Hi blogees.
What a day! I was all set to go for my run this morning, gear on, music ready, water chilling. But I kept hanging about for some reason. I'm sure it was His way of keeping me near a phone, because right when I had decided to go out in the nicely chilled down air, and the fresh smell of rain, when the phone rang.
I was sons school saying that he hadn't turned up at his work placement yet. I sent him out at 7.30 this morning, and the school ringing me up at 9.20. But 10 minutes later son is at the door. 'I got lost' he says in his defense 'all the buses are on diversion, didn't know where to go' Now if you no my son, this is the longest conversation that we have had in some time! Sigh, what can I do with him.
Anyway, it stopped me running this morning because I had to take him to his placement. I came home checked on computer for any emails and then went on a bike ride to the second to local supermarket. 25 minutes there 20 back!
I guess you are all thinking this is all I did, well, you're wrong. Because this evening I went out jogging, by myself, as running buddies have injuries, kiddies and dinners to cook. But this is where the title of today's blog comes in. I decided to use naggy neighbours technique of run for two minutes then walk for two minutes.
I guessed this would probably put time back on maybe even go over 46 minutes again, but naggy neighbour says its a good discipline, as its all in the mind. Well, I'm sure she knows what she is talking about, she has run a marathon in 4 hours and something.
All the way round the route this is how I ran it. The first two minutes I thought maybe I should just run and run until I can't run anymore, but thought I should start as I mean to go on. In the beginning this was quite easy, but as I got further and further into the route, well, it's not as easy at it sounds. Those running two minutes seem to last forever, where as those walking two minutes were just shooting past.
For the last 100 meters or so I decided to run as fast as I could, down the road, turn the corner then up to my house. The kids on the green were shouting encouraging chants, 'Go on, old girl, whoo hoo' just as they did when I left in fact! I think they are secretly impressed with this old girl out there doing something!
So the time, I guess you all want to know. Obviously it's not going to be as good as yesterday, naggy neighbour not there, happy neighbour not there and poor smarty pants was suffering a swollen knee,.............. drum roll please...............its faster than I have ran on my own!, so I'm impressed with myself for that...........are you ready,.........43.58
Not bad at all considering!
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Monday, 28 June 2010
A New Week, A New Running Buddy! A New Insane Idea!
Hi blog lovers,
Another glorious day today, temperatures reaching tropical proportions!
I had a new little chap to look after this morning so I saved my run for this evening. My friend who lives opposite me has got back to her jogging and I asked if she was going out this evening.
What on earth have I let my self in for! My friend, my neighbour opposite me, has run in a marathon! She has trained with Hollands national marathon runner! And here I am, asking if she wants to run along with me.
Of course she said yes, she has asked me on a number of occasions to go running, but timings were always out! She turned up on my doorstep, with her Ipod, her GPS watch thingy and I'm sure something else strapped on her other arm. She looked the business! And I thought I did in my running gear, (Oh by the way, pics on the bottom, warning you now, so as not to shock you too much)
You wanted to see pics of me impersonating Max wall! Well here you go, and please when you see me please .........be kind!
We set off, me and new running buddy. But she set off as if she was in a 100m sprint! But I showed her how to run (yeah right!) It was good running along with her, she showed me that I was in fact running all hunched up, so not quite filling my lungs up each time, so shoulders back, arms not up in the air pumping like pistons, just hanging down more, conserving energy. (I know Smarty Pants told me before, but still always hunched up running along, head down hoping to finish things quickly. But new running buddy was not having any of that. She is ten times worse than nagging sister!
When we got the the first down hill, she told me to let the hill do all the work, arms down, stretch the legs. Well, I know I was doing that bit right! Because I do love those down hills. And I have leaned to let the hill do the work, but this time I even let my arms relax at bit, 'Yeah, let the hill do all the work!'
She is a hard task master! I know I have been going at a slightly faster pace than I normally go! I know I have, and before I get to the end of this road, I need a a drink. I stop running and twist my bum bag round to get my drink, and then nagging neighbour says 'Oi you can drink while you're running! Come on!' Oh Right so that is how its going to be is it. This will teach me to go out jogging with a marathon runner!
We got to the first mile, and she tells me that we have just done that in 12 minutes. Wow! Now I don't normally look at my stopwatch, usually because I have been scrolling through songs on my IPOD and trying to look for the stopwatch function is just too darn hard.
Naggy Neighbour kept at me, past the first mile mark, on and on, ok so I did take a few walking steps (when she wasn't looking) but I was running further than I had ever done before. Now it could be her nagging that kept me going, or it could be me trying to show off how fit I was! Whatever it was I was running.
We jogged on to Turp and Greenway, (ok, ok, so I did some more walking) buy naggy neighbour said I was about 4 minutes ahead of my usual time! Now it could be psychological but hearing those words just turned my legs to this pile of mush being held together by my Lycra running jog pants!
On and On, mushy leggings keeping me upright as naggy neighbour looks hardly out of breath. 'Do you want to stay on the flat and go through the park' she says sympathetically. 'No, no, up, up' I gesture towards the main road trying to look as if it was a ludicrous idea of hers to do the short run. 'Oh, you like punishment then' and so we carried on.
'We have 16 minutes to do this last mile' says naggy neighbour. 'Its do-able' Do-able, do-able, I am struggling to keep my dinner in place! I wished I had held out and had just a snack before I went out. It was a whole 2 hours ago, but still, ewww!
Then she caught me walking again. 'Ok, run to the bus stop' she says. 'Ok, ok, I'm running' But when we get there she says ok now run to the sign! There is no walking respite involved here. As soon as we get to the sign, its run to the black car, ok run to the white car. What white car!? I can't see a white car!
The last 100m or so naggy neighbour wants to us to finish off at her her pace! I'm am pushing my self harder than ever now to finish this off, running faster than I ever have for this last bit of the route. 42.26 Did you see that FORTY TWO MINUTES AND TWENTY SIX SECONDS shaved a whole 2 minutes off my previous PB.
Of course naggy neighbour says normally she does that in about 30-31 minutes!! but that's not the point, she says 'I am out there doing it, and have just run 3 miles, that's what its all about' and to use a phrase I have read from a brilliant, insane, 7x 100 mile runner, Scott Jureck, "This is what you came for"

The last one was'nt authorised by me, but as the old boy has taken it, thought I would put it up here too, so you can all get the laughing done before you see me!
Another glorious day today, temperatures reaching tropical proportions!
I had a new little chap to look after this morning so I saved my run for this evening. My friend who lives opposite me has got back to her jogging and I asked if she was going out this evening.
What on earth have I let my self in for! My friend, my neighbour opposite me, has run in a marathon! She has trained with Hollands national marathon runner! And here I am, asking if she wants to run along with me.
Of course she said yes, she has asked me on a number of occasions to go running, but timings were always out! She turned up on my doorstep, with her Ipod, her GPS watch thingy and I'm sure something else strapped on her other arm. She looked the business! And I thought I did in my running gear, (Oh by the way, pics on the bottom, warning you now, so as not to shock you too much)
You wanted to see pics of me impersonating Max wall! Well here you go, and please when you see me please .........be kind!
We set off, me and new running buddy. But she set off as if she was in a 100m sprint! But I showed her how to run (yeah right!) It was good running along with her, she showed me that I was in fact running all hunched up, so not quite filling my lungs up each time, so shoulders back, arms not up in the air pumping like pistons, just hanging down more, conserving energy. (I know Smarty Pants told me before, but still always hunched up running along, head down hoping to finish things quickly. But new running buddy was not having any of that. She is ten times worse than nagging sister!
When we got the the first down hill, she told me to let the hill do all the work, arms down, stretch the legs. Well, I know I was doing that bit right! Because I do love those down hills. And I have leaned to let the hill do the work, but this time I even let my arms relax at bit, 'Yeah, let the hill do all the work!'
She is a hard task master! I know I have been going at a slightly faster pace than I normally go! I know I have, and before I get to the end of this road, I need a a drink. I stop running and twist my bum bag round to get my drink, and then nagging neighbour says 'Oi you can drink while you're running! Come on!' Oh Right so that is how its going to be is it. This will teach me to go out jogging with a marathon runner!
We got to the first mile, and she tells me that we have just done that in 12 minutes. Wow! Now I don't normally look at my stopwatch, usually because I have been scrolling through songs on my IPOD and trying to look for the stopwatch function is just too darn hard.
Naggy Neighbour kept at me, past the first mile mark, on and on, ok so I did take a few walking steps (when she wasn't looking) but I was running further than I had ever done before. Now it could be her nagging that kept me going, or it could be me trying to show off how fit I was! Whatever it was I was running.
We jogged on to Turp and Greenway, (ok, ok, so I did some more walking) buy naggy neighbour said I was about 4 minutes ahead of my usual time! Now it could be psychological but hearing those words just turned my legs to this pile of mush being held together by my Lycra running jog pants!
On and On, mushy leggings keeping me upright as naggy neighbour looks hardly out of breath. 'Do you want to stay on the flat and go through the park' she says sympathetically. 'No, no, up, up' I gesture towards the main road trying to look as if it was a ludicrous idea of hers to do the short run. 'Oh, you like punishment then' and so we carried on.
'We have 16 minutes to do this last mile' says naggy neighbour. 'Its do-able' Do-able, do-able, I am struggling to keep my dinner in place! I wished I had held out and had just a snack before I went out. It was a whole 2 hours ago, but still, ewww!
Then she caught me walking again. 'Ok, run to the bus stop' she says. 'Ok, ok, I'm running' But when we get there she says ok now run to the sign! There is no walking respite involved here. As soon as we get to the sign, its run to the black car, ok run to the white car. What white car!? I can't see a white car!
The last 100m or so naggy neighbour wants to us to finish off at her her pace! I'm am pushing my self harder than ever now to finish this off, running faster than I ever have for this last bit of the route. 42.26 Did you see that FORTY TWO MINUTES AND TWENTY SIX SECONDS shaved a whole 2 minutes off my previous PB.
Of course naggy neighbour says normally she does that in about 30-31 minutes!! but that's not the point, she says 'I am out there doing it, and have just run 3 miles, that's what its all about' and to use a phrase I have read from a brilliant, insane, 7x 100 mile runner, Scott Jureck, "This is what you came for"
The last one was'nt authorised by me, but as the old boy has taken it, thought I would put it up here too, so you can all get the laughing done before you see me!
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Sunny Sunny Sunday
Hi blog watchers.
Another glorious day in this wonderful creation of His. The temperature this morning was very very warm.
Smarty Pants has done something to her knee and she is having a couple of days rest to make sure she doesn't do any damage to herself. Which means its just little old me on the road today.
But I did look the part this morning. New jog pants, (Max Wall's favourite tailors) new top and new sports bra. Have my running shoes anyway, so I really am beginning to feel like a runner, and that maybe I can go quite far in this running and cycling lark.
All ready to go out. Music playing in my ears, water strapped to my back and an air of expectation. Just maybe I can beat the 45 minutes barrier, oh Old Girl, don't even think that, just think about non stop jogging even to the first mile mark. It is very warm out there, and I am hoping its not going to stop me from getting to that first mile.
I set off, feeling good in my new gear, labels of course, L.A. top and Nike jog pants, still got to have the fashion thing going on! I am feeling a little vulnerable in these skin tight joggers, maybe the backside is more than what people want to see first thing on a Sunday morning! At least it is stopping me from thinking about those first ten minutes. You all know how much I hate those first ten minutes.
I was urging myself all the way to the pub (the first mile mark) and maybe nag myself more to carry on pass this and on to the next sticking point for me. But I didn't manage it! Well I got to the first mile, but then I stop jogging and started walking.I was so disappointed with myself that I had stopped and walked, and grabbed for my water. But it was very hot out this morning!
The new gear I was wearing was now not taking up my thinking time, I was just wanting to get this jog done in 45 minutes or under. Each time I walked I called myself names, I kept asking 'Why are you walking, what is the problem' I tried racking my brains to find a reason for walking. My legs weren't hurting any more than usual, my breathing, well it wasn't perfect, but definitely not out of complete breath. Fatigue and tiredness, no, not really. So why the heck am I walking!!!!
I got to my road and picked up the pace slightly, and when I got onto my path up to my house, I sprinted! It wasn't quite a Linford Christie sprint, although I am sure he would be totally jealous of my jog pants, (accourding to Smarty Pants) but it was a sprint for this old girl.
My time for this jog, well, I am pleased with it. Not ecstatically happy, just well pleased. I ran this 3.34 miles in 44.10 seconds!!
Now, housework, shower, church and then off to my sisters for a lovely day watching England and Germany play, (by the way we lost, big time 4 1 to the Germans!) But we had a great bbq, great family time and I even laid off the amber nectar's, as I was driving!
Another glorious day in this wonderful creation of His. The temperature this morning was very very warm.
Smarty Pants has done something to her knee and she is having a couple of days rest to make sure she doesn't do any damage to herself. Which means its just little old me on the road today.
But I did look the part this morning. New jog pants, (Max Wall's favourite tailors) new top and new sports bra. Have my running shoes anyway, so I really am beginning to feel like a runner, and that maybe I can go quite far in this running and cycling lark.
All ready to go out. Music playing in my ears, water strapped to my back and an air of expectation. Just maybe I can beat the 45 minutes barrier, oh Old Girl, don't even think that, just think about non stop jogging even to the first mile mark. It is very warm out there, and I am hoping its not going to stop me from getting to that first mile.
I set off, feeling good in my new gear, labels of course, L.A. top and Nike jog pants, still got to have the fashion thing going on! I am feeling a little vulnerable in these skin tight joggers, maybe the backside is more than what people want to see first thing on a Sunday morning! At least it is stopping me from thinking about those first ten minutes. You all know how much I hate those first ten minutes.
I was urging myself all the way to the pub (the first mile mark) and maybe nag myself more to carry on pass this and on to the next sticking point for me. But I didn't manage it! Well I got to the first mile, but then I stop jogging and started walking.I was so disappointed with myself that I had stopped and walked, and grabbed for my water. But it was very hot out this morning!
The new gear I was wearing was now not taking up my thinking time, I was just wanting to get this jog done in 45 minutes or under. Each time I walked I called myself names, I kept asking 'Why are you walking, what is the problem' I tried racking my brains to find a reason for walking. My legs weren't hurting any more than usual, my breathing, well it wasn't perfect, but definitely not out of complete breath. Fatigue and tiredness, no, not really. So why the heck am I walking!!!!
I got to my road and picked up the pace slightly, and when I got onto my path up to my house, I sprinted! It wasn't quite a Linford Christie sprint, although I am sure he would be totally jealous of my jog pants, (accourding to Smarty Pants) but it was a sprint for this old girl.
My time for this jog, well, I am pleased with it. Not ecstatically happy, just well pleased. I ran this 3.34 miles in 44.10 seconds!!
Now, housework, shower, church and then off to my sisters for a lovely day watching England and Germany play, (by the way we lost, big time 4 1 to the Germans!) But we had a great bbq, great family time and I even laid off the amber nectar's, as I was driving!
Friday, 25 June 2010
We're Having A Heat Wave!
Hi blogees.
Oh I love summer days, just lounging in the garden on my sunbed, nice cool lager by my side, cooking like a sausage on a bbq.
That was my old self back before I caught the keepfit bug! Of course I still love summer. Its just now after I have done my run, and after I am all hot, sweaty and strawberry red, then I allow myself to sit under the shade and enjoy my lager (well, I can't give up on my lager can I).
Running in this heat is very demanding. I don't know whether its sweat or tears stinging my eyes, as I reached that first mile mark this morning. Smarty pants was with me the whole way to this point, cheering me on and clapping,......and then nagging as I slowed down to walking pace just after with passed it! 'Come on, old girl, you can do it' she says slapping her thighs. My face must be beetroot red now because I can feel my head pulsing. 'Water!' I said to her, at least I think I said it to her, 'Try and get all the way to Greenway' she says cheerily, not even out of breath!!, and then she was back into her zone.
I thought I was doing pretty well, I was certain I was jogging more today, and when I eventually got to Greenway and then the top of Greenway, I looked at the stopwatch on the IPOD, 23.37. Half way through my time. I think that from that point on the route I am over half way round the course anyway, but I will have to check on that. This encouraged me to keep jogging.
Got back to the one mile mark, and the heat is really taking its toll. No hat today to stop the sweat from going into my eyes the water was nearly gone and I'm sure I spotted Smarty Pants on this road. Usually I don' see her until after we get back. She has normally gone before we get to the first mile mark going out. It was good to see her on each of the roads and turnings that I took!
Looking at the IPOD again, if I only push myself I can beat my PB, if only I just get a move on I can do this! I eventually got in at 45.07. Not PB but better than I thought I was going to do, so my nagging must have worked
Smarty Pants text me 2 minutes after I got in saying that she had just got in herself. Obviously she had added an extra bit on her route today, such a Smarty Pants!
Oh I love summer days, just lounging in the garden on my sunbed, nice cool lager by my side, cooking like a sausage on a bbq.
That was my old self back before I caught the keepfit bug! Of course I still love summer. Its just now after I have done my run, and after I am all hot, sweaty and strawberry red, then I allow myself to sit under the shade and enjoy my lager (well, I can't give up on my lager can I).
Running in this heat is very demanding. I don't know whether its sweat or tears stinging my eyes, as I reached that first mile mark this morning. Smarty pants was with me the whole way to this point, cheering me on and clapping,......and then nagging as I slowed down to walking pace just after with passed it! 'Come on, old girl, you can do it' she says slapping her thighs. My face must be beetroot red now because I can feel my head pulsing. 'Water!' I said to her, at least I think I said it to her, 'Try and get all the way to Greenway' she says cheerily, not even out of breath!!, and then she was back into her zone.
I thought I was doing pretty well, I was certain I was jogging more today, and when I eventually got to Greenway and then the top of Greenway, I looked at the stopwatch on the IPOD, 23.37. Half way through my time. I think that from that point on the route I am over half way round the course anyway, but I will have to check on that. This encouraged me to keep jogging.
Got back to the one mile mark, and the heat is really taking its toll. No hat today to stop the sweat from going into my eyes the water was nearly gone and I'm sure I spotted Smarty Pants on this road. Usually I don' see her until after we get back. She has normally gone before we get to the first mile mark going out. It was good to see her on each of the roads and turnings that I took!
Looking at the IPOD again, if I only push myself I can beat my PB, if only I just get a move on I can do this! I eventually got in at 45.07. Not PB but better than I thought I was going to do, so my nagging must have worked
Smarty Pants text me 2 minutes after I got in saying that she had just got in herself. Obviously she had added an extra bit on her route today, such a Smarty Pants!
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Oh Wow Busy Day Today.
Hi blogees,
That's Right, a busy day today for giving this old girl a work out!
First I went out on my jog, went as soon as I was ready this morning, before the sun had any more time to heat the day up. I was by myself this morning, so I know I have to be really hard on myself so as not to go over the 46 minutes for this route. I want it to be under 45 minutes now. It has to start showing signs of improvement by now, surely. Maybe the heat really does zap loads of energy from me. But Not to think negative before I even leave the house.
Jogging on this route now I don't even think about the turn offs for the shorter routes, I jog pass them and before I realise where I am, I am on my way to Turpington lane! But it is still very hard going. My water is very much needed and I am pouring it on the back of my neck by the time I reach Greenway.
When I reached the point of 1 more mile to go I think then, that I wont be breaking any PB's today, but I am still hard on myself, keep telling myself to jog on.
At the bus stop I see the little girl I have on Wednesdays with her mum. Unmistakable even from a distance, the little girls buggy is a lovely bright orange, very summery, people often remark on it when I am out with her. Anyway I digress. They were standing at the bus stop, so of course I couldn't be seen walking, so I nagged myself to get a move on. You know it would have been rude to just rush on by, right? So I stopped for a little chat, (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it) I must have looked a site, hot, sweaty and red faced, wearing my pink cap! Can you imagine it!
But of course, after stopping, only for a couple of minutes, I then had to jog on, as far as I could so that they don't see me walking! Meeting people you know is nice, but such a pressure to show off your running skills!
I got back to my house in 45.42 minutes. Great that its under the 46 minutes, but I know, I know I can do better.
As I said, a busy day today, I needed to go and buy myself some proper running gear, not shoes, because I have those, its for further up the body! I need to.........erm........feel secure in my running and not get blisters from my underwear!!! Which is what has happened. So with the London to Brighton bike Ride in mind for next year, this is a brilliant opportunity to get some miles under my belt! And I rode to the shopping centre in town, did a bit of shopping, the rode home again stopping off at the chemist on the way home for the old boys happy pills. All in all it was a 7.15 mile round trip on the bike. And My goodness that was a hard hard ride, up and down hills
Still, its only a short distance compared with what I want to do this time next year!
That's Right, a busy day today for giving this old girl a work out!
First I went out on my jog, went as soon as I was ready this morning, before the sun had any more time to heat the day up. I was by myself this morning, so I know I have to be really hard on myself so as not to go over the 46 minutes for this route. I want it to be under 45 minutes now. It has to start showing signs of improvement by now, surely. Maybe the heat really does zap loads of energy from me. But Not to think negative before I even leave the house.
Jogging on this route now I don't even think about the turn offs for the shorter routes, I jog pass them and before I realise where I am, I am on my way to Turpington lane! But it is still very hard going. My water is very much needed and I am pouring it on the back of my neck by the time I reach Greenway.
When I reached the point of 1 more mile to go I think then, that I wont be breaking any PB's today, but I am still hard on myself, keep telling myself to jog on.
At the bus stop I see the little girl I have on Wednesdays with her mum. Unmistakable even from a distance, the little girls buggy is a lovely bright orange, very summery, people often remark on it when I am out with her. Anyway I digress. They were standing at the bus stop, so of course I couldn't be seen walking, so I nagged myself to get a move on. You know it would have been rude to just rush on by, right? So I stopped for a little chat, (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it) I must have looked a site, hot, sweaty and red faced, wearing my pink cap! Can you imagine it!
But of course, after stopping, only for a couple of minutes, I then had to jog on, as far as I could so that they don't see me walking! Meeting people you know is nice, but such a pressure to show off your running skills!
I got back to my house in 45.42 minutes. Great that its under the 46 minutes, but I know, I know I can do better.
As I said, a busy day today, I needed to go and buy myself some proper running gear, not shoes, because I have those, its for further up the body! I need to.........erm........feel secure in my running and not get blisters from my underwear!!! Which is what has happened. So with the London to Brighton bike Ride in mind for next year, this is a brilliant opportunity to get some miles under my belt! And I rode to the shopping centre in town, did a bit of shopping, the rode home again stopping off at the chemist on the way home for the old boys happy pills. All in all it was a 7.15 mile round trip on the bike. And My goodness that was a hard hard ride, up and down hills
Still, its only a short distance compared with what I want to do this time next year!
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Its Too Hot!
Hi blog lovers.
Well today was a bit of a downer. Yes I know the sun is shining and of course I love the sunshine, but it does play havoc on my old problem, lazyitus!
Today wasn't a complete lazy wasted day. I have made a monumental decision (I think) and that is, I am going to do the London to Brighton Bike Ride, this time next year!
So In preparation of that, I will be using my bike as often as I can, even riding to the supermarket, and not the nearest one either. Its the one further on, and I get to collect the nectar points too which is a bonus.
I went out on my bike fairly late in the morning, to get things for tonight's dinner, (I think I like this sort of shopping, I spend less, less shopping because I cant get it all in my bag,I go out more and I get plenty of road experience.) I have tried both routes to get to the supermarket, and I must say, today's route is a lot easier, and less scary than going down the A21!
I even managed to cycle the whole way to the shop, where as yesterday I had to stop and walk up the hill, and I even negotiated the roundabouts! I think if I am to do the L.t.B bike ride then I need to get used to going over them.
I parked my bike up and did my shopping, making sure that it will all go into my bag at the back of my bike any over spill can go in the bag on my back. The journey back from this shopping trip was quick and easier than I remembered the last time I had come home this way. Am I really starting to feel the effects of all this jogging, at last!
I was supposed to be going jogging tonight with Happy Neighbour and Smarty Pants, but as I have already said, my lazyitus is really playing up today, and I cried off!! Smarty pants did her jog earlier and she did hers in 32 minutes (such a smarty pants) but looking at her face at the school gate earlier I could see that it was a tough run for her. Lovely, gorgeous warm sunshine, its just not a joggers friend. Happy Neighbour was fine about not going out today in fact she said 'I don't need much persuading to stay in doors do I' I'm guessing that she won't be going out jogging by herself either!
Tomorrow is my rest day, but I am not going to be sitting on my bottom, Oh no!. I shall be walking up to the nearest supermarket for more shopping to feed the family tomorrow night!
Keep on moving! I think that must be the answer.
Well today was a bit of a downer. Yes I know the sun is shining and of course I love the sunshine, but it does play havoc on my old problem, lazyitus!
Today wasn't a complete lazy wasted day. I have made a monumental decision (I think) and that is, I am going to do the London to Brighton Bike Ride, this time next year!
So In preparation of that, I will be using my bike as often as I can, even riding to the supermarket, and not the nearest one either. Its the one further on, and I get to collect the nectar points too which is a bonus.
I went out on my bike fairly late in the morning, to get things for tonight's dinner, (I think I like this sort of shopping, I spend less, less shopping because I cant get it all in my bag,I go out more and I get plenty of road experience.) I have tried both routes to get to the supermarket, and I must say, today's route is a lot easier, and less scary than going down the A21!
I even managed to cycle the whole way to the shop, where as yesterday I had to stop and walk up the hill, and I even negotiated the roundabouts! I think if I am to do the L.t.B bike ride then I need to get used to going over them.
I parked my bike up and did my shopping, making sure that it will all go into my bag at the back of my bike any over spill can go in the bag on my back. The journey back from this shopping trip was quick and easier than I remembered the last time I had come home this way. Am I really starting to feel the effects of all this jogging, at last!
I was supposed to be going jogging tonight with Happy Neighbour and Smarty Pants, but as I have already said, my lazyitus is really playing up today, and I cried off!! Smarty pants did her jog earlier and she did hers in 32 minutes (such a smarty pants) but looking at her face at the school gate earlier I could see that it was a tough run for her. Lovely, gorgeous warm sunshine, its just not a joggers friend. Happy Neighbour was fine about not going out today in fact she said 'I don't need much persuading to stay in doors do I' I'm guessing that she won't be going out jogging by herself either!
Tomorrow is my rest day, but I am not going to be sitting on my bottom, Oh no!. I shall be walking up to the nearest supermarket for more shopping to feed the family tomorrow night!
Keep on moving! I think that must be the answer.
Monday, 21 June 2010
Summer's back!
Hi blogees,
Summer is back again! So plenty of water in my bumbag! Happy Neighbour is joining me this morning. She can only join us on her days off, Mondays and Tuesdays. I don't mind, because she runs at my pace, and occasionally I am even in front of her!
We set off about 10, the sun is shining. I am thinking to myself maybe I should have gone out a little earlier. But this will be good. Its good to jog in all sorts of weather, hot, cold, wind, rain, its all building up stamina. Not tried jogging in snow yet, but I will if we get any next winter.
I wish I could just switch off my thoughts for those first ten minutes, and just not think about anything. The music does help slightly, but with the complaining legs, and the totally wrong breathing then my thoughts come straight back to 'Oh my word, still got three miles to go'
The sun really does have an effect on your body while you're running. I know, its completely obvious to even the most laziest person, sitting on his couch eating crisps, drinking beer and watching footie. The heat zaps precious energy, water pours from your head way earlier that you want it to. I am so glad I put my cap on today. Happy neighbour says she gets to hot in her hat, but then I inform her, this helps to keep the moisture going into my eyes. She just looks at me with this sort of half grimace and half smile on her face. Ladies don't sweat!
I still didn't manage to run the first of the three miles today, and I was angry with myself, but I am monitoring certain factors, just to see if there is a pattern emerging here, diets, drinkings etc.
For the whole of the route today me and Happy Neighbour took it in turn to 'lead'. First me, then her, then me, then her. Sometimes it was good to have Happy Neighbour in front of me, because I said to myself 'I'm not walking until she walks' and when she was behind me I ways thinking 'Good, she's behind me' There is no pleasing us women is there.
We were both very red faced and sweaty by the time we got back to the first mile mark. Happy Neighbour was thinking that the time will be longer than our last time out together, I was thinking I wish this was all over. But we pushed ourselves harder, looking forward to the last road, the last road with the path up to the house. Push the button and stop the clock.
We did our run this morning in 46.20 for 3.34 miles. 3.34 very hot, hard, sweaty miles. But you know what? We both felt good today that we did it.
I just been on my bike to the local supermarket, well the second local supermarket, about a 5 mile or so round trip, I really do want to start seeing results now. I want to go shopping for new jeans!!
Summer is back again! So plenty of water in my bumbag! Happy Neighbour is joining me this morning. She can only join us on her days off, Mondays and Tuesdays. I don't mind, because she runs at my pace, and occasionally I am even in front of her!
We set off about 10, the sun is shining. I am thinking to myself maybe I should have gone out a little earlier. But this will be good. Its good to jog in all sorts of weather, hot, cold, wind, rain, its all building up stamina. Not tried jogging in snow yet, but I will if we get any next winter.
I wish I could just switch off my thoughts for those first ten minutes, and just not think about anything. The music does help slightly, but with the complaining legs, and the totally wrong breathing then my thoughts come straight back to 'Oh my word, still got three miles to go'
The sun really does have an effect on your body while you're running. I know, its completely obvious to even the most laziest person, sitting on his couch eating crisps, drinking beer and watching footie. The heat zaps precious energy, water pours from your head way earlier that you want it to. I am so glad I put my cap on today. Happy neighbour says she gets to hot in her hat, but then I inform her, this helps to keep the moisture going into my eyes. She just looks at me with this sort of half grimace and half smile on her face. Ladies don't sweat!
I still didn't manage to run the first of the three miles today, and I was angry with myself, but I am monitoring certain factors, just to see if there is a pattern emerging here, diets, drinkings etc.
For the whole of the route today me and Happy Neighbour took it in turn to 'lead'. First me, then her, then me, then her. Sometimes it was good to have Happy Neighbour in front of me, because I said to myself 'I'm not walking until she walks' and when she was behind me I ways thinking 'Good, she's behind me' There is no pleasing us women is there.
We were both very red faced and sweaty by the time we got back to the first mile mark. Happy Neighbour was thinking that the time will be longer than our last time out together, I was thinking I wish this was all over. But we pushed ourselves harder, looking forward to the last road, the last road with the path up to the house. Push the button and stop the clock.
We did our run this morning in 46.20 for 3.34 miles. 3.34 very hot, hard, sweaty miles. But you know what? We both felt good today that we did it.
I just been on my bike to the local supermarket, well the second local supermarket, about a 5 mile or so round trip, I really do want to start seeing results now. I want to go shopping for new jeans!!
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Sobbing Sunday
Hello blog lovers.
Now, I don't know if its because its Sunday, or the race for life has finished, or its because I ate crap yesterday, but today was hard. Eating rubbish food, is it really true 'You are what you eat' as that silly Gillian 'let me see your poo' person says. Because today I had no energy, it was hard going.
Smarty Pants came knocking at my door and she said she is only go to do the short run today (I say short run, but to me its the longest run among the routes that I do) because she says she is not really up for it. Well I remember her saying that last time and ending up running 7km (that's about 4 and a bit miles!) So, we shall see how far she goes today.
We set off, IPODS in and switched on and the timer going. Its a little chilly out there today, so we both decide to keep our jackets on, but I know we will warm up fairly quickly. OH MY GOODNESS my energy levels feel at an all time low. I am looking at the first long road thinking 'I have got miles to go yet'
I try not to think about it, my legs already complaining like mad, and my breathing is all over the place. I just need to get through this as quickly as possible. Now I know I can run that first mile, I have done so a few times now. Smarty Pants normally inspires me to keep going, but I am beginning to think that maybe even she is struggling this morning. I take my first walking paces way before the first mile was reached. And I was angry with myself. Smarty Pants looked behind and gave me a quick 'Come on!' and then she was back into her own personal struggle.
I gave myself a complete telling off and ran to the first mile mark.........and promptly cried, I could see Smarty Pants about 100m ahead of me, 'at least I can still see her' I say to myself, before another sob comes from me. I am so pleased its Sunday morning because there is hardly anyone about to see this pathetic creature crying and telling herself off running down the road.
This is how the rest of the jog took today, jogging, pushing myself harder, crying when I couldn't do it and then sulking as I walked a few paces. When I had reached the turning that takes me through the park and home, I had to really put the blinkers on. The head went down, peak cap pulled virtually over my eyes so that I couldn't see the sign for the short cut.
I got back to the the 'first mile' mark, knowing that now I only have one more mile to jog and again sobbed as I thought to myself 'You can do this bit, you have jogged it non stop, NOW GET A BLOOMING MOVE ON'. Am I being particularly hard on myself, I don't know? Its just that blooming thought going through my head that I can jog this bit. But I think my energy levels went down the toilet even before I had left the house this morning.
On to the last long road, telling myself to move it, faster, stop walking and start jogging. Its downhill, the best bit! Almost to my turning now, I check the stopwatch, 43 minutes and something! this spurred me on to jog faster, I can beat my PB for this route if I only move my ARSE So I did. Where that last bit of energy came from I don't know. But I pushed and ran and jogged right up to the lamppost outside my house.
45 minutes and 34 seconds
Ok so its not a complete annihilation of my previous time, but its still faster and that's what counts. And Smarty Pants must be feeling particulaly off colour too, because she really did only do the same route as me, 3.34 miles in 35 minutes, that's slightly over 5km
Now, I don't know if its because its Sunday, or the race for life has finished, or its because I ate crap yesterday, but today was hard. Eating rubbish food, is it really true 'You are what you eat' as that silly Gillian 'let me see your poo' person says. Because today I had no energy, it was hard going.
Smarty Pants came knocking at my door and she said she is only go to do the short run today (I say short run, but to me its the longest run among the routes that I do) because she says she is not really up for it. Well I remember her saying that last time and ending up running 7km (that's about 4 and a bit miles!) So, we shall see how far she goes today.
We set off, IPODS in and switched on and the timer going. Its a little chilly out there today, so we both decide to keep our jackets on, but I know we will warm up fairly quickly. OH MY GOODNESS my energy levels feel at an all time low. I am looking at the first long road thinking 'I have got miles to go yet'
I try not to think about it, my legs already complaining like mad, and my breathing is all over the place. I just need to get through this as quickly as possible. Now I know I can run that first mile, I have done so a few times now. Smarty Pants normally inspires me to keep going, but I am beginning to think that maybe even she is struggling this morning. I take my first walking paces way before the first mile was reached. And I was angry with myself. Smarty Pants looked behind and gave me a quick 'Come on!' and then she was back into her own personal struggle.
I gave myself a complete telling off and ran to the first mile mark.........and promptly cried, I could see Smarty Pants about 100m ahead of me, 'at least I can still see her' I say to myself, before another sob comes from me. I am so pleased its Sunday morning because there is hardly anyone about to see this pathetic creature crying and telling herself off running down the road.
This is how the rest of the jog took today, jogging, pushing myself harder, crying when I couldn't do it and then sulking as I walked a few paces. When I had reached the turning that takes me through the park and home, I had to really put the blinkers on. The head went down, peak cap pulled virtually over my eyes so that I couldn't see the sign for the short cut.
I got back to the the 'first mile' mark, knowing that now I only have one more mile to jog and again sobbed as I thought to myself 'You can do this bit, you have jogged it non stop, NOW GET A BLOOMING MOVE ON'. Am I being particularly hard on myself, I don't know? Its just that blooming thought going through my head that I can jog this bit. But I think my energy levels went down the toilet even before I had left the house this morning.
On to the last long road, telling myself to move it, faster, stop walking and start jogging. Its downhill, the best bit! Almost to my turning now, I check the stopwatch, 43 minutes and something! this spurred me on to jog faster, I can beat my PB for this route if I only move my ARSE So I did. Where that last bit of energy came from I don't know. But I pushed and ran and jogged right up to the lamppost outside my house.
45 minutes and 34 seconds
Ok so its not a complete annihilation of my previous time, but its still faster and that's what counts. And Smarty Pants must be feeling particulaly off colour too, because she really did only do the same route as me, 3.34 miles in 35 minutes, that's slightly over 5km
Friday, 18 June 2010
Oh I Love Fridays!
Hi blog readers, I know you are all still out there!
What a great day today. Lovely warm day, ok so the sun not shining out, but still a 'grand' day.
Its just little old me out jogging today. And of course I am my own worst enemy!. Before I even put on my jog pants I was saying I will just do the quick route today, you know the one, to turn around lamppost and back. But some how I had managed to talk my self out of that run and 'persuaded' myself to to the first turn off to the park.
So, all set, jacket on, (well the sun isn't shinning and you never know!,) IPOD switched on and ready, hat on, just in case I warm up and this will help to catch the sweat, and both timers at the ready.
Off I go, as soon as I took those first steps, thankfully in the opposite direction to turnaround lamppost, I knew that this was going to be a short run. By myself that old lazitus flares up. No one to look at while jogging, no one to say 'you're doing well' as I am jogging along. Oh yes, definitely the short run today.
I couldn't even manage to jog that first mile without doing ten steps walking pace, TEN STEPS I am so defiant when I am by myself.
But when that first mile came up I ran passed it, because that is where the short route goes off. Through the park, and home. Oh, my goodness, if you couold hear what I was saying in my head, it would turn your hair curly. but the gist of it was 'keep going you old bag, you have done this and you can do it again'
Onwards passed the next street, onwards to the last turning before the park.
By now, I was having this argument inside my head, at least I was hoping it was inside my head! I was swearing to myself that I am going to go through the park, and then the other argument was saying 'Oh no you're not' And to be fair,.........with myself.......... I had run this far I might as well carry on and do the full 5k.
So that's what I did. I got back to the one mile mark. ONE MILE left before I am home, One mile which I have run before for the whole way, door to.....erm wall, of this particular mile. And I cried, I was hoping again that was in my head and not out loud. But try as I might I couldn't quite run the whole way home.
Its hard, I am aching, and energy levels seem to only be in the soles of my trainers now. I am calling myself names to get a move on,how I am still talking to myself after this run I don't know, I was horrible to myself. Oh but that run down hill though, so good. Knowing I now only have just a short way left. I'm thinking 'I might be on target here,' about the same as what I have been doing, or dare I say even faster!
My road now, last bit of push left, last bit of running, can I run faster, I try, the slight down hill is helping so much, turn up the path, almost there, look at the time, look at the time, what does it say?!!!
46:23, the same, the same as last time, not faster, but, thankfully, not slower!
Then I remembered the text I got from Smarty Pants, 'Shall we go for lunch in Petts Wood?'...........Oh yes, now we put the speed on. Shower, hair, makeup, out!!!
What a great day today. Lovely warm day, ok so the sun not shining out, but still a 'grand' day.
Its just little old me out jogging today. And of course I am my own worst enemy!. Before I even put on my jog pants I was saying I will just do the quick route today, you know the one, to turn around lamppost and back. But some how I had managed to talk my self out of that run and 'persuaded' myself to to the first turn off to the park.
So, all set, jacket on, (well the sun isn't shinning and you never know!,) IPOD switched on and ready, hat on, just in case I warm up and this will help to catch the sweat, and both timers at the ready.
Off I go, as soon as I took those first steps, thankfully in the opposite direction to turnaround lamppost, I knew that this was going to be a short run. By myself that old lazitus flares up. No one to look at while jogging, no one to say 'you're doing well' as I am jogging along. Oh yes, definitely the short run today.
I couldn't even manage to jog that first mile without doing ten steps walking pace, TEN STEPS I am so defiant when I am by myself.
But when that first mile came up I ran passed it, because that is where the short route goes off. Through the park, and home. Oh, my goodness, if you couold hear what I was saying in my head, it would turn your hair curly. but the gist of it was 'keep going you old bag, you have done this and you can do it again'
Onwards passed the next street, onwards to the last turning before the park.
By now, I was having this argument inside my head, at least I was hoping it was inside my head! I was swearing to myself that I am going to go through the park, and then the other argument was saying 'Oh no you're not' And to be fair,.........with myself.......... I had run this far I might as well carry on and do the full 5k.
So that's what I did. I got back to the one mile mark. ONE MILE left before I am home, One mile which I have run before for the whole way, door to.....erm wall, of this particular mile. And I cried, I was hoping again that was in my head and not out loud. But try as I might I couldn't quite run the whole way home.
Its hard, I am aching, and energy levels seem to only be in the soles of my trainers now. I am calling myself names to get a move on,how I am still talking to myself after this run I don't know, I was horrible to myself. Oh but that run down hill though, so good. Knowing I now only have just a short way left. I'm thinking 'I might be on target here,' about the same as what I have been doing, or dare I say even faster!
My road now, last bit of push left, last bit of running, can I run faster, I try, the slight down hill is helping so much, turn up the path, almost there, look at the time, look at the time, what does it say?!!!
46:23, the same, the same as last time, not faster, but, thankfully, not slower!
Then I remembered the text I got from Smarty Pants, 'Shall we go for lunch in Petts Wood?'...........Oh yes, now we put the speed on. Shower, hair, makeup, out!!!
Thursday, 17 June 2010
A Short Fast Run? No!
Hi blog lovers.
Today I was thinking I was just going to do a short run to turn around lamppost and back, just to keep this old girls legs from seizing up, as I was jogging on my own today. That run is going to be my 'See how much fitter I am getting' run but Smarty Pants had other ideas.
Apparently, just because Smarty Pants had eaten loads of 'crap' yesterday (it was her birthday) she needed to run it off today. Thats her excuse. But you and I know that she has a really bad case of 'I need to run'. I know this for certain because I too was quite pleased that she was here so we could do the new regular route of 3.34 miles, (my route anyway, cos Smarty Pants lives up to her name and just carries on running!)
Its a lovely lovely morning out there, and I had my IPOD on and my water strapped in my bumbag. We set off at the usually pace, nothing spectacular and nothing Britain's athletes will ever be worried about, and just jogged on up the roads. Those first ten minutes are really horrible. In the back of your mind you know there is still a long way to go, and I know that first mile is still up ahead. Smarty Pants stays with me all the way to the first mile, and then she starts to pull away, that's when those extra ten years (and extra pounds) really notice. But I was still determined to get to the first mile.
I did it, and I carried on pass the next road before I slowed to walking and taking my first sip of water. By now Smarty Pants was just going. No looking back to see if I was still with her, she was in the zone and just kept on going, going, going.
I picked up the pace again, and jogged and jogged. I just wanted this over, all though in some weired sort of way I was starting to enjoy it. Even the ache in the back of my left leg was reminding me that I am out here getting fit. Fitter than I have ever been since I was in single figures age wise! Mmmm, when did I first get lazyitus?
The road back, which is the same road out on the new route, is both welcoming and mocking. Welcoming because its on the way home, mocking because its up hill. So like the other day, the best way to sort this out is head down, don't even look up at the road and just go for it.
Then the second to last turn right. Yes, the down hill bit. My legs are shaky, but my face is smiling, or is it grimacing, I'm not sure. But I do know that I am happy with myself for doing the long route today.
Usual timer problems, because I was squeezing so hard on my IPOD I switched the darn thing off, and stopped the timer. One good thing about that though, is that I knew that because the tunes stopped and the IPOD also makes a note of what time you started the stopwatch. So all I had to do was make a note of the time I got back to my house.
So, IPOD started at 09:22 reached my house at 10:08 meaning I did that 3.34 miles in 46 minutes! Smarty pants got to her house 2 minutes after me with the extra miles or so that she put in! So a very productive day.
Oh and I set my self a goal of running 50 miles in 30 days, and today I completed that goal. I have ran 51.40 miles since 18/05/10 not bad for an old girl.
Today I was thinking I was just going to do a short run to turn around lamppost and back, just to keep this old girls legs from seizing up, as I was jogging on my own today. That run is going to be my 'See how much fitter I am getting' run but Smarty Pants had other ideas.
Apparently, just because Smarty Pants had eaten loads of 'crap' yesterday (it was her birthday) she needed to run it off today. Thats her excuse. But you and I know that she has a really bad case of 'I need to run'. I know this for certain because I too was quite pleased that she was here so we could do the new regular route of 3.34 miles, (my route anyway, cos Smarty Pants lives up to her name and just carries on running!)
Its a lovely lovely morning out there, and I had my IPOD on and my water strapped in my bumbag. We set off at the usually pace, nothing spectacular and nothing Britain's athletes will ever be worried about, and just jogged on up the roads. Those first ten minutes are really horrible. In the back of your mind you know there is still a long way to go, and I know that first mile is still up ahead. Smarty Pants stays with me all the way to the first mile, and then she starts to pull away, that's when those extra ten years (and extra pounds) really notice. But I was still determined to get to the first mile.
I did it, and I carried on pass the next road before I slowed to walking and taking my first sip of water. By now Smarty Pants was just going. No looking back to see if I was still with her, she was in the zone and just kept on going, going, going.
I picked up the pace again, and jogged and jogged. I just wanted this over, all though in some weired sort of way I was starting to enjoy it. Even the ache in the back of my left leg was reminding me that I am out here getting fit. Fitter than I have ever been since I was in single figures age wise! Mmmm, when did I first get lazyitus?
The road back, which is the same road out on the new route, is both welcoming and mocking. Welcoming because its on the way home, mocking because its up hill. So like the other day, the best way to sort this out is head down, don't even look up at the road and just go for it.
Then the second to last turn right. Yes, the down hill bit. My legs are shaky, but my face is smiling, or is it grimacing, I'm not sure. But I do know that I am happy with myself for doing the long route today.
Usual timer problems, because I was squeezing so hard on my IPOD I switched the darn thing off, and stopped the timer. One good thing about that though, is that I knew that because the tunes stopped and the IPOD also makes a note of what time you started the stopwatch. So all I had to do was make a note of the time I got back to my house.
So, IPOD started at 09:22 reached my house at 10:08 meaning I did that 3.34 miles in 46 minutes! Smarty pants got to her house 2 minutes after me with the extra miles or so that she put in! So a very productive day.
Oh and I set my self a goal of running 50 miles in 30 days, and today I completed that goal. I have ran 51.40 miles since 18/05/10 not bad for an old girl.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
A New Goal!
Hi Blog Watchers.
Well as you can see, I have been a bit more creative, (I think) to celebrate the ending of the old blogs and the start of the new blogs. But I'm not so sure about the design, maybe each time you pop in to read, it may be changed again!
Ok, so things are still a struggle! Oh boy! That is an understatement! But I didn't think that this morning.
This Morning I went out at about 09:30 for a short tempo run (I think that's what I was doing) I wanted to see how fast I could do turn around lamppost and back. I wasn't going to go any further because I wanted to go out with the rest of the girls tonight. But my feet was itching to run, just wished the rest of me did!
But I was outside, IPOD on, and timer going. I jogged all the way to turn around lamppost, no stopping to stretch limbs this time round, just head on back home.
I knew I was running faster than I usually do, but it also zapped precious energy and I did do a couple of walking spells, but when I got back to my house, and looked at my phone I was smiling.
I beat my personal best ever time, on that particular 1.17 mile route! 14:16 minutes. I was so pleased with my self.
But as I said earlier, that wasn't the only run I did today. We went out as our little group of joggers and started off a training for a 10k race in October! It was horrendous. Even Happy Neighbour said it seemed harder this time round. We were doing an old route with an extra bit, foregoing the lovely jog home through the park. We were going to go back up the road that we previously came down on the way out.
It was a very pleasant evening if a little windy, and all of us had taken jackets. I know me and Happy Neighbour had tied our jackets around our waist, but by now Smarty Pants (oh sorry, I forgot to tell you all who is still jogging along with me) was way up ahead and is probably running her bath by now.
Those up hills are an absolute killer, I thought it best to just keep my head down and not even look. Me and Happy Neighbour didn't manage to jog up the first bit of Magpiehall Lane, but as soon as we passed the park entrance then we jogged some more. But this hill is not such a big incline as the previous one, it just stretches all the way to where we need to turn off. So the head down, listen to music and go for it.
When I turned the corner to head on towards home, oh wow! that did feel so good. I really have no idea as to what the time was (we did have a chat to a friend on route, such a welcome few minutes break) but it didn't matter, I just wanted to finish in style. So for most of that last road me and Happy Neighbour managed to jog most of it, it also helped that it was down hill too, it would have been a crime to waste a down hill run.
We got to the green where Smarty pants was there waiting, looking as fresh as a daisy. She had been there for 15 minutes. When I looked at the stop watch on my Ipod it said 47.11 minutes for the new regular route of 3.23 miles.
Not bad for a first attempt. Now to improve, that, then add more miles!
Well as you can see, I have been a bit more creative, (I think) to celebrate the ending of the old blogs and the start of the new blogs. But I'm not so sure about the design, maybe each time you pop in to read, it may be changed again!
Ok, so things are still a struggle! Oh boy! That is an understatement! But I didn't think that this morning.
This Morning I went out at about 09:30 for a short tempo run (I think that's what I was doing) I wanted to see how fast I could do turn around lamppost and back. I wasn't going to go any further because I wanted to go out with the rest of the girls tonight. But my feet was itching to run, just wished the rest of me did!
But I was outside, IPOD on, and timer going. I jogged all the way to turn around lamppost, no stopping to stretch limbs this time round, just head on back home.
I knew I was running faster than I usually do, but it also zapped precious energy and I did do a couple of walking spells, but when I got back to my house, and looked at my phone I was smiling.
I beat my personal best ever time, on that particular 1.17 mile route! 14:16 minutes. I was so pleased with my self.
But as I said earlier, that wasn't the only run I did today. We went out as our little group of joggers and started off a training for a 10k race in October! It was horrendous. Even Happy Neighbour said it seemed harder this time round. We were doing an old route with an extra bit, foregoing the lovely jog home through the park. We were going to go back up the road that we previously came down on the way out.
It was a very pleasant evening if a little windy, and all of us had taken jackets. I know me and Happy Neighbour had tied our jackets around our waist, but by now Smarty Pants (oh sorry, I forgot to tell you all who is still jogging along with me) was way up ahead and is probably running her bath by now.
Those up hills are an absolute killer, I thought it best to just keep my head down and not even look. Me and Happy Neighbour didn't manage to jog up the first bit of Magpiehall Lane, but as soon as we passed the park entrance then we jogged some more. But this hill is not such a big incline as the previous one, it just stretches all the way to where we need to turn off. So the head down, listen to music and go for it.
When I turned the corner to head on towards home, oh wow! that did feel so good. I really have no idea as to what the time was (we did have a chat to a friend on route, such a welcome few minutes break) but it didn't matter, I just wanted to finish in style. So for most of that last road me and Happy Neighbour managed to jog most of it, it also helped that it was down hill too, it would have been a crime to waste a down hill run.
We got to the green where Smarty pants was there waiting, looking as fresh as a daisy. She had been there for 15 minutes. When I looked at the stop watch on my Ipod it said 47.11 minutes for the new regular route of 3.23 miles.
Not bad for a first attempt. Now to improve, that, then add more miles!
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