Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Club Run - And Feeling Good!

Hello blog lovers.

Well today wasn't a great day for me, my boiler has been broke since Saturday, service people letting me down, left right and centre and three little darlings keeping my mind off them, (cooped up in the one room I can keep warm)

When the boiler people called me late this afternoon saying they were not coming out to mine today, but will be here tomorrow I was fuming! I called the Old Boy and told him, through gritted teeth and tears. He was very calm, saying things like that happen. When he came home he made me a cuppa, called me into the cold kitchen to collect it and there on the side were, chocolate Viennese swirls, danish pecan pastries, doughnuts and.......chillie and garlic olives!! Heaven!!

After eating my share (of course I didn't eat all of them) I felt much much happier, and even looking forward to todays run, in the freezing cold! I wrapped up pretty well, two layers on my legs and feet, tee shirt, long sleeve running shirt, florescent coat, gloves and hat! I am so ready for todays run, even if its to run off my naughty pig out feast!

Nagging Sister was also keen to get going, she seems to have that jogging bug biting her ass now, so that's good. We saw another PWR member walking along so we picked him up and we all drove to the rec.

After all the details were sorted, groups organised then we were off. I was at the front, again! for quite a long while, and I was feeling pretty good! I tried not to think about how good I was feeling, just in case I start flagging! But there I was in the front, chatting away to our illustrious leader. I stayed there for at least two and a half miles of the run, until we hit those hills!

Glorious as they, they still zap any energy straight from my legs, I kept on running and stopping and running and stopping all the way up the hills, which seemed never ending. I know when we get to the top it's all a nice gentle slope back to the pavilion! Paul kept me going, in fact I think being introduced to Nagging Sister earlier this evening then she has 'put some sort of nagging spell' spell on him, because he was saying, "Come on Old Girl, just a bit more, keep moving, you can do it" and he started to do what Nagging Sister did on Sundays longer run, and that's run backwards to keep an eye on me and to make sure I was running!

A lovely run though, loved the down hill slope all they way back, but by this time I was at the back. Nagging Sister was at the front with Paul, (who had swapped being a sweeper to being leader with our illustrious leader) and no doubt she was putting more spells on him to keep me running next week!

Geeky stats for you.

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