Hello blogees,
Today was the club run. I am enjoying being a member of a club, it feels good. I think I am improving judging by my geeky stats, but then again so are all the others in the 'Improver's' group. So I was still at the back, and today I had three different back markers, keeping me company!
When my group leader told us what she had planned for us, my jaw dropped! "We are doing some hill training today, with some sprints" The sprints some how eluded me, but the hill training was there for everyone to enjoy!. The route she took us had these undulating hills, of course I struggled like crazy, ran as fast as I could on the down hills, and the struggled like crazy on the ups again. At the end of these undulating hills the group came to a halt, the second official halt, although I missed the first one as I was pretty near the pack so no need to wait for anybody! "Oh, your the last one, so lets just keep on going" said the group leader.
That's where we were introduced to the undulating hills! I know this road, I have drove down this road in the car, I haven't attempted it on the bike.....yet! But I will. Anyway, there we all were, after the hills and I am enjoying this official breather, and then I heard a voice behind me say "....cardiac hill?" I was just about to say "Oh yes, that was definitely cardiac hill" When the group leader said "Yes, that's the one, that's where we are going to run" Oh my goodness, there is still another hill! She did mention something about a hill towards the end of the run, but not one with its own nickname!
I was behind the pack, as usual, and already on my second back marker. They take it in turns to run with me!, and we came upon 'Cardiac Hill'. I just looked up and said some sort of word, and took a quick breather. Get my lungs full of air. The chap that was bring up the rear said, "just take it at your own time, but just go for it" I was dreading it, I attacked the hill as best as I can, the chap next to me as chatting away saying things like "Hill training is good for strengthening your legs" Oh my goodness is he so right! My legs were hurting, and the stitch was almost crippling me, I ran and ran. But I did stop, I did the hill in three parts.
From this point there was a change of back markers and I am on my third back marker, this time its the run leader. But this section of the run is all down hill. And its and enjoyable down run. Its the last half a mile or so, and I'm running well, even the run leader said that I am running well "You should do a 6k" she says "Because you always do really well at the end of the run, and you get your rhythm going" Is she trying to kill me off.
Not far now, most of my group was way ahead, and I couldn't even spot them, well, apart from two walkers, one of whom has an injury flare up. So they are just going to walk home from there, as it was nearer that going to the pavilion. But I kept on going, all the way back to the pavilion, back to my car.
Not bad, not bad really, but still tons of room for improvement!
Geeky stats
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