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Me and Naggy! |
I know it's Saturday, or I should say, parkrun day! But I really wasn't feeling 'it' to go and join in every one else this time around. But I did go out running, hence I am here blogging! For Christmas presents this year I have been blessed with some very lovely running gear from my lovely husband and my lovely friends! My prezzies are just literally nagging me to get out there and run! The Old Boy got me these fantastic earphones that connect to my phone, and.....then nag me, or they will nag me once I have them all set up. I need to do this VO2Max thing just to see how fit I am! Well, before I even start the test I know exactly what it's going to say......'how the heck are you still getting out of bed let alone trying to run!'
So no parkrun, and NaggyNeighbour wasn't going to do parkrun today either, so we decided that we would go together....or at least I think Naggy nagged me on Boxing Day that we will be running together today somewhere! I must admit, I was relieved somewhat, not doing parkrun this morning. For a start, I got a bit more of a lay in! I do like my bed! Also there was less pressure to run 'my best' or 'look as if I am enjoying it'! You know, I do really love running, but somehow its kind of got buried under all sorts of stuff, food, beer, lazyitus, tv, carnt-be-arsed-itus, you name it and it's all piled on top of Mojo. I need to get rid of all that stuff and look to see if I can get Mojo back for it myself! As I have said to the beginners in the past, "It's all up to yourselves to actually do the training, do the running, get out there and just do it, all we can do is tell you how, support you and encourage you" Sounds so simple doesn't it. For some people it is, for others its blimmin hard! I am in the blimmin hard band! Just like some people can pick up foreign languages really quickly, or pick up an instrument and just play it, it just comes so easy to them. For me, its blimmin hard!
So I have all this gear here, new running leggings! Now they are something to behold! People will notice me in these! Because of that I better be blimmin running! I have this buff, it says it all really! I have new shoes, a new running journal with running pen and also I have these fantastic ear things which nag me when no one is around!
So let me tell you about the run. We turned up at Norman Park and it was fairly empty of runners by the time we got there, no left over parkrunners to be seen. We parked up the car and I had my ear thingys all ready to test my VO2 shit, see how fit or unfit I really am! We were planning on 3 laps, well I was planning on 3 Naggy will get in so much more while I am still out there doing my 3. What I didn't want to happen was for her to lap me! She has done that before when I had planned on doing laps around the park!
For some reason I thought this app thing (which I had to download for my new earphones) would just measure my VO2 as I ran along and then just let me know at some point in the 15 minutes it said it would take what level I am at! So there I am running, Naggy was just in front of me pulling away with each step and then the thing in my ear starts telling to ran faster, reach my max! What the.....f...! This ear piece has only got to be good right?! I mean it's motivation in an earpiece! It's all mine as well! I just continued to listen to the music in my ears, I had turned on my spotify, and just tried to run as best as I could! The thing is, the last time I had run was the Woo Woo run on the 18th Dec, so 11 days ago. And there has been a lot of snacking, smoking, eating and drinking going on since then!
I completed my first lap, feeling slightly smug, because I was thinking I was all that, and then the next lap happened! I was flagging a bit to say the least, but I tried my best to run as fast as I can the thing in my ear seemed to have stop nagging me to run faster. By the time I got to the top of the park again, along the short straight the ear things kicked in saying that I had reached my max thingy, or whatever it was I had to reach. Well that surprised me! Of course I thought that was it then the test completed, so I just ran along as best as I could, trying look like a professional in my running gear!
I completed the second lap not feeling quite so smug as before. I took a look at my Garmin, I wanted to see how fast I was running. I was still running pretty fast considering I was knackered. But there was those walking bits too. By the time I got to the top of the park, by the play area, I looked behind for Naggy, I couldn't see her anywhere, she is so going to lap me, I can feel it! My chest is nearly tearing itself apart! 'Serves my self right!' I thought to myself, nothing good can come from all the bad shit I've been doing that's for sure! Roll on the New Year! I am deffo not quoting that New year, new me shit, because it will be the same old me come the 1st of January as it was on the 31st December! But I am hoping to have a new attitude! I just going to have a lot of work to do to get to a new me, sometime next December! Fingers crossed eh!
The last lap and boy was I looking forward to this finishing, I was feeling tired and my chest was hurting, not surprising really, but only one lap to do! I pushed as hard as I could, when I got to the top of the park along the short straight the ear things kicked in again saying that the test was over! Flipping eck, I had forgotten that I was doing that! Well, actually I thought that once I had reached max then it was all over anyway! But no, I had to run for 15 minutes after I had reached max! And then it told me 'Your fitness level is below average!' Well, that's a surprise.....not! My fitness level has been dropping for some time to be honest! But I really want to get back to how I was before! I need to! I can't afford to replace my wardrobe!!
Well, I think that just about covers it! Until next run!
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My Buff, by the way! What you think!? |