Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Its Too Hot!

Hi blog lovers.

Well today was a bit of a downer. Yes I know the sun is shining and of course I love the sunshine, but it does play havoc on my old problem, lazyitus!

Today wasn't a complete lazy wasted day. I have made a monumental decision (I think) and that is, I am going to do the London to Brighton Bike Ride, this time next year!

So In preparation of that, I will be using my bike as often as I can, even riding to the supermarket, and not the nearest one either. Its the one further on, and I get to collect the nectar points too which is a bonus.

I went out on my bike fairly late in the morning, to get things for tonight's dinner, (I think I like this sort of shopping, I spend less, less shopping because I cant get it all in my bag,I go out more and I get plenty of road experience.) I have tried both routes to get to the supermarket, and I must say, today's route is a lot easier, and less scary than going down the A21!

I even managed to cycle the whole way to the shop, where as yesterday I had to stop and walk up the hill, and I even negotiated the roundabouts! I think if I am to do the L.t.B bike ride then I need to get used to going over them.

I parked my bike up and did my shopping, making sure that it will all go into my bag at the back of my bike any over spill can go in the bag on my back. The journey back from this shopping trip was quick and easier than I remembered the last time I had come home this way. Am I really starting to feel the effects of all this jogging, at last!

I was supposed to be going jogging tonight with Happy Neighbour and Smarty Pants, but as I have already said, my lazyitus is really playing up today, and I cried off!! Smarty pants did her jog earlier and she did hers in 32 minutes (such a smarty pants) but looking at her face at the school gate earlier I could see that it was a tough run for her. Lovely, gorgeous warm sunshine, its just not a joggers friend. Happy Neighbour was fine about not going out today in fact she said 'I don't need much persuading to stay in doors do I' I'm guessing that she won't be going out jogging by herself either!

Tomorrow is my rest day, but I am not going to be sitting on my bottom, Oh no!. I shall be walking up to the nearest supermarket for more shopping to feed the family tomorrow night!

Keep on moving! I think that must be the answer.

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