Hello blog readers.
Another run down and another blog blogged! Well once I've written, which if you are reading it means that I have! Blimey, I don't know what goes in my brain sometimes!
So, parkrun. I did it, I did it alone too. I had texted the Normans Angels Whatsapp group to see who would be running, it seemed we were all running, but in different places and times! Naggy was in Hastings, so she was doing the Hastings parkrun and SnappyHannah had a ton of work to do so wanted to get a run in earlier that 9 am. So it was just me, on me own at Bromley. Well, when I say on my own, there were 792 runners and walkers, over 70 of them were Petts Wood Runners, over 50 volunteers were mentioned in the email, park users, doggies, kids, birds. So not quite on my own!
I didn't think too much about todays run, I wasn't dreading it, wasn't particularly looking forward to it either. I think that is quite a big step forward in my opinion! Even the 'Run Lords' were looking out for me today, as I was driving into the park, I believe it was Jason running towards the road to hold out a sign that the carpark was full! "Oh no, I'm not going to find a place to park now" I thought. I didn't think I would find a place outside of the park and then get back in time for the start of the run. I probably would have gone home. But just as if headed towards the main carpark I noticed just one space on the side of the road! A space that a few years ago I would have thought it was way to small to try and squeeze into. but I did it (It was quite a big space really, but all spaces look tiny to me if I have to park in them).
So there I was, among the throng of people waiting to hear "parkrun!" I am still keeping to the 60 60 even though for the first 3 minutes I ran, just because.....well I don't know really, I just did! After that I more or less stuck to the 60 60. There were a couple of times I walked on the running bit! I had my music playing in my ears, I went for 60's today. Some of it was a good beat to run to, some it it was perfect to walk to.
The first lap went by quite quickly. No, not in time, but metaphorically, As I have said in several of my blogs, I have a lot of empathy with sloths! In fact the whole run seemed to fly by quickly. Does this mean I am secretly enjoying running again? I don't want to say it out loud in case it disappears again! but yeah, parkrun did not feel a complete ordeal. In fact the only hard bit was escaping my duvet! It wasn't a chore today! Hmmm that's good right. I didn't crack any pb's obviously but I more or less stayed consistent. Here's to the next parkrun!
A couple of pictures today. One is of me running, taken by John Diamante and one is of three lovely PWR ladies, all of which ran to parkrun and then going on home or to run some more miles in prep for a huge run that is happening in April! In London!