Hello bloggers,
Well, this old girl has gone and done it. I handed in my membership application and my cheque! Now its up to them if I am up to their standards!
There were a few more ppl here today, more than last week when the snow was still thick and crunchy on the ground. The coach explained who was taking the leads in each group and the leaders all said where they were going, how far and how fast they would be running. I was waiting patiently for the coach to say that he will be taking the newly enlisted on a 13.30 min miles over such and such a distance. Boy was I pleased when I head that he was still going to do that!
Not only that but they will again split and the slower group with go with yet another group leader while those who feel they can go that little bit faster (and further) can go with the coach!
I did try to keep up with the other group. I did my usual thing of starting up with the coach and then falling back. But this time the group was only small, because some of the newbies had already gone up to group 1, so I was running not in the middle of the pack but with the slower starters! But when we got to the place where there were two groups I was already behind anyway. But from there on, it was just the two of us, the leader of the slow group and me!
I really did try very hard to just keep moving, and we were chatting on parts of the run so I knew, I knew I could keep running, but the doubts crept into my mind, 'Old girl, have you noticed your the only one in this slowest of the slowest group in this running club?' This really did play on my mind, and another thought popped into my mind 'Will they want a slow slow runner like you bringing them down old girl?' I was feeling slightly demoralised by my thoughts today. I am desperate to join this club, I need to keep running with people especially in the winter months. 'They won't want an old slow couch potato like you'
That's it! Got to keep running, keep chatting to the group leader or I should be saying running buddy as there are only the two of us here! I just tried to keep on running, I think I may have stopped a couple of more times on route. I am so glad she stayed with me, I hadn't a clue where I was! I kept seeing places that I recognised and then turning off and going somewhere else!
The fastest of the slower group had gone from our sight now, they were also going to go on a slightly longer run than me and running club buddy were going. We carried on chatting, and she was telling me that next week they will be meeting up earlier because they will all be meeting up for drinks after in the near by wine bar. Not only because its Christmas but because they also have prize giving and also to draw who will be running in the next London Marathon! Apparently all affiliated clubs get so many places for so club members, and those who want a chance to run in it have to put their names down for a draw (as long as other criteria is met) Now that does sound like fun (the drinkies not the marathon draw) and it will be a great way to meet all the other running members and to put my face out there, in the light so to speak.
I digress again! So it was just the two of us, running at my pace, not pushing my self. And the I noticed where were were, we were nearly back at the rec. Not far now, just cross over the road and we are nearly there. The church was just behind us now. I had no idea of the route we took, I don't even think I can remember even I tried to plot it out on Map My Run! We had gone one way out of the rec, and turned some corners, and came on to a road I recognised, and then we did this circle and carried on running back from where we had just come from, 'in a lollipop' shape so my running buddy said. But then we ran past the road when we had come from, the beginning of the 'stick' part of the lollipop. I had no idea where I had just ran, but right then, when I saw the church I knew were we were and had a renewed bit of energy to run even better that I had been doing.
It was here that I told my new running buddy that had I been running with my friend she would have nagged me something stupid! I can just hear her now 'No stopping, come on, move, only a couple of minutes and we will be there' New running buddy said "Ah, so that's what I should have been doing!" Why did I have to tell her that!
But seeing the sign for the recreation ground helped me to put a slight speed on, I didn't know if the other group would be back by now, or indeed the other groups, if they would be back, but running buddy said that we need to run now, but I was already on my toes! We turned into the drive of the grounds and of course I slowed down! Its so darn dark! I cant see where I am treading! But as we approached the building where we all meet up we notice that we are the first group back!
Not long after that another group came in behind, I believe it was group 1, with the newbies who had 'gone up' a group, and then the other half of the group that I was in came in next!
All in all everyone had a great run, although there was one accident, one lady had tripped on what was probably wire packaging, she had managed to get both feet into a circle of this wire and and tripped up and came crashing down on her face! Now most people (including me) would be sitting around waiting for ambulances and the air ambulance to fly to the nearest hospital, but after only a short rest and a short walk, she RAN BACK TO THE REC WHERE SHE HAD PARKED HER CAR Now there is dedication for you! A true runner!
I had a great run today, not the fastest, and about 3.5 miles in distance, and I think around about 44 to 45 minutes run. I handed in my application to the coach. Now, just sit back and wait, wait to find out if I am fit enough to carry on running with these guys.
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Sunday, 12 December 2010
The Big Melt!
Hi blogges!
I know the kids now days have 'nicked' the word 'melt' as a cuss for their homies, and my husband thinks its a name for a tasty cheeseburger, but I am pleased with the big melt. It means I could go on a longer run ,now that there is no snow on the paths, that I have done in while!!
It felt good (well of course I mean after I have done the run i felt good) to get out and run again. The pavements were clear, the sun was trying to break through, and I had set my alarm to get me up early enough before church, to get out and have a cobweb blasting run this morning.
It was nice and warm in my big bed, the alarm 'yelling' at me to get out, and my head saying to me "Why are you doing this?" But I know my heart and every fibre in my body is saying, "Go on old girl get out there, run, its good for you"
So with my head still telling me its bloomin crazy going out running during winter, I reluctantly searched my wardrobe for some running clothes. All ready now, I check on the time just before I leave. My IPOD still not charged up and I am not bothering with that silly stopwatch thing the old boy gave me, I want to know how much 'damage' not running as done to this old girls fitness level.
It was quite chilly out, but I knew, once I got warmed up I wouldn't even notice it. I set off, and again old couch potato head telling me that is ludicrous to be out here running at 8:49 on a Sunday morning in the chilly air! And I was even thinking that maybe because I haven't been out properly for a while then I should just do the very short run again.
I tried to put thoughts like that behind me, and just concentrate on good things. Things like, well at least I am out here doing something, and I can do this, anyone can run, but not everyone keeps it up! At lease I am keeping it up, and I can do this if I put my mind to it!
As I was running I got to as far as the first mile and then slowed to a walking pace, I heard voices behind me and I turned around and saw two runners on the other side of the road. Well, I just had to run again. And I was quite pleased that I was running because in the opposite direction was another runner heading towards me. A quick nod to each other and onwards.
I managed to get as far as Turp before I slowed down to a walking pace again. And I decided to walk a little further. Walk for about 3 or 4 minutes. And then tackle the second half of the run and try and run for as long as possible.
As I was heading back up Southborough Lane I started to 'enjoy' the run! I know its strange, but I felt a smile on my face as I was heading towards the last mile. And I also saw the runner that I passed earlier, he was on the other side of the road now, and he was walking! I was quite pleased that when I say him I was still running! Again we nodded and I ran on.
The run went quite quickly, but I do remember telling myself off for walking yet again when I was down Oxhawth, but once I got onto Faringdon I had my 'no stopping head' on. But that's when old couch potato head raised her lazy head again. "Old girl, slow down, no one will be up this time on a Sunday, walk for goodness sake" Just because I haven't been out for a run for a long time I am not going to slow to a walking pace now, not while I am on my manor!
On and on, turn the corner and on to my road. I didn't have enough left to finish in style well, maybe I had just a tad left, and I bolted up my path to my house.
Fumble for the key to go and check on the time. 09:33, oh wow, I wished I was good at maths, so, I started off at 08:49, add that to that, take off that, borrow that and the leaves...........erm..... 44 mins?? yeah, I think that's right
Well, not the best, but I am very happy that I am getting out there still!
I know the kids now days have 'nicked' the word 'melt' as a cuss for their homies, and my husband thinks its a name for a tasty cheeseburger, but I am pleased with the big melt. It means I could go on a longer run ,now that there is no snow on the paths, that I have done in while!!
It felt good (well of course I mean after I have done the run i felt good) to get out and run again. The pavements were clear, the sun was trying to break through, and I had set my alarm to get me up early enough before church, to get out and have a cobweb blasting run this morning.
It was nice and warm in my big bed, the alarm 'yelling' at me to get out, and my head saying to me "Why are you doing this?" But I know my heart and every fibre in my body is saying, "Go on old girl get out there, run, its good for you"
So with my head still telling me its bloomin crazy going out running during winter, I reluctantly searched my wardrobe for some running clothes. All ready now, I check on the time just before I leave. My IPOD still not charged up and I am not bothering with that silly stopwatch thing the old boy gave me, I want to know how much 'damage' not running as done to this old girls fitness level.
It was quite chilly out, but I knew, once I got warmed up I wouldn't even notice it. I set off, and again old couch potato head telling me that is ludicrous to be out here running at 8:49 on a Sunday morning in the chilly air! And I was even thinking that maybe because I haven't been out properly for a while then I should just do the very short run again.
I tried to put thoughts like that behind me, and just concentrate on good things. Things like, well at least I am out here doing something, and I can do this, anyone can run, but not everyone keeps it up! At lease I am keeping it up, and I can do this if I put my mind to it!
As I was running I got to as far as the first mile and then slowed to a walking pace, I heard voices behind me and I turned around and saw two runners on the other side of the road. Well, I just had to run again. And I was quite pleased that I was running because in the opposite direction was another runner heading towards me. A quick nod to each other and onwards.
I managed to get as far as Turp before I slowed down to a walking pace again. And I decided to walk a little further. Walk for about 3 or 4 minutes. And then tackle the second half of the run and try and run for as long as possible.
As I was heading back up Southborough Lane I started to 'enjoy' the run! I know its strange, but I felt a smile on my face as I was heading towards the last mile. And I also saw the runner that I passed earlier, he was on the other side of the road now, and he was walking! I was quite pleased that when I say him I was still running! Again we nodded and I ran on.
The run went quite quickly, but I do remember telling myself off for walking yet again when I was down Oxhawth, but once I got onto Faringdon I had my 'no stopping head' on. But that's when old couch potato head raised her lazy head again. "Old girl, slow down, no one will be up this time on a Sunday, walk for goodness sake" Just because I haven't been out for a run for a long time I am not going to slow to a walking pace now, not while I am on my manor!
On and on, turn the corner and on to my road. I didn't have enough left to finish in style well, maybe I had just a tad left, and I bolted up my path to my house.
Fumble for the key to go and check on the time. 09:33, oh wow, I wished I was good at maths, so, I started off at 08:49, add that to that, take off that, borrow that and the leaves...........erm..... 44 mins?? yeah, I think that's right
Well, not the best, but I am very happy that I am getting out there still!
Friday, 10 December 2010
A Solo Run!
Hi bloggers.
Yes I nice sedate calm, slippery solo jog for this old girl today. All my parcels have been delivered so no excuse to sit in and wait! New running buddy I think is doing her own thing, maybe the gentle walk she had with me a couple of weeks ago was just not enough to get the blood pumping through her veins.
I was going to do my usual run of about 3.4 miles, but the pavements are just still at least two to three inch thick packed ice and snow. I managed to run on the roads around my estate, but when it came to the main road of course I had to use the pavements, car drivers seem to tolerate old girls running and walking on the little side roads, but I don't think they will be quite as tolerant if I were to run up the main roads!
I set the stop watch that the old boy had given me and set off. Do you know, it don't feel as cold as it looks at there. All that snow and ice, you would think it would feel like the inside of your freezer wouldn't you! I thought I would do a good time. And I really did think the the pavements on the main roads would be clear!
On the roads then, they are not to bad, no ice, just snow drifts that had fallen in the road and had gotten squished by the cars, so I had to detour around them. My calve still aching from the Tuesday run with the PWR, and all that snow running! But once I had warmed up I didn't notice it at all.
Its amazing how long it takes and how hard it is to be able to run a certain distance, and how quickly it is to lose some of your fitness if you don't continue to run! Just looking at my run or training, on Tuesday. The distance wasn't a great distance, but the fact that I had maybe just once run in two weeks it really did show! But today, I had that in mind. I thought "Old girl, you are not going to break any records today, and hopefully you wont break any bones out here on the ice, so just be thankful that you're out here doing this and just running for a short while"........ I really do think these things! I didn't bring my ipod with me, I needed to concentrate on traffic behind me as I was running in the middle of the road.
I get to the main road, and so therefore had to use the pavements. Now some parts of the pavements were clear, (Kind conscientious householders keeping them clear) and some were like I had said, two or three inch packed ice and snow! So I was running then walking, then running then walking. I ran a little two fast at one point and ran on to the ice and slid across for about a foot! It was probably the fast I had traveled today!
I managed to get as far as the pub using this walking on the ice and running on the clear, but I looked ahead where I need to run and I just knew that it was just impossible to run in these conditions. I chose to run down through the park, at least I can run on the grass, crunch my way through the snow, reminiscence of Tuesdays paarluufs relay. Then I remembered how my calves were aching after running in the snow. But, strangely I was looking forward to more aches as then I know that I have worked out!.
Turn down Parkfield Way and trying to find a clear bit of path down here is impossible. So back on to the road! But this is a very quite road. The gritter ignores places like this, not many travel down here so the ice is packed on the road as well. I gingerly picked my way around the ice, 'Ooops-ing' with each slip I had. I finally made it to the park and crunchy 'safer' snow. It was going to be a slow time, but who worries about that in conditions like this. The fact that I am out should be reward enough.
Finally through the park and back on to the clear road. Thank goodness I live on a bus route! Only then do I check the stop watch. ARRGGHH!! Stupid stopwatch. I was concentrating so much on staying up right and not landing flat on my backside that at some point I had pushed the set and reset buttons. ARRRGGGHH But, like I said, just being out running is reward enough.
So on down the road. Parallel to 'The road that I don't stop on' so this too has be the same. On and on. I am feeling good, well I should do really, well rested legs, and less that a two mile run, I should get back and look like all those girls that go running in full makeup!!
Turning down my road now, hello to the neighbours as I run past, they are looking at me as if I am totally crazy to be out running, and then crunch my way up the path to my house. Of course I don't look like those made up ladies, I look a complete mess again, sweaty, but not as bad as some days, and my hair still stuck to my forehead! But a huge smile on my face.
Oh yes, this girl is a proper runner!! Slow, yes, I will give you that, but no other hobby runner goes out in ice and snow just to run!!
Yes I nice sedate calm, slippery solo jog for this old girl today. All my parcels have been delivered so no excuse to sit in and wait! New running buddy I think is doing her own thing, maybe the gentle walk she had with me a couple of weeks ago was just not enough to get the blood pumping through her veins.
I was going to do my usual run of about 3.4 miles, but the pavements are just still at least two to three inch thick packed ice and snow. I managed to run on the roads around my estate, but when it came to the main road of course I had to use the pavements, car drivers seem to tolerate old girls running and walking on the little side roads, but I don't think they will be quite as tolerant if I were to run up the main roads!
I set the stop watch that the old boy had given me and set off. Do you know, it don't feel as cold as it looks at there. All that snow and ice, you would think it would feel like the inside of your freezer wouldn't you! I thought I would do a good time. And I really did think the the pavements on the main roads would be clear!
On the roads then, they are not to bad, no ice, just snow drifts that had fallen in the road and had gotten squished by the cars, so I had to detour around them. My calve still aching from the Tuesday run with the PWR, and all that snow running! But once I had warmed up I didn't notice it at all.
Its amazing how long it takes and how hard it is to be able to run a certain distance, and how quickly it is to lose some of your fitness if you don't continue to run! Just looking at my run or training, on Tuesday. The distance wasn't a great distance, but the fact that I had maybe just once run in two weeks it really did show! But today, I had that in mind. I thought "Old girl, you are not going to break any records today, and hopefully you wont break any bones out here on the ice, so just be thankful that you're out here doing this and just running for a short while"........ I really do think these things! I didn't bring my ipod with me, I needed to concentrate on traffic behind me as I was running in the middle of the road.
I get to the main road, and so therefore had to use the pavements. Now some parts of the pavements were clear, (Kind conscientious householders keeping them clear) and some were like I had said, two or three inch packed ice and snow! So I was running then walking, then running then walking. I ran a little two fast at one point and ran on to the ice and slid across for about a foot! It was probably the fast I had traveled today!
I managed to get as far as the pub using this walking on the ice and running on the clear, but I looked ahead where I need to run and I just knew that it was just impossible to run in these conditions. I chose to run down through the park, at least I can run on the grass, crunch my way through the snow, reminiscence of Tuesdays paarluufs relay. Then I remembered how my calves were aching after running in the snow. But, strangely I was looking forward to more aches as then I know that I have worked out!.
Turn down Parkfield Way and trying to find a clear bit of path down here is impossible. So back on to the road! But this is a very quite road. The gritter ignores places like this, not many travel down here so the ice is packed on the road as well. I gingerly picked my way around the ice, 'Ooops-ing' with each slip I had. I finally made it to the park and crunchy 'safer' snow. It was going to be a slow time, but who worries about that in conditions like this. The fact that I am out should be reward enough.
Finally through the park and back on to the clear road. Thank goodness I live on a bus route! Only then do I check the stop watch. ARRGGHH!! Stupid stopwatch. I was concentrating so much on staying up right and not landing flat on my backside that at some point I had pushed the set and reset buttons. ARRRGGGHH But, like I said, just being out running is reward enough.
So on down the road. Parallel to 'The road that I don't stop on' so this too has be the same. On and on. I am feeling good, well I should do really, well rested legs, and less that a two mile run, I should get back and look like all those girls that go running in full makeup!!
Turning down my road now, hello to the neighbours as I run past, they are looking at me as if I am totally crazy to be out running, and then crunch my way up the path to my house. Of course I don't look like those made up ladies, I look a complete mess again, sweaty, but not as bad as some days, and my hair still stuck to my forehead! But a huge smile on my face.
Oh yes, this girl is a proper runner!! Slow, yes, I will give you that, but no other hobby runner goes out in ice and snow just to run!!
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Am I Totally Mad..... YES!!!
Bloggees, hello, how are you all?
Well its been I while, I bet you all though that I had gone into hibernation. Well, I could quite have easily gone into the loony bin! I was just about stir crazy stuck in doors!
Today I went running with the running club, well I shall use the word 'running' loosely when I talk about me, but the other members all done brilliantly!
Its the first time I have been out, ever, running in icy snowy freezing conditions as it was tonight. I was desperate to get out and run, and if couldn't have got my car out, I would have walked! But I did manage to get it out!
I arrived at the recreation ground in plenty of time, and mingled about until the coach explained what was going to happen this evening. He said that we shall do two laps of the rec for a warm up and then we were going to do 'paarluufs relay X 200 metres.'....... I bet your expression is the same as mine was, when I read that on the clubs web page "What in the running world is that" I was all ears as coach explained.
We were to get into groups of 3, each group shall have number 1, 2 and 3. Number 2 shall walk half way round the 400 meters rec and then wait there until number 1 runs there, then number 2 shall run the rest of the way to the beginning to let number 3 run around and then let number 1 run to the beginning, etc etc, and we will be doing this for 40 mins, that's right, 40 mins!
Of course being the newbie and not knowing anyone and turning up by myself, I didn't have a group, so coach kindly put me with some not so fast runners! (So he said!)
So as soon as the number 2's were in position coach said "right now off you go", I was an additional no.1 so I just kept an eye of the young lad that I had to run alongside. Well, I tried! He took off, I just stumbled along the snow covered green, crunching my way round, desperately trying to stay upright! The young lad was a blurr. Not only because it was fairly dark, the tennis club obviously not open today, so no lights from their courts, but because I was fairly warmed up from the two previous laps my glasses kept steaming up! But I managed not to embarrass my self, by falling over!, but I did notice that it all went quiet whenever I reached the cones and the number 1's. I can only imagine they were having a giggle at my pathetic attempts to stay upright, and the silly 'girly' running style I was doing!
First lap completed, half way through the second lap, and I was exhausted! Running on snow and ice is a completely different animal all together!! My calves were hurting, my ankles were hurting, (I kept twisting both of them trying to run) but I was loving it. "I'm knackered" I thought, the coach said "I hope nope, we only been doing it for 6 mins" My goodness did I say that out loud! Blimey it didn't feel like only 6 mins. And the the young lad who was the other no.1 said "I got 7 mins" Oh yes, that makes it a whole lot better!!
Oh, but bloggees, it didn't matter, I was out running (ish) and thats all I cared about. I am going to download the membership form and become a member of the 'Petts Wood Runners!' I love running, I need to run!
Well its been I while, I bet you all though that I had gone into hibernation. Well, I could quite have easily gone into the loony bin! I was just about stir crazy stuck in doors!
Today I went running with the running club, well I shall use the word 'running' loosely when I talk about me, but the other members all done brilliantly!
Its the first time I have been out, ever, running in icy snowy freezing conditions as it was tonight. I was desperate to get out and run, and if couldn't have got my car out, I would have walked! But I did manage to get it out!
I arrived at the recreation ground in plenty of time, and mingled about until the coach explained what was going to happen this evening. He said that we shall do two laps of the rec for a warm up and then we were going to do 'paarluufs relay X 200 metres.'....... I bet your expression is the same as mine was, when I read that on the clubs web page "What in the running world is that" I was all ears as coach explained.
We were to get into groups of 3, each group shall have number 1, 2 and 3. Number 2 shall walk half way round the 400 meters rec and then wait there until number 1 runs there, then number 2 shall run the rest of the way to the beginning to let number 3 run around and then let number 1 run to the beginning, etc etc, and we will be doing this for 40 mins, that's right, 40 mins!
Of course being the newbie and not knowing anyone and turning up by myself, I didn't have a group, so coach kindly put me with some not so fast runners! (So he said!)
So as soon as the number 2's were in position coach said "right now off you go", I was an additional no.1 so I just kept an eye of the young lad that I had to run alongside. Well, I tried! He took off, I just stumbled along the snow covered green, crunching my way round, desperately trying to stay upright! The young lad was a blurr. Not only because it was fairly dark, the tennis club obviously not open today, so no lights from their courts, but because I was fairly warmed up from the two previous laps my glasses kept steaming up! But I managed not to embarrass my self, by falling over!, but I did notice that it all went quiet whenever I reached the cones and the number 1's. I can only imagine they were having a giggle at my pathetic attempts to stay upright, and the silly 'girly' running style I was doing!
First lap completed, half way through the second lap, and I was exhausted! Running on snow and ice is a completely different animal all together!! My calves were hurting, my ankles were hurting, (I kept twisting both of them trying to run) but I was loving it. "I'm knackered" I thought, the coach said "I hope nope, we only been doing it for 6 mins" My goodness did I say that out loud! Blimey it didn't feel like only 6 mins. And the the young lad who was the other no.1 said "I got 7 mins" Oh yes, that makes it a whole lot better!!
Oh, but bloggees, it didn't matter, I was out running (ish) and thats all I cared about. I am going to download the membership form and become a member of the 'Petts Wood Runners!' I love running, I need to run!
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Snow Bound!
Hi blogees.
Ok, maybe a slight exageration, but I am snowbound when it comes to jogging in the stuff. But my enthusiasm has not gone!
So just for fun, and to remind us all of the snow (not that we need that right now) here are some lovely snow pictures. Just to show how wonderful His creation can be even with the snow covering it. And how much fun we all used to have when we were kids, and played in the snow. Mind you I always remember it being a lot colder that it is, kids nowdays dont know the meaning of cold winter snow play days!
Any one else have some lovely snow scenes, send them over to me and I can add them on to here

I bet you all wondering why I got the picture of my garden twice, well as you will notice from the first one, at the back on the garden no tree trunk, but the last picture you can see, HALF MY TREE ON THE FLOOR Oh well, it happens I guess.

These pictures is from today 2nd Of December, I thought it would be a good idea to clear the path, Why I dont know, I was bored!! So I traipsed down to the shed to get a shovel, in the deep snow almost knee high (And no comments about me being a shortie) only to find that I need a shovel to open the shed!!
Ok, maybe a slight exageration, but I am snowbound when it comes to jogging in the stuff. But my enthusiasm has not gone!
So just for fun, and to remind us all of the snow (not that we need that right now) here are some lovely snow pictures. Just to show how wonderful His creation can be even with the snow covering it. And how much fun we all used to have when we were kids, and played in the snow. Mind you I always remember it being a lot colder that it is, kids nowdays dont know the meaning of cold winter snow play days!
Any one else have some lovely snow scenes, send them over to me and I can add them on to here

I bet you all wondering why I got the picture of my garden twice, well as you will notice from the first one, at the back on the garden no tree trunk, but the last picture you can see, HALF MY TREE ON THE FLOOR Oh well, it happens I guess.
These pictures is from today 2nd Of December, I thought it would be a good idea to clear the path, Why I dont know, I was bored!! So I traipsed down to the shed to get a shovel, in the deep snow almost knee high (And no comments about me being a shortie) only to find that I need a shovel to open the shed!!
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