Monday, 31 August 2015

Happy Anniversary Bromley Parkrun!

Hello blog lovers.
Some of our Petts Wood Runners!

I am very late writing up my blog, and the only excuse I have is 'Better Be Quick! commonly known as BBQ's.  I  had a family BBQ on Saturday, and we had to be quick then, running from the house to the umbrella, avoiding the rain to get out charcoaled meat. And then had a birthday BBQ for OrangeKarin!  And there you had to be quick, quick to get the last burger and then quick to get the last bit of Eton Mess!

So my blogging took a back seat, but now I am here.  It was the lat Parkrun of August but also the last time to try and better our August Parkruns for our club Grand Prix.  Unfortunately for me, this was the only Parkrun I have done this month!  And quite frankly I knew it was going to be anywhere near awesome, although I did try and push hard.

The six weeks of school holidays have been great fun but have also taken up a lot of my running and exercise time!  So there I was, feeling at tad heavier, a tad, bloatier (is that even a word?) and a tad lethargic than I was at the beginning of august.

Being the 6th anniversary of Normans Park Bromley there was plenty of cake!  A ton of cakes.  SingstarJo did this amazing big chocolate number 6 cake, there were tons of others too.  Also going on was some milestones of the runners and volunteers, so you can imagine the atmosphere on Saturday, it was like a huge party!

There must have been nearly 600 runners, all just doing it for fun!  Love it!  I wore my Petts Wood Runners top as it was officially a GP event, and took my place ready for the off.  I was standing along side J.J. and Janet but as soon as the 'Off' was giving then I just ran.

I think I must have got caught up with the runners as I wasn't standing at the very back as usual.  For one reason, we are running the course backwards!  So we are starting at Hook Farm Lane end of the park!  But I thought I would just go with it and see how I get on.

I was feeling pretty good, and I thought I could probably do quite well!  Maybe even getting a PB!  But I soon started fading, as my breathing was way out, my tummy was wibbling and wobbling and do it's own thing as I ran along!  By the time I finished the first part of the Letter B I was feeling it.  I had slowed down a bit.

On the second lap of the park I started chatting to another runner.  I found out that she was a PWR and her name was Gill.  We ran the rest of the way together.  She was just getting back into her running.  But we chatted, ran and encouraged each other for the rest of the way.

With jut the last tiny bit left, I just had to take a breather!  I told her to carry on running.  I saw her run off from me and I told myself off!  Not for the first time on that run either!  A right old rollicking, I just had to get back to running hard again!  I ;pushed for the last few meters!

I ran through the tunnel and collected my token!  Then I waited for J.J. and Janet to come in, but I saw Kim come in first!  Well impressed!  I waited for just a few more minutes and saw J.J and Janet come along after.  A hangover and a sore back was the reason for these two,  today they only came for the cake!

A great run and I totally enjoyed it, but then, there has not been many, if any, runs that I haven't enjoyed!

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Club Runs - At Least It's Stopped Raining!

Hello blog lovers

What a day!  Rain, rain and more rain!  I thought it would never stop!  Ok so this morning it was sunny and I was able to get the kids out for a run in the garden for an hour or so!  But then they were in all day!  The noise level was incredible!  Why don't kids have a volume control!

So I was in need of a good run!  It's too late in the year now to negotiate the woods, especially as it has been raining most of the day!  Although now the rain has stopped and the sky looks quite clear!  But I had made my decision and it's best not to change things!  Stick to my guns!

So the route for the Hero's today was up Birchwood and turn right to the round about and the turn right.  All the way down to Crossways, they up to the memorial hall, turn right and then run all the way to the other end of Crossways!  Simples.

Todays group we had Kim, J.J. and Janet, and SingstarJo and Jo, (both Jo's sing in the same choir, I can't call the both SingstarJo!) anyway, it was a great group!  Wendimoo was feeling a tad tired this week and Auriol was staying with her son as he recovers from chemo! (By the tons of prayers for you all, and I mean all my group 0's and family members xx)

I am feeling a bit heavy round the middle, the quiet weeks of the school holidays have been taking it's toll on my waistline and fitness levels.  No bike rides during the day, not running, and complete knackered in the evenings!  So getting up that first hill was going to be a challenge for me, let alone for anyone else! But no only that, I was playing catchup!  I had to put something in my car that I didn't need to bring with me, the others just jogged on.  Then I had to chase them so that I could at least look like I was in control of the group today!  I did it, but then we still had to run up the hill!

But after that hill, it's all down hill.....mostly!  And it was really a good run.  We were all chatting away and answering, I occasionally could manage more than just the one word answer as well, and so could Kim!  So I think we are all improving!

Everyone had a great run today! And the rain held off!

Geeky stats.

Group 1

SingstarJo was leading today, yes, she did group 0, but she hadn't seen J.J. Janet and Jo for a chat for a while so she decided to come along to that as well.  Anyway, S.J. has been running in group 3 recently and running at least 5 miles, so this will just keep on track with the miles.

And guess where she was heading? Yep, up Birchwood Road!  Of course it was just a tad faster than that of group 0, but thankfully not much faster as this is the warm up bit!  But unlike group 0 we don't stop for a breather at the top, we carry on, and on and on!  Our first catch up point is after we had run for about a mile and half!  Fortunately for me it was just after a downhill section and I managed to catch up with them and was just able to all stop together!  They didn't even notice that I was lagging behind a bit! I got away with that one!

The next stop was so invisible!  We carried on running and the next catchup point will be at the off license!  It seems a long way from here, but I know that it's only about a mile to go after that!  A breeze!  Funny I should say that, because the breeze that was there just at the start of our run seems to have gone, at least I wasn't feeling the benefit from it!  I was sweating like anything!  I thought I felt rain while we were all gathering at the rec, and I half expected a wet run, but I was regretting putting on my long pants!  Maybe it's still shorter pants time!

From the Off License it's all the way non stop to the rec, at least for the main group, I will be bringing up the rear ably supported and accompanied by our Moy!  And......she had informed me that it is her 'Joining Petts Wood Runners'!  Four years ago this evening she came along for the first time!  So Happy Anniversary Moy! Yay!!!!

We jogged along slowly to the rec, I didn't find any extra ooompf to get me to the rec, not sprint finish for me this evening!

A great run totally enjoyed it!

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Club Runs - The Light Is Fading!

Hello blog lovers.

The middle of August, three quarters of the way through the kids holidays!  Seems to be flying past!  There has not been enough running, not enough time in the woods!  I love running in the woods. so that was my route for group 0 today. The say route as last week but going in the opposite direction, a bit more challenging I think,

It is getting a bit darker, the light is just beginning to fade, going through Poo Ally you really do need to go carefully as it's quite dark in there.  I led J.J. Jan, Wendimoo and Jo. Jo has not been for a while, but she is getting back to it and what better way than group 0.

We came out of Poo Ally, all safe and sound, no trips or falls, thank goodness, and we turned right to go directly into the up hill going up parallel with the rail lines.  It's a good route this way, It's a gradual climb all the way to the top of the woods, even as we run along the by the side of Opington road, (although in side of the woods).  I didn't want to stop until I got all the way up to the road, just before we turn left!  I could hear the others behind, me, Wendimoo just chats away, I knew she was in sweeper position, J.J. and Jo was up with me.  So we will just wait at the top till they other two got to us.

Jo gave me a look when we go to the top!  A look that says, "Hills, really?"   I haven't the heart to tell her that we still got a couple more!  And that couple more was the path that runs along the top of the woods.  Last week we did this route running in the opposite direction of course, and we ran down the long hill, but this way we had to run up it!  After doing about a mile and a half anyway!  See what I mean about it being slightly more of a challenging route!

We all did the hill though, and everyone looked pleased that it was all over and done with,  Jo looked particularly happy when she saw the down hill along Botany Bay Lane!  All the way down to the river.........and then up again!  Still at least once at the top of the that is was nearly the end of the run!  With just he last bit running back along next to the rail lines to Poo Ally!

It was a great run and I think every one had a great time.  You can't beat running in the woods, I don't think group 1 will be running through there this evening!  Jo was pleased she did it!  It takes a lot of effort to get back out there a 'do it'!

Geeky stats.

Group 1

SingstarJo is taking group 1 thins evening.  She has come on leaps and bounds in her running, joining group 2 then 3.  I am not sure if she has even ran in group 4!  Totally well jel! But then she is 20 years younger than me. So of course she will be strong and fitter!  But seriously, I am just so pleased the way she has totally embraced running, especially as since she has abandoned doing any marathons! 

I was feeling a little jaded after group 0, so of course I offered to sweep!  I just knew there would be no way that I will be in the front!, or even in the middle of the pack!  I didn't quite catch what SingstarJo had said her route will be, which I was glad about really, because then I won't fret or worry about it, 

I guessed we wasn't going through the woods, especially when we passed by Poo Ally and then Little thrift.  Of course that left us with the undulations!  "It's fine Old Girl" I said my self, "Hills are our friend"  I keep trying with this mantra, I really do.  Leading group 0, going at my own pace, or that of any one of our Hero group then I can almost, almost believe it!

I was the last one to reach the other side of the rail lines, to the first schedule catchup.  Boy was I in need of that.  During the run to get there someone had asked how my shins were!  I didn't even think about it, they are not bothering me in the slightest!  Maybe the easing off  with the running, the lovely break that I have just had, has helped! In fact I had completely forgotten that I had problems with my shins!

We  crossed over the road then ran along to the triangle, SingstarJo was taking us down Crescent Drive.  Our next schedule stop will be the off license!  I knew I was going to be the last one there!  I was even considering letting SingstarJo know that I would be taking a short cut and going along to Tudor Way and back to my car!  But I carried on!

They were all waiting for me at the Off License, none of them even thought about popping in a buying a six pack! Oh well.  I was catching my breath and listen to S.J. as she said that we will be running along to St. Johns Road  and then running along St Johns road to Tudor way!  "Yes!!" I said rather loudly!  

After crossing over the road, we ran left to cross the bridge and then crossed back over.  But then they carried on running straight ahead!  In my confused and worn out brain, I hadn't actually picked up the fact that St. Johns Road  was not Beaumont Road, a shorter route to Tudor way.  Beaumont actually leads into St Johns!  I quickly told one of the runners that I will meet them in St. Johns as I am definitely taking the short cut this time.

I decided to wait for them, and only waited a short while before I saw them running towards me.  I joined back into the pack, and tried to stay there!  Of course I did,  after 5 and half miles I was just a little bit tired!  

The last bit along Tudor way and then Crossways was great!  Done at my own pace!  I joined the rest of the group in time for the usual stretches! A great run, loved it.  I just got to get fitter, I just got to get lighter!  I will do it!

Geeky stats

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

A Talking Club With A Running Problem!

Hello blog lovers!

So glad I could get out for a club run today, although I am only doing group 0 today!  But our Wendimoo was back with us.  That awful thing called work has really got a hold on our Wendy and it truly has got a tight grip on her.  But she managed to get out this evening, although she had to forgo any sort of rest and cuppa when she got home!

So todays group zero there were five of us, Wendimoo, J.J. Janet, Kim and me.  I was going to do the same route as last week, but with the option of going right along the top of the woods to the main road and  running past the Woodmans cottage!  Well, thats an offer no-one can resist, for just a mere glimpse of the woodman, it's worth running an extra half mile!

As soon as we left the rec our Wendimoo was chatting!  A smile spread over my face as soon as I heard her.  Ahh, I have missed Wendimoo!  Either in Group 0, group 1 or at Parkrun, all thought I haven't been to parkrun for ages!  Through the woods we went, all five of us, going at a nice conversational pace.  Kim is really do well, another few weeks, maybe even the next move up week, Kim may think about trying group 1!

Botany Bay Lane is a great challenge for all of us, just setting your sights at the top where we can have a rest, just keep on going to the other side of the gate!  We started up it with steely determination, Wendimoo was in the front. We all followed on behind her, each with our own mission, no stopping till we get to the gate.  It's a good challenge Botany Bay hill, it's a good challenge for beginners and more experience runners alike!  Just to see how far up you can get when you are a beginner each time, then see how faster you can get up there once you have mastered it!

A good practise ground, away from prying eyes too, just in case one day you are having a bad run. Although no run is a bad run, all runs are brill, just some are faster than others, some have more walking intervals, and some are shorter distanced!

We got to the top, all of us achieving our mission, running up the hill.  We stood on the other side of the gate breathing heavily but pleased that we ran to the top!  Wendimoo was on top form!  She's not been running for a while, but she has been keeping active, walking to work and from work.

We walked up for a little bit, and then J.J said "Come on, its not a talking club!"  It made me smile, because when Wendimoo is in the mix that is exactly what it is!  When she is there you can just listen to her and before you realise it you've ran  more than you thought you could do.  And if she is not chatting, then you are looking at her wondering why not.  Just like today, when we were running up towards the gate and Wendimoo was up in front.  You could just tell by the way she was running she was on a mission, she didn't want to stop, not till she got to the top.

We got to the path on the right, the one that leads all the way along the top of the woods to the main road.  We started running along here, and then we were running down hill! You gotta love running down hill.  The hands got out like you can fly down there and then of course there is the "Wheeeeeeee" all the way to to bottom!

Just the last little hill to do before we hit the flat bit.  Again we all tried our hardest to get to the top.  We all did as much as our legs could take us.  It doesn't matter that one of us didn't get as far as others, but you know you got further than you did the last time you did it!

We came to the middle path, "Ok, we can go down here, to Poo Ally or we can carrying on towards the main road before running along the rail line back to Poo Ally"  I asked how Wendimoo was doing and she was feeling good, and then Kim said she was fine, before anyone else had to chance to think about it, Wendimoo ran towards the road!  So it's the longer route then!

It was a great run, we ran past the Woodmans cottage, strategically having a breathing stop and stretch near by, but no sighting of the elusive woodman.  Then we carried on, non stop virtually all the way to Poo Ally.

I do like our group 0 runs!  Geeky stats for you.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

A Splendid Day!

Hello blog lovers.

When I woke up this morning I thought it was going to be a miserable day.  It was particularly bright out and it looked like it was going to rain.  I thought to myself that kids just wouldn't be willing to go to the rec today, their mums and dads would be under too much pressure to NOT bring them to the rec while they go running.

But come they did!  It was good to see.  There were a couple of children that wasn't here this week that was here last week, plus we had some new kids.  After registration and name tags placed on the kids, 10 in all, it was time for the warm ups. Apparently the 'butt kicks' was a particular favourite for one of our younger athletes as she was in hysterics!  At least they are all finding it fun.

The rain seemed to have stopped, it was only that heavy mist type of rain anyway,  it makes it a much more fun thing to do.  So our games, well we had football dribbling, basketball dribbling, pyramids and the magpie game.  The red team won again this week, but the blue team did win one of the races I am glad to report.

But also this week I introduced a 'Single Race'  The Team leaders, each chose their faster runner to compete against each other around a short loop.  Next time they will choose their slowest runner to compete against each other! and then the middling runner!  Just for added fun, and healthy competition.

I don't know about anybody else, but I do like a bit of healthy competition!  Winners and loses, it's the way things work, mind you I was mixing up the groups a bit today mainly because there were more Red team members this week, and also a slight 'adjustment' needed to help try and keep everything equal, when I swapped one more team member with another team member!  Well I have to try and keep team morale up!

The Red team did win again this week, so I am going to just swap the teams about for now, and who knows, I may just swap more members as the holidays continue, see who else turns up!

Core Training Session

There was a good turn out for the last structured session of the year (after this week we all turn up and just take turns in leading a session, as quite a few leaders go on holiday!) There were at least 20 of us, a great number, and we looked brill running around the field!  

DiscoRich was taking the session today, and the session was going to be the same as it was last week. Only the pyramid running was slightly longer than last week. Well actually when I say slightly longer, the first cone DiscoRich placed was probably in the same position as where Illustrious placed her second cone last week!  So the third cone was virtually out side on the road!  We could have ordered a kebab and had it picked up at the end of the session!

But we all did well, and for once I wasn't in the team that came last!  I usually do put the brakes on team and relay races, but today I must have been in a team of faster runners!

With the core training we were doing more planking!  But again DiscoRich added an extra little challenge.  While we were in the plank position we had to lift up one foot and move it to the side, then replace it and do the same with the next foot, all while keeping the plank position!  I think I managed to raise and move my foot about a cm!

Next was the relays, a favourite running exercises for everyone.  Run as hard as you can because half way round the rec you get a rest while you hand the baton to your team mate to continue!  I think I must have done two laps in the time we had.  Not bad!  Then it was just time for a stretch before going home!

A great session this evening, but I should have worked just that little bit harder!  Next time!

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Club Tuesdays

Hello blog lovers

So, Tuesday, it's been a while since I did both group 0 and group 1, (the whole of group 1).  So today was the day to step up, well it is move up Tuesday this week.

So my move up is going to be running a complete group 1 after doing a back to normal group 0.  A back to normal group 0 is a 2.5 mile route through the woods instead of the 3 Miles I have been doing!  J.J. And Janet came along to group 0 today to run along with Wendimoo, but then Wendimoo couldn't make it along.  Kim also came along, so a nice little group to go through the woods with.

Botany Bay was our route today, in through Dog Poo ally, and then turned left.  I actually like this route, its a bit more interesting than doing the right hand side of the woods.  Kim has been on holiday for a week and also had things to do last week, so she has had a bit of a break.

I said to her it was good that she was back here with us, it's all too easy to let things slide after a few weeks. Then it gets to a whole month gone past and before you know it you're back at square -2!  I know it was like that with me!  Not only did I go back to square 1 I totally went past that and put on extra weight, extra couch potato cuddle bumps around me!

And that is what I a feeling at the moment.  My weight has slowly crept up, so much so that I am hating the scales!  I am having to go on a diet! (again)  Small portions, no booze during the week, chocolate I am having to go cold turkey on!  And that's quite hard!  The kids I have all through the week come with their packed lunch which includes chocolate!!  I sit their watching them with my limp sandwich, or my nuked rice dish under 300 cals lunch pot!

Anyway, back to running.  Botany Bay Lane stretch out before us.  The nice down hill followed by the up hill at the other end!  Everybody did really well.  J.J. and Janet flew up there none stop, and Kim ran most of it, really trying hard!  Pushing herself to do as much as she could!  We took a break at the lovely National Trust house before finishing the rest of the hill to the paths on the right!

It was flat after that, well, when I say flat, there was just a couple more tiny hills before we got to the middle path.  But when we got to the middle path I said, "Ok, now it's all down hill, all the way to Dog Poo Ally, so we can run it non stop to the bottom"  And guess what? We all ran the rest of the way!

Getting back into the park for our stretches, and 2.48 miles done!  Lovely.

Geeky stats.

Group 1 this evening was let by Illustrious Leader, and our route was 'The Cocktail route'.  A route so called because during the midsummer run parts of the woods was transformed into the Petts Wood Runners cocktail bar in the woods!  And I am so sorry I missed out on is........well not really as I was having a great time in Gran Caneria!

But would you believe this route goes in through Dog Poo ally, turns left and up Botany Bay Lane!  Oh well, It's a challenge!  But this time round though, we are going straight up past the paths on the right, right up to the road and along to the pub!  Is this where we will get our cocktails?  Unfortunately no, not this time!  Also our PWR Cocktail bar was open for one night only!

When we got to the pub we turned right and ran towards to the main road but we didn't cross it, we turned right again to go down the private estate with the lovely house that inspired my 'romantic novel' run!  A great house!

We went back into the woods, it was dusk now, I can't believe the light has started to fade, our running through the woods in the evening is coming to the end far to quickly!  We ran down towards the rail lines, using the much open and lighter path, one that we use on our October 10k route, but fortunately we were running down it!

We went over the little bridge and had another little catch up, and just a general discussion about which path to take and we then carried on towards the rail lines!  We soon came to the National Trust memorial stone and then finished our run along the middle path all the way down to Dog Poo ally.

A brilliant run and I am glad I managed to stay the whole way and not have any problems.  Ok so there was a slight ache in my shins when I first started running, but it soon went the more I ran along!  So I am hoping that what even is going on with my old pins that is nothing serious!

Greek stats!

Monday, 3 August 2015

Get That Core Sorted!

Hello blog lovers.

I am trying very hard (again) to get fitter, lose some of this weight and to try and stay like it this time. Today I set off on my own for a 3 miler and then come back for some core training exercises in my house!  That was my plan!

When I thought about running and training early today, I thought I would just run around the block, you know, like I did last time when I decided to do a core session at my house.  But then I thought, "Why not run to the Harvesters, and then through the park?"  I might as well, it would only be less than 2 miles, a perfect warm up for the core exercises.

But then I thought, well if I go that far I might as well go all the way to Turpington and do at least 5k.  so thats what I did.  But I thought I might try something different. I thought I might try running with my heart rate monitor, and not let my heart rate get below 130 bpm.  I have the technology, I think I should try and use it.

I know that my resting heart rate is normally around 66-70 bpm and if I really concentrate hard, and totally relax I can get it around 56-60.  Now all this numbers mean nothing to me, but what I do now is that when my heart rate is 130 or above I am working hard!  I am running and not walking!  So to me that is good!

I did my 3 miles like that and yes I did walk, but as soon a my heart rate got to 130 I started running again!  It wasn't my fastest run of all time, nor was it my slowest!  But I am hoping to improve over the next few weeks, getting faster, putting in my miles and of course finding my abs which I am and will continue to work on whenever I can!

So, day 1 (again) done.  I hope I continue to push through this lethargy, and find my mojo!  I am just so pleased that I belong to a running club, because that alone gives me the incentive to keep going on a Tuesday evening and twice on Thursdays!

Solo run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details