Thursday, 31 March 2011

Early Start - Well For Me It Was!

Hello blog readers.

Today I had this still quiet voice in my head, urging me to get out of bed and go for a run. Quite frankly I was all prepared to go back to sleep, until I remembered things that I had planned today. If I was to get a run today, then this is the best time to go for it!

With the still quiet voice urging me to get my ass into gear, I potted about as much as I could before I was finally ready!

Garmin on, Ipod in place in the snazzy little pocket of my run top, key checked several times before I finally believed it was in my back pocket (well, it is still early ish for me) and then out to run. And straight back in again! It felt quite nippy out, so I went and got the Old Boys hat to keep my ears warm from the chilly wind. Second attempt (check the key in pocket!) and off I go.

Of course I had every intention of doing this non stop, not only did that still quite voice nag me in the morning, but now I have Naggys voice in my head, "Non stop, this time, no stopping at all, you can do it" I know I can do it, I have done it with Naggy.....twice now! So there should be no problem with me getting around this 3 mile course! The roads don't suddenly stretch because I am running alone, nor do the hills suddenly have 'issues' and want to be mountains! Every thing is exactly the same....although.

There is always an 'although', there is always a 'but' when I am running solo, and I know its because the old couch potato me is still pretty much part of my makeup! I try and do what the running club do, the first few minutes of running are pretty easy, and gentle warm up, and then build into those 11:30 min/miles. That's what I have to think.

But silly me did the first mile a bit quicker than I should have, and was flagging a bit. There I, I told you I always have a 'but!' I kept on pushing though, pass the first mile and kept on thinking about what I had achieved with Naggy beside me. Her voice going through my mind, I was concentrating on the songs, I was looking at the traffic, anything that would take my mind of stopping. The Old boy just says I am lazy! blooming cheek! I am trying, I am trying to run non stop, but I think it is psychological, and I know that I can do it, just my brain shuts down! And things stop running!

So, I can say again, I didn't quite manage to gt round the course in one go.....again..... but I will, I will I know I will.

Geeky stats for you.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Club Run: Improving? Yes, I think so!

Hello blogees,

Today was the club run. I am enjoying being a member of a club, it feels good. I think I am improving judging by my geeky stats, but then again so are all the others in the 'Improver's' group. So I was still at the back, and today I had three different back markers, keeping me company!

When my group leader told us what she had planned for us, my jaw dropped! "We are doing some hill training today, with some sprints" The sprints some how eluded me, but the hill training was there for everyone to enjoy!. The route she took us had these undulating hills, of course I struggled like crazy, ran as fast as I could on the down hills, and the struggled like crazy on the ups again. At the end of these undulating hills the group came to a halt, the second official halt, although I missed the first one as I was pretty near the pack so no need to wait for anybody! "Oh, your the last one, so lets just keep on going" said the group leader.

That's where we were introduced to the undulating hills! I know this road, I have drove down this road in the car, I haven't attempted it on the bike.....yet! But I will. Anyway, there we all were, after the hills and I am enjoying this official breather, and then I heard a voice behind me say "....cardiac hill?" I was just about to say "Oh yes, that was definitely cardiac hill" When the group leader said "Yes, that's the one, that's where we are going to run" Oh my goodness, there is still another hill! She did mention something about a hill towards the end of the run, but not one with its own nickname!

I was behind the pack, as usual, and already on my second back marker. They take it in turns to run with me!, and we came upon 'Cardiac Hill'. I just looked up and said some sort of word, and took a quick breather. Get my lungs full of air. The chap that was bring up the rear said, "just take it at your own time, but just go for it" I was dreading it, I attacked the hill as best as I can, the chap next to me as chatting away saying things like "Hill training is good for strengthening your legs" Oh my goodness is he so right! My legs were hurting, and the stitch was almost crippling me, I ran and ran. But I did stop, I did the hill in three parts.

From this point there was a change of back markers and I am on my third back marker, this time its the run leader. But this section of the run is all down hill. And its and enjoyable down run. Its the last half a mile or so, and I'm running well, even the run leader said that I am running well "You should do a 6k" she says "Because you always do really well at the end of the run, and you get your rhythm going" Is she trying to kill me off.

Not far now, most of my group was way ahead, and I couldn't even spot them, well, apart from two walkers, one of whom has an injury flare up. So they are just going to walk home from there, as it was nearer that going to the pavilion. But I kept on going, all the way back to the pavilion, back to my car.

Not bad, not bad really, but still tons of room for improvement!

Geeky stats

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Beautiful, Beautiful Day!

Hello blogees,

What a glorious day out today. It just does your heart and spirit good, and makes you want to run outside in His wonderful creation, enjoying the warmth of the sun. You cant help but feel happy!

Of course I went out today, it had to be done, so after little grandson handed back to his mother, I got ready to go out. I was remembering the last time I ran for 3 miles, and that was with Naggy. I have to try and keep on track and keep to the 'Run all the way' rule.

I put on my jog pants and my brightly coloured running t-shirt, and a huge smile on my face. I have my music blaring in my ears today as I am running solo, and feeling good, even though my legs are complaining like mad after riding up all those hills yesterday! It's just good to be outside in warm weather. Running up the road, thinking about yesterdays run with Smarty Pants. It was a nice leisurely run for me, and I really did enjoy that interval running. In fact I feel like I could do that again today! But that is not what I really want to do. I need to push myself, because once I can get around a 5k route then I am going to up it to 6k then 7 and so on. Slowly does it. I know its taking me a year to get this far, but I don't like to rush into things.

The first mile went by, and thoughts of interval running is still on my mind. "Goodness" Old Girl "You are so past that stage now, pull yourself together and stop moaning" I occasionally slowed down to walk pace but only for a few seconds. Naggys voice came into my mind when I was slowing down, and I know I was just being defiant by walking just a few steps, but at least I got going again.

I ran Up Magpiehall lane, with grunts and groans escaping me, my sweat was dripping into my eyes. It really is such a lovely warm day today, I think I will need to start bring some water along. The hill conquered I did it, on my own. Just along Parkfield now and I start to slow down, I take a look at my Garmin which was showing me on at 13 min miles! I couldn't have that so I picked up the pace a bit and ran towards the pub. I was cream crackered when I got there, so just slowed dawn slightly to get my breathing under control.

I did this most of the way home, picked the pace up, then slowed down a bit. The slight incline up to Farringdom though had me beat. With no Naggy there to get me going, I turned off 'Naggy radar' and tuned into 'couchie' saying "Slow down Old girl, you know the next road you wont stop running so take a break now" I listened to that silly old voice, all the other voices were non existent as I gathered my thoughts and breath and looked to the corner where I shall be running all the way home.

So there, I admit it, still not run the whole flaming way by my self, but near as darn it!

Now for the geeky stats.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Welcome Back Smarty Pants!

Hello Blog lovers,

Well today I had an easy run, because I was running with Smarty Pants. Congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous daughter only four weeks ago! and already keen as muck to get out and get fit again.

Well Naggy said that she should take it easy, maybe doing a mile of interval training or twenty minutes interval training. So that's what we did, I suggested to Smarty Pants that we head for Old Faithful turn around lamppost, but she wanted to go just a little further. So I suggested the interval running, which was two minutes running two minutes walking, until we get back. Of course Smarty Pants being Smarty Pants didn't look to impressed with this idea.

We set off in bright warm sunshine, Smarty Pants with her music blaring, me with the Garmin going, to keep an eye on the time and geeky stats and everything. We ran for the first two minutes and then I stopped her and we walked for the next two. "How long we going to walk for?" Says Smarty Pants, eager to get running again. "Two minutes then we off running again" I told her.

She still looked dubious about the whole interval running thing, but by the time we got to Southborough Lane I think she began to appreciate the whole concept of interval running! On the walking sections she said to me "I can't believe I used to run miles without stopping, up and down the hills, and now I am sweating just half a mile in" I had to remind her that she not been running for ten months or so, and had just had a baby! (She still looks fabulous though, I looked like the back of a bus for at least 16 years after my babies)

Next running part, earphones back in for Smarty Pants and me running along enjoying being out running in the wonderful sunshine! I was listening to Smarty Pants breathing and comparing it to mine, and remembering when we were running together last year and the tables were turned. Smarty Pants was running miles and miles while I still struggled (and still do) on just 3 miles! But I know she has a determination to get back her full fitness, but this time she will be listening to her body, if she has knee pains she will stop and walk, or maybe even rest up, if required. Yes, it wont be long before Smarty Pants outruns me again. Well I have got ten years on her you know!

When we get to the park Smarty Pants said that she wants to try and run from the exit all the way to my house, with no stopping. So I kept an eye on the time, and then stopped her running about a minute into the park then we walked to exit, with our lungs filled to capacity with oxygen, and all set to get to my house.

The exit was soon there, "Are you ready" I said to her "Yup" she said, and we started running. All the way home to my door. I told her to keep on the road, it saves precious energy rather than going up and down on each driveway, (something that Naggy taught me) I ran along side her, hoping that I am helping her to keep on going. Her breathing was getting the better of her again but she was still doing well. On down the road towards my turning, not far to go now, I can see that she is having her own battle going on. We turn down my road and I encourage her to keep it up, a hundred yards to go now, "Come on Smarty Pants, you can do, give a little bit more" As I encourage her to 'Finish In Style'. "That's it, you're doing it, now sprint up the path" And with that she took off! Left me eating dust! Where did that come from!!

She refused to walk around the green to shake her legs out, she collapsed on the door step, but boy did she look pleased with her self. Her own personal battles going on inside, but she is back on the treadmill! She said she was pleased about the whole interval running, as she don't think she would have been able to run the whole way, not this time, not yet, (I was quite enjoying the whole interval running as well, Old couchie was well pleased with that) Well done Smarty Pants, well done indeed. (Oh and I didn't go back out running, thought I would right my blog up instead)........ What! Well I am going riding tonight, look out later for my riding blog!

Geeky stats, and I think for the first time out in a year, Smarty Pants did really well!

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Did She Or Didn't She Run 5K?

Hello bloggers,

After a 30 mile bike ride yesterday, I didn't think that I would be able to walk around a 3 mile route let alone jog it! But I had told Naggy that I would be doing it, so I just had to go ahead and do it.

After church I came home, did some chores and then got ready for my run. Then I sent a text to Naggy to see if she was ready. Would you believe it, she wasn't, she was off out buy shoes! At least she had finished and was just on her way home. So I decided to wait. I needed all the nagging I could get to help me just get around this route today.

Finally she was here. We set off, both of us starting our watches. As soon as I started to run I felt every single one of those 30 miles in my legs. They felt like lead and I had to try and keep them moving!

Naggy knew that I had done the 30 miles, she had seen the blog pictures, and she said to me "I know your tired, but today is about getting around in one go, not about the time only getting around non stop jogging" I knew how I was feeling, and I would have been happy just to get the first mile non stop, let alone the other two and a bit. Yet there was still this determination in me that I can do it, I can get around this 5k in one go

We were chatting for the first three quarters of a mile, but after that I remained quiet, I needed to concentrate on my breathing, and on every step a jog, on my posture. Naggy doing her very best to encourage me "You're doing very well, keep it going" Before I realised it we were half way around the course, but I was really suffering now! The lead in my legs seemed to have doubled! I just needed to keep going.

Next section had Magpiehall lane in it. So far I had run all the way here, and now this darn hill. Naggy could sense my mood as she said "Just keep your breathing controlled, use your arms to get you up the hill, you can do this" I took one look up the hill, look at it, see the top and the go for it. I kept on running, towards the end I was moaning, "Keep going, you're nearly there" Says naggy. It was hurting though, and I was so happy when naggy said "You made it" but only after I tried to slow down to a walk! Naggy wasn't having that on this road, no way!

Running towards the pub now, "Only one more mile to go and your home" Says naggy. So far so good, but it is really tough now, "It's all psychological now, you can do this, I know you can" says naggy. I'm running along still, not as fast as before, but its still a jog and not a walk.

Made it first Oxhawth and we turn down there, I took a glance at my Garmin, "Don't worry about the time, its not about that remember, just concentrate on getting all the way home without stopping" "ARRGGGHHH," was all I could say now, and I slowed down to a walk "You can write and nag me in your blog later, but your not stopping" and with that she got behind me and pushed me along! Nope, there is no way I was walking on todays run, naggy is going to see to that.

On Farringdon now, of course no stopping! I just looked at the parked cars, and saw each one disappear behind me, as I concentrate on keeping the lead poles moving. Each car was a milestone for me, looking for the next one, Naggy kept up the encouraging words. We turned down our road and Naggy said "To my door." Her door is just a tad further than mine, but after all I have done this weekend it just seemed like another hill to climb up, so I dug deep and just went for it, I listened to Naggy about opening my pace a bit, stretching the legs further and just run!

If you have read this far then you will know, YES I FINALLY RAN THE WHOLE WAY!

Geeky stats

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Slow Coach Old Couchie!

Hi bloggers,

Today it was running with the club again. So while the Old Boy went off with his new toy, a distance counting computer gizmo for his bike! I went off with my Garmin to the running club.

I need the peer pressure to keep me going, to push myself out of my little comfort zone. I am getting better, probably still not quite up to the running club standard, but definitely getting better. I have been really sneaky though, the club memberships are needing to be in by 1 April, I thought I would get it in now before they realised who I was! and asked me to wait a couple more months! But this is a very friendly club, very supportive, I'm sure they don't mind me tagging along.

So after the very brief club chat, and the groups organised and informed of their routes we were off.

It was a misty sort of night. I wasn't going to wear my bright jacket today, because it does make me rather sweaty! I just wanted to run in my running gear, but I put it on just so that I could be seen by motorists when we cross the roads.

I was keeping up well with the group for the first mile, but then my pace backed off while theirs picked up! I was always about 20 to 30 seconds from them. Again I kept one of the runners at the back running along with me, boy did I feel bad. But I couldn't concentrate on that, I just have to push and push myself. As I said to the girl running with me "One day I shall stay with the pack!"

When there was only one mile left to go, and a change of running partner for me, the run leader, (my new run partner) said to the others, "as there is only two more roads to run , two straight roads, then run at your own pace" she continued, "but to stick to the route, in case we have to pick up any injured runners".

Of course then the pack spread out even further, I tried to keep my pace going, I even tried to pick it up a bit. When we were on the last straight road, we spotted one of the the ladies walking. I was thinking "Oh good, I'm not the only jog/walk person here" that is until we caught up with her. She had, in fact, picked up a small injury, or strain. but she kept at it, walking some then running some. I too had twisted my ankle as well, and was jogging and limping the rest of the way home. It wasn't so much of a twist, it was more like a trapped nerve or something. I knew if I kept running through it, it will be fine.

So today, due to unforeseen circumstances, I wasn't the last person in our group back to the pavilion today! But, I don't suppose I can really count that as a first really!

Geeky Garmin stats,

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Sometimes You Got To Run!

Hi blog readers.

Today I wasn't feeling like doing anything but what I used to do back when couch potato held top position, and that is eat. Eating for comfort, to 'make things better' two bits of toast, two bowls of porridge and handful of grapes and I still had my head in the fridge.

Sometimes bad news can bring you down, there is nothing that you can do but pray about it. Feeling helpless to help others has an effect on us all. In my case, I end up with my face in the fridge and hands in the biscuit tin, (if we had any that is).

So, after feeling sorry for my self, and a telling off, I decided that I needed to get out and run. I have a couple of races that I definitely want to do this year, so maybe I can make a difference by raising money for charities! Better than stuffing my face.

So I took myself off to get changed and then just went out and ran. I chose my usual route and started off with running with a determined heart. On my mind were three special people, I wanted to run and run as best as I could for all of them.

First mile came and went, I think, in pretty good time, half way through second mile I had a small walking point, but only for half a minute, then took myself off again, telling myself that there was no need to stop jogging at that point!

Again, I tried to get through the route from that walking point without any more walking points. Of course, I still didn't make it. But I kept a good pace going, I did four walking points all together, (Sorry Naggy, not three walking stops like I told you!) In fact you can see on the garmin geeky stats on the timing and heart rate charts, that I slowed to a walking pace, so there is no point in me trying to hide the facts!! Still, I was very pleased with the pace today.

Just running, today, just running, thoughts of those three special people on my heart, I didn't go out to break any records, or to compete with other runners, or even to play those silly games about catching up to the walkers and over taking them, all I wanted to do was to run, and to offer up my prayers as I ran along ...... and stay out of the fridge until at least dinner time!

Geeky stats for you, and just in case you were wondering, I some how beat my previous best for this route by 19 seconds!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Whinging Again!!

Hi Bloggees,

Another solo run for me this morning. And Old couch potato alter ego was trying desperately to stop me from going out before it was too late. First off the bed was just to nice and cosy to get out of, alter ego was almost winning the battle with the "but it's just so nice and warm in here". Next it was the spot I found on my face, (another one) I just had to inspect it, and then of course its the eyebrows that need looking into, then what I would look like with maybe just a little 'lift' here......... See, anything, anything distracts me from getting up to do some running!

Once I managed to do it, it was straight out of the door! My legs were complaining from the off!! Already there were the 'Stop' markers in my brain, I knew every mile mark, and which bits I slow down on, and which bits I can pick up the speed! Then next time I go running I am going to do the Old Boy has suggested, and probably naggy and others, but just thought of it as ridiculous ideas, and that is to just run. I have a Garmin, I can see where a mile and half is, and then just run back! But I shall go in a completely different direction than what I have done before.

That said, now back to today's run. All those points were in my mind, my legs are still complaining about the jog and ride yesterday, and I know I got loads to do today. For the first mile, I just concentrated on the music, my energy levels were probably left at Badgers Mount yesterday!, "But" I kept telling myself "But, you're here jogging, you're here getting the old cardio vascular thingy-me-bob going. Burning up some of those calories that you are planning on eating at the cinema later!"

There jog from mile one to home was not very good, I was jogging and walking, jogging and walking! I tried only to walk for a very few steps, just seconds, 15 or 20 seconds each time. But I gave myself such a hard time when I did walk.

I was actually glad when I got to Farringdon today, at least I could stop nagging myself!! For some reason I can run this bit non stop.

When I downloaded the Garmin data, I looked at it, and I thought, "Oxhawth is not such a big road, I should include that now, in my 'do not stop' section of my running"

As you can see from the geeky stats, there is no records broken today. Just a calorie burn up today, and there is always the bike ride later, so maybe eat more of the Revels!

Geeky stats of run today.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Attack of the Couch Potato Body!

Hello bloggers,

It is a lovely bright, sun shiny, crisp morning out there. The sort of day that makes you want to get out and enjoy it, and not stay in bed till ridiculous o'clock in the morning!.

So I got up, dressed for my run and went straight out. I thought the cold would take my breath away, but it really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I set off with a determined head and heart. Its best to set out that way, no negative thoughts. This lasts all until I get to the end of the path!! But I quickly dispel any negative thoughts again.

I'm listening to tunes, and running with the beat. There are some good tunes playing, some are slow and some are fast. I found that Garry Moore's #Still got the blues for you# is a brilliant tune to run too! That took me pass where my legs were saying to me "Stop, you great oath" I am going the same way as I went yesterday. I am sure that I am faster on this first mile but we shall see.

(I have just plugged in my Garmin that the stupid thing has frozen up again!! its so frustrating) Its just as well I can just about remember what the time was when I stopped running, all the data been wiped out, AGAIN!)

So here I am, already run the first mile, and now on to the second. The legs are complaining like mad, tummy decides to have a go at me on this second mile. I just push on as far as I can before both legs and tummy cripple me! Just about now another limb decides to try and stop me. My arm! Or at least my shoulder. There is a pain here like I have slept funny on it, and I can feel it as I am running. But I need to keep going. I managed to jog on for just a few mins more before I slowed down to a walk.

I am trying to find reason why I am stopping. Apart from the legs hurting, and the shoulder, and breathing, which is quite settled actually, then I shouldn't be stopping. So I just go again. Only walked for a few steps and then started running again. Oh yes, I can feel Old Couch Potato body wanting to take over again. She doesn't like all this strenuous exercise, and the lack of sugar and chocolates and three takeaways a week. Old Couch Potato Body is complaining Big Time.

From Greenway though, it seems that my whole body was in cahoots with my mind, with my 'wanna be fit me!' Even the eyes were trying to blind me again, with those darn tears. Lungs were attacking me from the inside now. Firing up all sorts or 'ammo'. Well, that isn't going to stop me, It may slow me down, (I won't go into detail, but let me just say, I'm glad I leaned over the first wall, because I didn't see the lady in her garden of the second wall!) Not very lady like I know, but this is war!

So for the rest of the jog it was like that, Stopping, telling off, and going again, and those darn tears!! GRRRRR, But I know I am getting fitter.

I got to my door, stopped my Garmin and it showed 41 mins and something. Not as fast as yesterday, but as I have said, the stupid Garmin froze. Looked on the Garmin site, it told me how to restart it 'without erasing data' and guess what? It erased the data!! Tut, I am so going to send this thing back and get a new gizmo!

Sunday, 6 March 2011


Hello blog people.

Well today I had a solo run. After checking facebook and finding out that Naggy had already ran an 8 mile this morning while I was at church, I thought I would let her rest up, besides her car wasn't around either!

So after indulging in some birthday cake at church, well these things need to be done, I did refuse to 'tidy up the bits left on the plate' after the pastors wife asked if I would like to help! (I was so tempted though, it was chocolate cake!) I came home and had my first cup of tea of the day. I am doing what the Old Boy does now, to try and lose some weight of this racing body of mine, I know it's in there, somewhere!

I did a quick bit of shopping before I went for my run, best to leave the cake to get passed the 'no turning back' mark before setting out. After I come back, I got my running gear on, plugged in my IPOD with some new downloaded tunes on and set off.

I was determined to run for the whole way, the whole nine yards!! Well, just over 3 miles really. The first mile went like a dream! "I can do this" I thought to myself. I must point out, though people, I am doing one of the older routes. The last time I did this route was back in January with Naggy herself whipping up my....enthusiasm to get around the whole route. So I didn't have that nasty old Hollingworth Hill to deal with! The second mile was a bit tougher, those old doubts creeping in my mind. The Old Boy thinks I lack confidence in myself to get around the route, I wish he would tell that to my legs which are starting to complain now!

Half way through the second mile is when I slow down for the first time to a walking pace, but only for a very short time. I give myself a complete telling off and get going again. "You still got to do the same distance as you have just done" I kept saying, "Now is not the time to walk" I was running down Greenway by now, and Magpiehall Lane is already starting it's evil influence on me! But I have a plan for that.

As soon as I reached Magpiehall Lane, it was eyes down, look at the pavement, I didn't even look up, I am so glad there wasn't anybody walking down there at that time, because I know I would have gone crashing into them!

I got to the top of the hill and then slowed down to a walk! Oh dear, I was so annoyed with myself, tears threatening to come spilling down as I admit defeat again, in not keeping up the running! "Pull your self together woman" I said to myself, and then got back into the groove again of running. Running to some good tunes, and running to some tunes that made me run faster! The new top I am wearing has this IPOD pocket at the back, so I wasn't able to change tunes! I just had to go with it!

But I did stop a couple of more times before I got to Faringdon, 'The Road I Dare Not Stop' Each times a pathetic whimper from my lips and those darn tears, which now don't stay around my eyes anymore, they come pouring down my face. One day, one day I am going to run a whole 5K solo! Just me and the road. One day!!

Once on The Road, etc It seemed like there was a little pressure off of me!! Strange really! But I just know that I always will run this road, non stop, till I get home! I saw a friend of mine walking along with he son and their dog, a quick puffed out 'Hi' and then almost home.

I did look at the time, and I could see that I have not beat my personal best, but hey ho, at least I am here, again, doing it. Which is what its all about, right.

Well that is what I thought before I looked at the Garmin site, before I checked out whether I had already recorded on the Garmin, this particular route! And it seems I had done. Not only that ladies and gentle folk, but I HAVE COMPLETELY SMASHED MY PB BY AT LEAST 5 MINUTES Oh yes, now who is smiling!!!!!

Geeky stats, and I shall put the last geeky stats so that you can all see, well, I like to see it side by side really!! Very Happy, very happy!!

Today's stats,

previous run on this route!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

PWR! I'm Back!

Hi blog readers,

Today I ran with the PWR (first one with them this year!). I knew they would take me out of my comfort zone. I still ran at my pace, but I kept going, they kept me going. I did do some stops, but only for a very short time, and fewer I think.

In the begining I tried to stay with the front runners. Well that was easy as it's a slow warm up for five or ten minutes. But then after that, they said they would be running at 11 min miles. I don't think I have ever ran at 11 min miles, and I'm sure I am not up to that just yet.

Oh dear, maybe I am still not ready to be a proper runner, a proper member of a proper club. But I got to persevere, I need to keep on going. I need to stop being a pathetic whimp and I need to stop making excuses. Get out that, you lazy mare.

So I plodded on. The rest of the 'Improvers' group gradually passed me by, one by one. It's a bit demoralising, but I kept thinking at least I'm here, they have not told me not to come back, so I'm still in with a chance.

The route was up hill in the beginnging, so a slower second mile. It seems I always do my second miles slower> I think I must do something about that. I was running with on of the back markers, they usually appoint two back runners to make sure we don't lose any on route, but I became on of the back markers and saw the group get further and further away. I slowed down to a walking pace, and then my running partner said that they had stopped just up ahead for the first 'official' stop. That got me running again until I caught up with them.

The leader of the group offered to 'swap' with the back marker and run with me, but the girl was quite happy to to keep pace with me, but eventually further on in the run then they did swap, and the young girl just took off! I could see her running off in the distance. She said that she is a slow runner, just plods along, but to me, she was definitely a fast runner. I don't expect it was too long before she caught up to the main group.

Pettswood road was all down hill. I kept a good pace, and even the run leader said that my running was doing well here. But then those down hills are fabulous to run down. Its then that I can concentrate on my breathing, the hill just does all the work for me, and I can get that whole breathing thing working for me as well.

I heard the run leader tell me that it was only a couple more hundred metres, just up the road. We crossed over and I could see the sign pointing to the recreation ground. There is no way that I can walk now. Have to keep on running. "Just this last tiny hill to do" Says the run leader "Keep it going"

Oh it felt good running up to the building, knowing that I ran most of the way. But I did check out the three mile mark. There was no PB for a three miler, but then again, going an extra .76 of a mile was pretty good for me!

On another note, the Old Boy went on his 20 mile ride today, obviously with out me, and he did pretty well. He didn't beat his PB either, he said there was a headwind which kept him almost stationary in some places. But, he did have a first. And that was his first accident. He wasn't injured, and no one else was involved, but while he was avoiding a pot hole in the road, he chose the inside route as there was a car coming up on the outside of him, and he hit the kerb. He went flying over the handle bars of his bike and landed on the grass. He laid there for a few minutes, laughed and then checked over his bike. No damaged done. But do you know that the car driver that over took him didn't even stop to see if he was ok!!

So geeky stats, (only mine though, as the Old Boy hasn't got a Garmin)