not a walking stop, to have a quick chat with her. She had told me that she went running this morning with some other PWR's and had passed my house! They had ran for over 9 miles! Way to go Moy!

Nearly home, and this is where I started really nagging myself, and trying to motivate myself to get a move on. Get back to that 'Gary Moore' moment.  I wished I had my Iphone earphones instead of the ones I am using, because I can go back to listen to tunes using the button on the wire! But I am not dragging my phone out of my......erm, sports boulder holder, just to look for a specific tune!

On and on, up towards Pettswood, my Garmin still on heart rate. I shall leave it that way. I don't want to be put off by how long I have left to get a bp, or be disappointed that a pb is a long way off!  I managed my water intake quite well this time round, I have plenty left for this last little push for home.

I was so pleased to be running along Faringdon, but there was no sprint today. To be honest I just totally forgot to sprint! I was just pleased to be getting home, and that the rain didn't come. I switched of my Garmin when I got to my door. 1 hour and 25 mins and 58 seconds!!! Oh, no that is deffo not a PB. But when I looked at the distance, it was just slightly longer than it had been before. It must have been when I got lost. ........ Oh and I must appologise to Jonathan for when he got lost, (it's easily done!) or at least he can laugh at me now! But, my excuse was I had an angry head on, and lost totally concentration of where I was (excuses, you got to love 'em!)

p.s. At around 7:45 after donning my cycling gear, I rode to the local (ish) establishment to meet the Old Boy who was finishing his 20 miler on the bike this evening! Call me, keen or crazy, it all means the same thing! I Want To Be Fit!!!!

Todays geeky stats