Thursday, 25 February 2021

Still Going

 Hello blog readers


It's been a good week or more since my last blog, it doesn't mean that I haven't been busy!  Both me and Tracy have been doing our daily workout with Team Body Project.  All of last week we worked out with Daniel, Lisa and Angie and the Cardio and Resistance routine!  It was great stuff.  We are doing one routine for a week, hoping that we will be able to flow from one exercise to the other.  Knowing what is coming next will, I hope, help to motivate us to work harder.

This week we have been doing the TWT day 1 routine.  Oh my goodness, I have nearly puked on twice doing this routine!  It's hard going.  There are no other TBP, real team members, working out with Daniel and....Alex!  Yup that's right, we are working out with Alex as well this week!  The Sweatslinger!  

I had forgotten how hard this routine is!  Alex does the cardio and Daniel does the resistance.  From the very first exercise it's relentless!  Alex is straight in with 'touch and raise, squat pulse then squat and knee'.  It looks so easy when it's written down like that but to do it, after the warm ups of course, is brutal!  You start to look forward to Daniels resistance exercises.  I am watching the t.v. and watching Tracy on the Portal, trying to take my mind of the burning in my thighs, knowing that we still have another 20 minutes of gruling workout to go!

The Sweatslinger is aptly named, because at the end of it I am dripping in sweat.  Waterfalls of progress, Daniel calls it, it sure feels like I've been standing under a warterfall!  Surely it has to be doing some good.  One more day of doing Sweatslinger then I find another challenging routine!  Got to keep it going!

Also today, (Thursday) I got myself out on my bike!  So that's two lots of Cardio done today! Woo hoo!  I shall write more on my cycling blog!

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Workouts and a Walk!

 Hello blog readers.

It was pretty hard getting out my bed this morning, but having Tracy waiting for 'the call' is a great incentive to get moving.  I think that is why I kept going 'live' on Facebook last year, knowing that people were waiting to either watch or join me in getting fit.  

We worked out together yesterday too, I just didn't blog about it, was to engrossed in am sure I was doing something! I did the same one again, and tomorrow will be the last time for this particular session.  I will try another one, maybe a cardio and resistance on Monday, step it up for both of us!

I really do get a good old sweat on, it's hard work.  I just hope it starts showing results soon.  I am desperately watching what I eat, taking note of everything....well most things.  The occasional biscuit goes under the radar.  Also easing up at the weekend, after all, during this lockdown we need to have some things that are fun and have the 'feel good' factor in there.  Mapmyfitness has all my eating habits, as well as all my workout info.

The pictures today were from yesterday, if you look carefully, the bottom right hand corner, you can see Tracy!  It's more interactive when I video call her, that way I can keep an eye on what shes doing too! 

A walk today as well.  Walking with Little buddy and his brother Benji with my daughter.  It's blimmin treacherous out there, isn't it?  If I got a pound for the amount of times I said 'Whoops" I would have been quids in after that.  We walked for about 3 miles, maybe a little less.  I forgot to start up my Garmin, I hate it when that happens, but my vivoactive 3 does recognise that I am going for a walk, phew, but only after I have started. It also stops by itself if it thinks I have stopped walking!  But at least I have some of my walk logged!  

I felt so sorry for little Buddy being so close to the ground. Benji is a bigger dog and loves to roll about in the snow, but little Budbud, bless him, I was almost tempted to carry him, but I guess that is not the idea of a walking the dogs!

So another short blog about not much!  I am so looking forward to when I can get out for a run.  I seem to waffle on a bit more about that!  Until tomorrow dear readers for another riveting read of the antics of the Old Girls attempt to lose the pounds!

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Earlier Start!

 Hello blog readers.

Two sessions in a row! I shouldn't say anything really, I don't want to put the 'mockers' on it!  But there I was this morning, up early......well, earlier than I have been doing during the week.  I said I would call Tracy so that we could work out together.  She said that she has not been doing anything much, maybe the odd walk here and there! 

Although I was doing a few exercises pre-covid isolation, as Tracy was joining me I chose to do the beginners TBP class again, the one with Wade and his wife Angie, and Daniel.  I could make it a little harder for myself with my weights, if I wanted to.  

Both Tracy and I were ready, not sure we were looking forward to it, but I knew, once we had finished we would be pleased with ourselves.  It's that initial starting that gets me, but once you're in the swing of things it soon passes quickly. You should have heard the moans and groans though! From me and Tracy!  I did enjoy it though.  We are going to do the same one for the rest of the week, just to loosen up before I start delving in to all those other ones!  The ones with Alex working out too!

I forgot to take pictures, I just about remembered to switch my Garmin on though, we were about 7 or 8 minutes into the workout! So, looking forward to tomorrow ....!

Monday, 8 February 2021

Fecking Covid!

 Hello blog readers.

The last time I blogged was the 18th January! I was thinking that, that's it, I'm back, mojo or no mojo!  I did a couple of runs after that, plus some walking, little doggie walks etc, but then COVID struck!  Feck knows how! From the local shops, picking up milk! Walking about?  That's a scary thought, picking it up just by taking your daily constitutionals!  Or maybe from my son, who is a key worker and needs to go into work.  Any hoo, there was the Old Boy and me on the 26th January at the local drive though COVID  Testing, after my son told us that his test came up positive!  As it happened the Old Boy managed to escape the dreaded virus so me and my son were confined to quarters!  Actual solitary confinement!  It wasn't all bad, the Old Boy was keeping us well fed and watered, plus I had all my gadgets, technology, books pencils and games that I could possible want!

Confinement finished on Friday night!  The rain started Saturday afternoon, snow on Sunday! Just my actual luck!  I formulated (ish) a plan, just let this weekend go, recover some more from the covid thing fortunately I had it extremely mildly, only a cough, ever so slight breathlessness, which I think maybe was more stress related.  Then, come today I would start my exercises up again, running, when I can, apparently according to my running pals out there running some places are treacherous!  I don't fancy trying to run or even walk with the ice and stuff.

YouTube and Peloton it is!  Just a gently break into it, a nice twenty minutes of Team Body Project and another twenty minute Peloton session.  Not bad!  I didn't work as hard as I usually do, but it was a great 'head' start to trying to get back to some sort of fitness and hopefully work off the Lockdown weight gain!  It's not been good for my weight all this staying at home!  At least I am hoping that is all it is, because if it comes to the fact that it's all due to hormones I won't have a clue what to do to shift it!

Short and sweet blog, just to help me more than anything, to get back to it!  Come on!!!