Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Games, Workouts and Running!

Hello blog readers.

I've not been idle, I've been up to all sorts! It's been over a week since the last blog.  So, what have I been doing!  Well, I've been prancing in front of the telly, doing my Team Body Project workouts with Janice.  I had last wednesday off, family friends funeral, but since then hard work!  You would think that I would show, somewhere in my body! Somewhere, there is a very hard worked, lean, strong muscle that is hidden by blubber and what ever!  Because I really do work hard, but then, of course, the eating.....the eating does get a bit in the way of progress!  All I keep thinking is that 'If I didn't exercise, prance in front of the telly then I could be a blob by now, trying to rock myself of my chair each night......or to go to the loo, which is about as much exercise I would do!

So Monday, TBP, with Jan, Tuesday, TPB with Jan, Thursday TPB with Jan,  those three days we were doing a TBP programme that I found on YouTube, it's called Two Week Transformation, Day 1 called Sweat Slinger, Day 2 was called Warrior.  Wednesday of course I didn't exercise at all, not even in the evening with the neighbours, Thursday it was TWT day 3.  I also did my clubs Speed and core work on at the rec.  With a bubble of 6 of us on one park of the rec, three other bubbles taking up other parts of the rec and yet more bubbles of 6 at a difference location all together!  You can tell that we have all missed our club meets, because we have to book these sessions and they fill up pretty darn quick!  I was leading again, so of course I brought along the things I've been learning on YouTube, a nice 15 minute session of core and leg work done to music! I think my group quite liked the disco effect! Then was Friday, I looked for TWT day 4, but I couldn't find it on YouTube, so I checked the website that I am free member on and it was there!  Unfortunately to do that one I needed to upgrade my membership!  Well, that is not going to happen, maybe at some point, but not just yet.  So I looked at what sort of thing it looked to be, and by the description it was mainly cardio. I looked for a TBP class that was all cardio, of course that is all Alex style!  She loves the cardio.  I found the free one called Blaze!  Oh my goodness!  It was tough!  But we smashed it! We did it, I moaned all the way through!

On the Saturday it was back to working out with the neighbours in front of my house!  We used the weights!  It also started raining! Grrr.  At that lovely summer weather seems to have finished now that we have started summer!  I managed to get through most of the exercises that I had planned, cutting some down to 30 seconds instead of 40 seconds.  The rain remained at just a drizzle until we had finished!  Brilliant.

I also went for a run, by myself, all alone, solo run!  I haven't ran for ages!  I been kidding myself that as long as I am exercising my fitness level will stat!  Wrong!  I just the nice route that Naggy does with the dog, up the path that goes to turn around lamppost, but turn left half way along, through the park turn right up to the bus depo and then run along the A21 heading towards Bromley.  Left at the roundabout and then head on home via Greenway, Magpie Hall lane and through the park.  Oh My fecking goodness!  I felt like I was going to die!  I had to do a 'Jeffing' all the way around!  But I did it!  It really is totally different sort of fitness, the running, the workouts, swimming, cycling!    I tell you what I admire those that do triathlons!  Oh my goodness, to be able to do all three with a smile on your face is amazing!

So on that Saturday I have decided that I really do need to pick up my running again.  I had a rest day on Sunday, well...I say rest, as I had a completely empty house I did the whole house top to bottom, clearned, polished, hoovered, washed, you name it I did it.  Most of the day it took me!  I was totally sweating, it felt like I was doing a whole day long workout!

Which brings us to this week.  Yesterday it was back to TBP with resistance and cardio, a good workout with the weights!  Today, well I thought I would do something different and looked through YouTube and came up with 'PopSugar'.  What the feck did I do that!
When you see tiny skinny fit looking girls, full make up, that cutesy tutesy little giggle they do, you know it's gonna be hard!  So, I forewarned Jan what we were going to be doing, didn't even look through the video myself, I just needed it to be another surprise bag of fun!  Fun!  Now there's a word you just wouldn't put with hard work, sweat inducing exercises, is it!  It was tough, and then to watch the instructor do burpees, well!  There is no way in this world will I ever be able to do that!  Way to acrobatic!  I must have looked like I was dying because Dexter, my daughters dog, came over while I was lying on the floor ready to do some exercises and attempted to give me the kiss of life!  Not a pleasant thing really! Bless him! He seemed to have me at a disadvantage as I had my hands full with the weights!

So up to date, we're there!  Still fat and frumpy, but underneath it all are muscles that are turning into steel!  Oh, yes, just one other thing!  Instead of sitting on my arse, sweating, waiting for my heart to get back from panic mode, I changed my shoes and went out for a run!  I didn't push it, I just wanted to get out and run, a very short route along the main road and back through the park, about 1.75 miles!  Again, I did 'Jeffing'  1 minute running, 1 minute walking!

So, until next time bloggers! Stay safe.

Monday, 22 June 2020

A Whole Week of Exercising

Hello blog readers.

So I left my blogging for a while! Well, you don't want me sprouting off everytime I lift a blimmin weight up do you.  It was pretty tough getting back to it again....you know....after the accident!  Two weeks off and I was feeling fecking sluggish, lazy, a little thicker around the middle....and top....and bottom, in fact, everywhere!  I was so looking forward to getting back to doing some sort of exercises, if a little apprehensive. 

Getting back to exercising was a bit like washing my hair for the first time in a week, when the stitch came out.  I was expecting stinging and pain and just general yuckyness, but, thankfully when I did wash my hair it didn't sting at all.  It was like that when I did the first Team Body Project two weeks post accident.  It wasn't that bad!  Ok, it hurt, but it hurt anyway.  My shoulder complained, but I just didn't use the weights.  Through out that first week all I did was the beginners TBP video, I put in as much as I could. On one day I had my own 'backing crew' but they didn't to much, they just layed on the sofa and chair and snoozed, it was my daughters two dogs, Dexter and Chico!

Then on the Thursday it was my running clubs second Fitness In Th Park!  I had missed the previous one, obviously, but I was leading last Thursday!  My running club had come up with measures that we could keep in 6 people bubbles, as recommended by the government, keeping out two meter distances and all do some fitness and running exercises in the park!  You can't imagine how I felt being back meeting up with some of my buddies in the park.  It was good to see everyone.  What wasn't good was the fact the park was almost full to busting!  There was a kids football thing going on, and no doubt that was the parents that were standing around on the grass watching.  There were loads of dog walkers and people just enjoying the park!  I was thinking that maybe we were going to have to abandon at least one of our groups, maybe just go for a 3 mile run through the woods instead!

As it was our club was spread over two parks, there were four groups in Willet rec with a further 4 in Eynsford park, which is actually a bigger park! Thankfully though, the football crew had just finished their time in the park and it soon emptied enough for the four groups to have a piece of the park to do some running and some exercises in.

I began with a warm up jog and some skipping to warm up the legs, and then we had a pyramid style running.  the only bit of running I could think of that has not contact at all.  Then it came to the core training, this is where all those weeks or doing core training in my home came in handy!  I apologised in advance to the 5 ladies that were in my group to what I was about to put them through!  I have been learning a lot!  It's been hard work during all those weeks locked down.  It's a blimmin pity my body don't look like I've been working out, but then, as I keep telling myself, eating chocs and crips and delicious shit like that is not going to help slim me down!

I think I got a few daggers from the ladies as I put them through their paces!  After that we had a relay running section. It was shorter than our usual circuit that we had done in previous years but sharing the green with three other groups you just have to make do.  It was brilliant though, it felt good to be back doing stuff with my running club.

I also have been working out with the neighbours, last Wednesday and Saturday.  Fiona from the close is really keen and just loves coming along.  So all the while I am furloughed I will keep it going!

Today I decided to just go a little harder with the workout!  I did the TBP with Daniel and his wife Alex, fecking nora!  She is one tough lady!  Even Daniel says his wife is trying to kill him!  But I just wanted to see if I could do it.  I found this route just before my accident, I did it the first time and found it hard then!  Why on earth I decided to do it today after only a week 'recuperating exercises' I don't know!  Anyway, I did it, it was flipping tough, even to the stage of 'almost feeling' nauseous, you know that feeling, when you think if you carry on doing something you are likely to start to feel sick, but not quite!  Well, I reached that point today!  I did feel good that I did it, my body just wanted to crawl back upstairs and go to sleep!  I wish I had some of those endorphins or adrenaline or what ever it is that make people feel on fire after a good work out!

So there were are, all up to date.  Back to exercises, flying the flag for wearing helmets on bikes!  I still haven't gotten back on my bike yet, but I will! Honest!  Just got to find the time!

Monday, 15 June 2020

Did I Tell You I Had An Accident

Hello readers.

It's my first day back to regaining my fitness level to pre accident state.  Oh, did I not say, well I had a bit of a fall from my bike!  A big old husky dog ran in front of my bike and I came off!  No helmet, I landed probably head first! I am not sure as I can't remember much! Oh, oh ok I have told you, well that's good.  If you want to read about it all it will be on my cycling blog, complete with graphic pictures.  And if it just makes one other person to put on a helmet before riding, then my job is done!

So today, first day back, 14 days after the fall.  bruises still healing, cuts still healing and my should is definitely on the mend although it is still sore.  I was in a bit of a dilemma, do I go back to the TPB that has no weights or do I stick with where I left off from two weeks ago.  Well, being me, being bloody minded, I thought I would stick with where I left off!  Fool!  How many times have I moaned that people should come back and just take it easy!  Ok, so I thought I was going to take it easy anyway, if any pain happens other than then muscles groaning, then I would stop.  But I was a bit of a stubborn bugger and I didn't want to 'go back'.  It's not going back, honest, it's just warming up!  Anyway, I had bought my weights, my dumbbells and I was going to use them!  I was thinking of doing the harder version, where I would have needed my mate, but decided to just do the first one I did.  All standing, working out, with the weights and with out.  It's going to be tough anyway, so lets just see how it goes.

I announced to all the world......ok to my Facebook friends that I would be back prancing in front of my t.v. again, trying to get fitter.  At 11 in the morning I was there, poised, ready.  Weights ready, drink ready, youtube ready!  It really did feel good to say hi to everyone!  Jan was there, she was going to be joining in! Not sure who else joined in or just watched, but there was a few people that I said hi to!  So, beginners Team Body Project with resistance, all standing and it's something that I was able to do......and almost look like it was easy.....almost!  Two weeks off and a sore shoulder might make this look the michelin man trying to run a marathon without any training! 

The first few minutes, the warm up, was going really well, I couldn't even feel any niggling pain in my shoulder, I know I have been moving it about a lot more in the last 3 or 4 days, so I knew it would be ok.  Even after the workout began, still I wouldn't have known I fell of my bike, just felt good.  But then as the workout progressed, the weights, the squats, more weights, arms up, arms down, squats!  Boy did I feel it then.  Not pain, just aches and moans and groans in my muscles.  My shoulder did crumble a bit more and on the odd occasion I had to stop before the official break!  It was hard work, I got a bit of a sweat on, not like I usually do, but then I didn't work as hard as I usually do!  My muscles were just not letting me! 

So, tomorrow, I will push pass the pain!  I will not stop, once I press play then it's full on!  I have two weeks to catch up on!  This furlough business is not going to last much longer surely!  Mind you, I think once I am back at work, my working out are going to continue!  I am loving it!

Oh, I must introduce Jan's workout buddy, her granddaughter, she even used some weights!  How cool is that!

It's good to be back but don't worry, I won't be blogging everyday, but I just wanted to blog today to say 'Hi I am back, thank you all for your kind messages, flowers, chocolates and that lovely lillie plant, thank you all, I've missed you all"